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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Wow, you must have really pissed off customers calling in if you need armed security license for that job. - OS
  2. Don't have to bet. Mark states that on site. - OS
  3. I sure don't know how you got to that particular part of TCA from the Federal DOT site link you posted, but anyway, that's a section about written directive and permit to carry handguns by police officers, magistrates, constables, and etc, and has nothing whatsoever to do with transportation or commercial vehicles. Of course, as I said, handgun carry is determined by state laws. I don't know of any which prohibit carry simply because of being in a commercial vehicle, however. I think you'd be hard pressed to find ANY interstate trucking company that doesn't ban its drivers from having firearms, including owner operators leased to them. That's a matter of employment though, and not state law. - OS
  4. 'Of the 21 states in the historical range of the cats, "no states expressed a belief in the existence of an eastern cougar population,"' Really amazing how many TGOers has seen one. And of course almost every TGOer knows someone who has. Right. - OS
  5. Except there may be any number of automated bids all happening in last 5 seconds. Still comes down to the highest. - OS
  6. Anymore, most sellers send you a Second Chance Offer, if they have more of the item and, liked your high bid enough. - OS
  7. That's less than what was on board the first moon shot. Seriously. - OS
  8. Belated post, but no way he shot it in Maine. 268lbs possible I guess, but also highly highly doubtful. Here's the famous big cougar reputed to have been killed all the way from MT to PA, and several places in between. Guy is 5' 10", and cougar weighed 190 lb. Skull 15-12/16, whatever that exactly means. Tied for 6th largest. The largest cougar I can find reference to with weight is a 16, which weighed 218 lbs., 7'9" from nose to tip of tail. It was 4th largest in the world. The largest was still a 16 something skull, but no weight associated with it. Then again, maybe your friend had a world record and didn't claim it, eh? - OS
  9. Correct. "Incident to lawful hunting, trapping, fishing, camping, sport shooting or other lawful activity". Of course the other lawful activity does not include "going armed". Clear? - OS
  10. Gee, what a unique and logical point of view. This man is a deep thinker. - OS
  11. Easier, just suspend 2012 elections due to national emergency (said emergency yet to be manufactured). The emergency can last decades; it's worked well for various other dictators around the world. It's just an extended form of Chicago politics. - OS
  12. Naw, I get them on most all issues. Maybe it was from NRA-ILA division. I give them a few bucks now and then, usually when they send the big sweepstakes stuff. I get lots of stuff from NRA. Do you open all your mail from them? - OS
  13. Plus they realize it's organized by the NRA and they understand its power. After all, in spite of its warts, that's why we belong. - OS
  14. Everybody send their NRA pre-labeled cards into Lamar and Bob? - OS
  15. Yep, as mentioned, greenways of course are part of the park system. Far as I know, the Coliseum is considered part of the park system also. And of course, any city ball field, tennis court, basketball court, etc, whether it is in something named "x Park" or not. Probably other places designed for "recreation" that I'm overlooking. The tired example given over and over is that an otherwise law abiding permit owner will go crazy over a kid's ball game and shoot the umpire, the opposing coach, and every member of the other team, and their parents and first cousins. Or, "children and guns don't mix". Or some other lame and trite namby pamby adage. - OS
  16. You folks are sooo spoiled. Mine took 90 days, exactly to the day, 2.5 years ago. And would have been longer without some bitching on my end. Glad you scored, though. Zero content thread was getting long. - OS
  17. Oh Shoot

    Kahr CM9

    Yeah, I haven't read any range reports or anything yet. I don't see why it wouldn't be as reliable as a PM9 (which of course can be initially somewhat problematic). Plus you could safely shoot lead bullets. I accidentally shot just two mags' worth of lead heads through my PM9 not long ago, and wow, I see why these and Glocks could blow up pretty quick from doing it. - OS
  18. Ah, just was revisiting this thread. The reason your HCP was suspended, is that once you have an HCP, any Class A misdemeanor conviction loses your HCP for the duration of the sentence. AFAIK that includes any probation period also. A one year DL suspension would also be part of the "term of the sentence imposed by the court", as the statute reads. - OS
  19. Wasn't flogging you. It's not so much "military" stuff as just Ka-Bar stuff. To my knowledge, they have ever, as today, used stacked leather for grips. It's coated with several layers of some kind of veneer, maybe even an epoxy anymore. https://www.kabar.com/famous.jsp I'm sure you could fix up the leather in various ways, maybe sand down a tad and recoat. You could even replace it. Or send it to Ka-Bar. Or if no one here gives definitive answer, ask on couple of the giant blade forums. Actually, the knife forum on survivalistboards.com has a number of knife makers, and the Ka-Bar folks there are pretty active, and they're generally not snobs. - OS
  20. Minimum Cro-Magnon awareness level required. Sorry. - OS
  21. Surely it's leather? Have US military Ka-Bars ever been wood? - OS
  22. Whoosh. - OS
  23. There is a no-whoosh day? - OS
  24. Oh, probably...I've skipped the last couple at Jacobs, guess I'm ready for one...Mike.357 expressed interest. The Usual Suspects at 9 on Sat? - OS
  25. No more coupons for you, whippersnapper. - OS


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