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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. TVA made statement today that all their reactors would have stood up to the conditions that happened in Japan, even better: TVA says its plants are more robust than Japan However, let's remember this quake did NOT happen AT the nuke plants. Forget about the tsunami, probably nothing could survive a slip fault 9; maybe it would get buried deeply enough to be safe or something, who knows. - OS
  2. That isn't even in the ballpark of the type knife being discussed in this thread. Illogical comparison, totally off topic too I might add. - OS
  3. No biggie. I just hadn't heard much feedback on here about the smaller CB holsters, just wondered. - OS
  4. What model Ka-bar are you comparing it to? - OS
  5. I'd say most folks in the Czech Republic would resent that comment. Sellier & Bellot is also one of the oldest companies in the world. - OS
  6. JFYI: Only mods can zap a thread, except in For Sale forums. - OS
  7. QwikClip or MiniTuck? They don't make a "QwikTuck". - OS
  8. Oh my, so terribly sorry to hear this; prayer offered, in my way. - OS
  9. This should be in Handgun Carry and Self Defense, I'd say, but anyway: There are two almost identical paragraphs in that statute, the only difference being the first one mentions other weapons and "going armed". There is no allowance for handgun in vehicle there. The second paragraph does not mention "intent to go armed" and allows the handgun in car. Thus, it has often been opined (and I tend to agree), that this means an UNLOADED gun, which is about the only way a gun can be possessed in TN without intent to go armed. - OS
  10. Could always have special (and factually valid) exemptions to statute I guess. As I understand it, Disney has that in FL, because of "explosives" being on site, however bogus that actually is. - OS
  11. Ah, a nice warm weekend in April. My kind of survival. - OS
  12. By all accounts, the Red Cross has once again become one of the least wasteful charities, with something like .92 on the dollar actually being spent on their missions. The "celebrity funds" complete with telethons, have been shown to be bogus over and over. The Clinton led Haiti fund just basically disappeared, no accountability at all, for example. - OS
  13. That's always a persuasive argument, and surely the one seen as valid by the states that have passed "parking lot possession" statutes. Haven't read about any constitutional challenges after the fact on any of them either. - OS
  14. Well, sort of. As long as you renewed before permit expired, your receipt and an expired permit are good until new one comes in. You could have done it just the day before it expired, for example, but you could still carry. If you renewed after permit expired, you're right, no carry till new permit arrives. - OS
  15. No need to do that in VA anymore. I think the owner can still post the property though. - OS
  16. Read my post above? You don't even have to be 18 necessarily. And you CAN legally buy a handgun at 18 in a private sale. - OS
  17. You don't even have to be 18 in all cases. 39-17-1303. Unlawful sale, loan or gift of firearm. — (a) A person commits an offense who: (1) Intentionally, knowingly or recklessly sells, loans or makes a gift of a firearm or switchblade knife to a minor; ( It is a defense to prosecution under subdivision (a)(1) that: (1) A firearm was loaned or given to a minor for the purposes of hunting, trapping, fishing, camping, sport shooting or any other lawful sporting activity... - OS
  18. Oh Shoot

    My first baby

    Failure to feed on Hi-Points, pistol or carbines, is almost always mag related. Rounds are not pointed upward at an angle, so nose dive into front of ramp. Squeeze feedlips closer together so you can barely get the bullet part of the round through it. Need to push follower down out of the way to do it. The feed lips loosen up over time, over for whatever reason; the mags are made from very thin steel. Could also be that the back part of mag has gotten too tight, but that's usually not the case. Don't use any kind of lube, none, nada. - OS
  19. Right. And I think the odds of being able to do it with a pump shottie are about the same. - OS
  20. Of course, it should be that the state should compensate you somehow for the hassle, duress, embarrassment, expense, and inconvenience of the whole ordeal. Which hasn't ended yet, even though the mistake has been admitted. Not to mention the clearly unlawful taking of your permit. But that isn't in the cards. - OS
  21. Well, whatever....I'll reserve opinions on that style holster in the first place, but I do have a couple of them, and can tell you that the one in the article seems too small for that gun. The ones I have intended for backup use of the guns I've put in them, the guns fit in deeply enough to entirely cover trigger housing. One is leather, and one is a "leather like" material, but I can't see either of them doing this, regardless of how soft they got. - OS
  22. Yeah, but actual firing pin is not blocked. I think it's basically the same way any floating firing pin without a block can discharge with enough drop force. But consensus seems to be that it would take way more than dropping from human height, and there are few, if any, actual verifiable cases of it happening. Obviously, if this were much of a real world worry, the design would have been modified long ago due to such widespread use by police and military. - OS
  23. There seems to be no procedure for "un-registering" a handgun in MI, except that sale, gift, inheritance to another MI resident would require a handgun permit on the receiver's part. MSP - Purchasing and Registering a Pistol in Michigan Michigan Legislature - Section 28.422 However, I did find this FAQ from Michigan State Police, who would "like" you to notify them: "9. I am giving my registered pistols to my son who lives in another state. How do I get the pistols out of my name? There are no provisions in the statute; however, send a letter to the Michigan State Police, Firearms Records Unit, P.O. Box 30634, Lansing, Michigan 48909-0634, advising of the transaction. The letter must include a description of the pistols, your son's name and address, and the date of transaction in order for the Firearms Records Unit to update their records. Your son must comply with the weapons laws of his own state. There are federal restrictions regarding transfer of ownership across state lines. " http://www.michigan.gov/msp/0,1607,7-123-1586_27094-10953--,00.html#Pistol_Registration__Purchase____Transfer So I myself would do what I originally said, which is have dad loan the gun. This is legal under both TN and federal law. He can send a letter as above if it makes him feel better. You both can go through the hassle/expense of transferring the gun through a TN FFL also, of course. - OS
  24. OP, if your dad is still a MI resident, then the only legal way for you to receive the gun in TN and have an initial record of it into your name is to have it transferred to you via a TN dealer with a Federal Firearms License (FFL). He can ship it to a dealer here, or he could physically bring it down and you both go to a dealer. There are dealers who will do it for $20 plus $10 for the federal 4473 background check. Or, he can simply legally loan you the gun with no paperwork at all. There is no time limit specified for the loan. As long as he doesn't care that the gun would still be traceable to him in MI if you lost it during a gas station stickup, this is how I would go. Incidentally, one can inherit guns over state lines with no paperwork needed, just something to keep in mind down the road, hopefully far down it. All of these are per federal law. TN doesn't have any "registration" stipulations, and transactions between TN residents need no paperwork at all. - OS
  25. Well "they" (Cold Steel) are waiting on "them" (the factory in Taiwan or Japan or China) to crank the actual knives out. There was a glitch in the supply chain for the new Voyagers, so they didn't make it out at the same time the new Recon 1s did. - OS


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