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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Outstanding. I'm sure you'll really dig it, as I do mine. - OS
  2. Yep. The folks with the coffins were there too, beau coup uppers spread around. - OS
  3. Could you be charged? Sure. Would you be charged? Who knows? Too many variables. You'd pretty much have to be under arrest or probable cause for something so that you were detained and searched. A cop having a bad day always ups the odds, especially if you pissed him off, maybe his arrest stats need padding, etc, whatever. Penalty is same as carrying pistol without permit, and you could lose your HCP over it, at least for a year or so. It's just one of those laws that seems worth obeying to me. Otherwise, I'd be carrying a 6" Cold Steel Voyager. - OS
  4. Hopefully, you'll never be in a situation where the length of that puppy will be checked by LEO, eh? - OS
  5. Nah. Hell, if he'd just toss his heater somewhere on a seat, your HCP would cover it. Unless he wanted to confess. - OS
  6. "Those shale resources alone are actually three times larger than the proven reserves of Saudi Arabia, so the claim that the U.S. only has 2% of the world's oil is clearly false." I'm sick of hearing about the oil shale. Just like the hydrogen fuel cell, it produces less energy than it takes to get it. It seems realistic that the US has something like <5% of all known liquid oil deposits, but uses 25% of world output per day. It's also true that the US Dept. of Interior claims we have 134 billion untapped barrels of liquid oil. That includes Bakken, ANWR, offshore in all US waters, everything. Guess what, even if we had every drop in hand, right now, that's only 18 years worth at present consumption of 20 million bbls/day. Probably a lot less, since we increase consumption every year. Who cares if O fudges stats some, the truth is plenty bad enough. - OS
  7. Then it's not the classic military model. Probably a hunting model, Bowie, Finn, Hunter, Skinner, whatever, if it has the leather built grip. You can probably find it on site there. They still make most of their traditional models. - OS
  8. Environmental economic determinism, I maintain. Only question in my mind is whether our generation sees the population crash. Maybe will, since the US has sped up the demise as much as it possibly can with inane policies. - OS
  9. Oh Shoot

    FFL needed?

    There are no extra fees. If the FFL is willing to sell to you, it's same as if you were a MS resident. He simply has to do 4473 like any FFL in the US does. Matter of fact, it should be $10 cheaper, since there's no TN TICS tax. - OS
  10. One thing I'm sick of hearing misrepresented though: over and over "waves traveling at 500 miles per hour, slamming into..." . They only travel at speeds like that at sea; as they reach shore they become more like 25 mph or less. Not to minimize the catastrophe, but the news doesn't need to enhance it with voodoo science either. - OS
  11. Hardly a civil war. Just anarchy and desperation in all directions. - OS
  12. You said it was "smaller". We've been discussing the 7" blade model, which was the standard military issue. - OS
  13. If you mean the standard USMC type, they make several models with 5.25" blades instead of the standard 7", but have no idea how long they're been doing it. https://www.kabar.com/product/productDetail.do?productNumber=1251&mode=category&categoryId=1,2,3,7&categoryName=Military/Tactical - OS
  14. But the XDm 9mm goes all the way to 11. (19, actually). That's a waste on zombies, though. .22LR is adequate. - OS
  15. Oooo, good one. Actually, if you have .45 XD you're cool with .45 XDm, mag wise. I believe that's the only cross over. - OS
  16. Takes two sides for a civil war. What are the opposing factions at that point? - OS
  17. Prob is, not one of them was elected as an independent. All have GOP hooks in now. We'll never have what the Tea Party is striving for with the existing two party system, and their electees won't change it by becoming part of it. - OS
  18. Hear! Hear! I'd just loan him the gun, too. - OS
  19. And remember, this is still only for 2011 budget, which should have been enacted in October of 2010, before any of these new GOP guys were even elected. We are now 4.5 months into the fiscal year, with no budget passed. Not that that's any real defense of the GOP, which I still claim will dissolve most all of the truly conservative members before they can have any lasting effect. The GOP and the Democrat Party are both The Borg. - OS
  20. Yeah I have 3 XD 9mm models. But likely won't ever get an XDm just 'cause of the mag situation. - OS
  21. If you lose your permit for any reason, you no longer have a "right" to bear arms in TN. - OS
  22. Common in Kali, too, but not 8.9. This was 130 miles off coast from nearest landfall in Japan. If this had happened on land there (or Kali), wow. 150 mile long by 50 mile wide gash of total destruction, probably approaching 100% fatality rate, not to mention the other destruction for many miles beyond those parameters. Would definitely qualify as The Big One. - OS
  23. I'm so glad you explained that - would hate to think you recognized a joke. - OS
  24. In both Matthew and Mark. - OS


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