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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Really, only in the Bible, as far as dissing Christ by speaking out against Paul and his churches. But of course all Jews dissed Christ, as they do today. Pharisees and Saducees were Jewish sects, sort of like Shiite and Sunni Muslim division. - OS
  2. The only jams I've ever had with PM9 occurred with jacking the first round on new mag. From slide stop, too. It's a well-known issue that carrying a spare mag loosely in pocket or whatever, the top round eases forward and becomes no longer upward pointing. The top round, or even several rounds, can actually pop out of the mag in pocket too. At any rate, yeah just as you postulate, I've attributed these rare occurrences to my not having pressed that top round into correct position. - OS
  3. Obsidian can have a finer edge than any steel made. There are specialty scalpels still made from it. Disadvantage is brittleness, so the blade can't be very long if strength as well as sharpness is needed. - OS
  4. I'll miss Beck. Also, he's boosted the economy. He's probably responsible for more survival related sales than SurvivalistBoards, FrugalSquirrel, George Noorey, Alex Jones, etc, all combined. - OS
  5. No human on earth could drink enough .4% beer to hit .08 BAC. If two 4% beers could make you legally drunk, that would take 20 .4% beers. And PDQuickly consumed, too, as the first 5-10 of them would already be metabolized before the second 10 could be consumed. Not to mention the delay of a piss break every beer after the first 6 or so. Buuuurrrrrppppp! "non alcoholic beers" have that little bit of trace alcohol because they really are brewed, and nobody has figgered out how to make them completely alcohol free and still taste like beer. - OS
  6. TNDOS site only shows two requirements as far a "residency" - Applicants are required to be a resident of the State of Tennessee; - Shall not be an alien illegally or unlawfully in the United States; ?? - OS
  7. Ah, good to know their real name since I've seen them so often all my life but never knew, thanks. - OS
  8. Oh, there's Great Blue Heron's in most of the US, even up through Maine and lower Canada. They're even in the major drainage creeks here in Knoxville urb, the ones you can develop film in. I'm not really sure what those smaller guys are in LakTrash's pix, though I've seen them often, too. They seem to have quite short legs. Not Great Blue's? - OS
  9. Good point. If it weren't for the actual terrain, the country is quite alien to me. - OS
  10. Wait a minute. You telling me he's out of hospital? Or was this just a "formal paperwork" booking? - OS
  11. Yes, but they access the NICS database, just as all other states do. They just impose another level of bureaucracy on things. And charge you a tax for it. - OS
  12. Well, we are mooting here. No they don't. Short form could be forged, doesn't have hospital/doctor/etc, no signatures of anyone who was present at birth. - OS
  13. Oh Shoot

    CDL info

    You know, I think it used to be. But I don't think it is anymore? Can find no mention of it anywhere on TNDOS. Look at first page of CDL Manual, "Do You Need a CDL" flow chart at: http://www.state.tn.us/safety/driverlicense/CDL_Classifications.pdf - OS
  14. I don't really understand. There are state parks that are off limits to fishing? That's a new one on me. - OS
  15. Including filing bankruptcy on some of them at least three times. It probably WILL be important to know how to do that pretty soon. - OS
  16. Btw, guess who did have to produce his actual birth certificate? Yep, John McCain. - OS
  17. Oh Shoot

    CDL info

    Oh, well, never mind my comment. /Emily Litilla A Class C is for carrying 16 or more passengers or placarded hazardous stuff. (maybe the pizza is classified as such!!) So it must entail either a straight truck over 26,000 ( or a tractor trailer towing more than 10,000 (A), assuming the ad is correct. - OS
  18. Jeez, it's Gatlinburg, not Detroit. - OS
  19. No it's the opposite. Email older than 180 days onsite on yahoo, google, etc (the cloud) is currently fair game. Obama admin wants to keep it that way. Downloaded offsite to your own server or personal computer still requires probable cause and warrant. - OS
  20. Oh Shoot

    CDL info

    Yeah, F "for hire" endorsement is what I'm thinking for that type truck. 'Cept for the semi guys, that's all FedEx Ground step van and straight truck drivers need for the most part. http://www.state.tn.us/safety/driverlicense/classf.htm - OS
  21. It's only news if you fail. Seems most folks are getting them in 30 days or less just glancing at posts herein. Congrats. - OS
  22. You can't fish there with a TN fishing license? - OS
  23. Oh Shoot

    CDL info

    I drove a rig in my youth for a while, back when a Special Chauffer's license only was needed. I got CDL Class A in '04 (school, long story) and the staff (and a couple of previous drivers who had let CDL lapse) all said that it's almost impossible to pass the pre-trip the first time without some detailed instruction, at least on a semi with air brakes. It's very much a "by rote" deal, and they don't even necessarily pass you if you forget something in order and come back to it toward end. - OS
  24. All the loaders are part timers, and the pickings are tempting. Lotta "off the street" guys, or worse, college students. And of course, all the drivers aren't employees either, they're "contractor/owner/operators". Main contractor is honest enough but he may "own" any number of routes, and he hires other drivers, who aren't necessarily vested in the long term straight and narrow of things. Most of the on-site searches due to the loaders, the big time driver thefts generally happened off site somewhere. - OS
  25. He was already wanted for a robbery in CO since his release, according to news. So presumably he already had at least one gun before he left that state, seems. - OS


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