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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. An importer, mostly. - OS
  2. That too. My buds from Planet Jack. It's there. Look at site. On Sugar Hollow road up past the Cracker Barrel on the north end, not on Parkway. I felt like I helped build it, I delivered so much stuff to them for about a year. Downhill in plastic bubble. Looked like about half the folks would lose their lunch if not have heart attack. - OS
  3. Did ZORB make it? They were just about to finish it up when I quit delivering over there. Frankly, I really wasn't sure I'd have the balls to do it. Oh, here: ZORB.com - Home - OS
  4. That's pretty rare from what I read here which seems to be that most PDs sell/bid out all their guns to FFLs only. - OS
  5. Does AMC show their stuff unedited anymore? Added commercials, of course, so there's a plus. At least it is letterboxed. - OS
  6. FWIW, US Census as of March, 2009 http://www2.census.gov/govs/apes/09fedfun.pdf 15.1 million civilian workers, counting USPS. Dunno how to translate that in relation to your comment, though. - OS
  7. I've about come full circle on all that. If our government remains too stupid to allow US industry to compete, I ain't gonna change it by buying nothing from abroad. Plus, there are plenty of US jobs dependent on our buying foreign goods, and plenty dependent on Chinese goods specifically. Maybe as many as are lost from production, for all I know. - OS
  8. Remember my first thought till we got closer was that it was indeed the largest black dog of some sort in the world. (Folks, it really was a bear) - OS
  9. - OS
  10. Don't be so sure ... he has some weird health problems. Physical ones, I'm talking about. - OS
  11. Just stick to facts, don't proselytize. Unlike Beck. Ah,see what I did there? - OS
  12. PM9, even in thin kydex holster is JUST small enough for me to comfortably carry in cargo pants main front pocket, and I ain't no shrimp. I have some pants with "normal" pockets" that are not tight at all, and it's too big for them to be truly comfy). (the added mag holder holster doesn't take up any more available area or thickness than one without it). - OS
  13. Guys, get a room. After all, I backed off on the historical Bible, which was equally off topic, but more interesting. - OS
  14. Naw man, you were driving and didn't get as good a look as I did -- it was a BIG BLACK PANTHER !! And it was running from the BigFoot that was hot on its trail! - OS
  15. Yeah, I've been patronizing Indonesia, VietNam, Japan, and Taiwan more lately. Except for Boker Magnum knives ... made in China and excellent. You used to be in the golf biz...you know that the best and most expensive golf clubs have been made in China for about 20 years now, yes? I understand your political bent, but "made in China" doesn't simply equal "crap" for a good long while now. It's all dependent on the specs supplied to the manufacturer there ... Chinese industry can tool up for pretty much anything made. - OS
  16. Little oddity here, this feller says CM9 is a little longer than the PM9. Kahr shows dimensions exactly the same at 5.42" for both. Looks like the frame on the PM9 extends just about that much more underneath the barrel, so maybe it's an optical illusion on his part, dunno. - OS
  17. The bigger capacity boys are for all the Democrat zombies and feral dog packs during The Crash. Don't need any little pocket rockets then. - OS
  18. Don't call me Normal. - OS
  19. Well, his theatrics are called entertainment. Most of the rest entails interesting juxtapositions of provable facts, which may or may not relate to each other in quite the way they are presented. Except for his wildest "suggestions", I tend to have a "where there's smoke there's fire" view. My turnoff is that he's become half Mormon Prophet. - OS
  20. There is beau coup more written history about those times than the New Testament, none of which of course mentions Jesus. When one writes a historical novel, one of course generally bases it on the actual otherwise known events of the period, whether it is during or after the fact, so that's a poor premise. Margaret Mitchell didn't have the South winning the war, but you won't find Scarlet O'Hara in other references. Btw, I suggest we get back on topic of Beck himself, who may think he's a messiah but I guess that's not really relevant here. - OS
  21. Well, sorry for the aside, but let's be a little more precise, since you brought it up. Earliest gospel was written some 40 years after the death of "Jesus" (Mark). Earliest New Testament writing period were some of the 13 or so books attributed to Paul, probably a bit earlier. There are no mentions of Jesus dated within his attributed lifetime, neither historical nor evangelical. None. - OS
  22. Gadzooks! Good one, Mikey! I'll just take that as a compliment. - OS
  23. Ah, "stories of enormous black cats that are larger than mountain lions". MonsterQuest is a riot. I like the River Monsters guy, at least he catches something now and then. - OS
  24. Well, most people who carry Mexican style have NOT shot their goobers off. But would seem to me they're actually also the least likely to buy this gizmo. - OS
  25. Dunno what you look like Laktrash, but methinks Mike.357 (or me) have little worries about that in stir. And btw, illegal carry is only a Class A 'meaner at most, even with repeated convictions. One might serve some county jail time at worst (probably not for first offense) and that would be bad, but it's not like one willl be in Riverbend or other "big house". - OS


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