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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. (approximate) The top 1% pay 20% of total personal income taxes. The top 10% pay 70% ... The bottom 50% pay 2% ... 47% pay no taxes at all. One of (the numerous) reasons America has lost its national ethos is that almost half the population has no vested interest in the country at all. Not even ten bucks worth a year. - OS
  2. Ah, the UTK SGA - it remains one of the best little socialist orgs in the state. Even though capitalistic Dads are paying the bills for the most part. From article: "It's going to slow down our response time to determine who is the bad guy and who is the good guy," said Lt. Emily Simerly, a UTPD spokeswoman. Yeah, Emily, the good guys are pretty easy to determine right now in college shootings -- they're the dead ones. - OS
  3. So the GOP has nothing. New lowest rating in history for a president at this stage of his term. And yet he still beats all other contenders. He beats Palin the worst, btw. Poll: Obama down, but still leading GOP rivals - Jennifer Epstein - POLITICO.com - OS
  4. Here's link, didn't show in Firefox, you had IMG tags instead of just HTTP, not sure how you can reference single pic on FB to make it show as image: Pet garter snake eating a bird eating frog | Facebook They tell me that flatbed scanners and digital cameras will record photographic prints. - OS
  5. Fair Tax resolves every conceivable existing problem. Everybody pays, illegals, black marketeers, everybody. BUT, we would all pay anonymously, and gummit would have NO control over segments of the population by tweaking tax code as now. Could not reward who they want and punish who they want, could not influence voting blocs, etc. Those control issues is why it won't happen. One other downside ... all the models show that the gummit would be rollin' in dough, from federal down to city levels. Which of course means they'd still spend it all and want more. - OS
  6. Y'all didn't pull Erik's Advanced Database Query method didja? - OS
  7. Ya mean companies? R-P Remington pmc PMC FC Federal Cartridge winchester Winchester A-merc American Ammunition S&B Sellier and Bellot All fine, 'cept maybe the American, ya might wanna search/read some on that... Sorry if this isn't what you meant. - OS
  8. That's has got be as esoteric a knife as I've ever seen! Ya say ya don't carry it around to open boxes and whittle? - OS
  9. Works, if you don't have biz income/depreciation, investment income, lots of other stuff. Plus, there's TN state income tax for some of us. - OS
  10. Yeah, I feel much the same about these two species myself; lived in the boonies for many years, but never saw fit to kill the ole woodchucks; didn't see 'yotes around our mountain turf, but wouldn't have killed them either unless I had had firsthand significant harm from them of some sort. Beware, though, you're about to get a barrage of Aggressively Charging Killer Whistlepig sagas. - OS
  11. I used the freebie TaxAct from TaxAct.com, recommended by a tax preparer friend. This was first year since '96 my taxes were simple enough that I felt confident doing them, though I couldn't have done them without some kind of puter proggie guide, though it looked like it might have handled previous years, too. I feel the gummit should have to reimburse me all the years I had to pay someone else to do them. Have to pay money to figure out how to pay the gummit, what a concept. - OS
  12. You can't do LASIK surgery without proper certification. - OS
  13. 12-13 seems to be pretty average for cable networks. Sons of Anarchy, Dexter, Justified, Nurse Jackie, Californication, whatever. - OS
  14. On the third hand, why is a 21-65 year old with a HCP, whether he be student, teacher, or staff, any more dangerous on a college campus than anywhere else? - OS
  15. Yes, human nature craves strange, wonderful and magical things whether they be earthbound or beyond -- hence yetis and religion. - OS
  16. I didn't even know there was an 18 requirement. What kind of places is that in effect for? - OS
  17. I thought the only 21 year old requirement was in places that allowed smoking. For entry, I mean, not for drinking alcohol. No? - OS
  18. He should get a picture if he's "been seeing" one -- it could be worth a fortune. Tennessee has a protected status for a species not documented since the 1930's and declared extinct by the US Fish and Wildlife Dept.? I'm glad TWRA stays on top of things. Oh no, now you're seeing them, too. You know the most amazing statistic about black cougars? It's the only species of mammal in TN that has never been killed by a motorized vehicle. Heck, hasn't even been a normal colored one killed by any means since the 1930's. Oh, just standard mountain lions - glad that ranger isn't a total loon. Geez, there must be a cougar kitty mill somewhere that all these released former house pets come from. Sorta like all them 15 foot alligators in city sewer systems. I'm surprised they don't raise them for underground cougar fights in Cocke County. Much more entertaining than chickens and pit bulls. This thread just continues to deliver. I really underestimated the extent of TN Black Panther Kool-Aid. - OS
  19. Well, there's all of 2640 guns listed, for whole United States, all of 2 recovered. Wow. Well over 100,000 per year are reported stolen in US. - OS
  20. Oh, mea culpa. "CLC" is such a feminine moniker, I should have known. - OS
  21. Sic Lynn Thompson on them, he'll waddle in there and chop 'em up with his new Gladius Machete: I think he's about to have a stroke toward the end of this one. - OS
  22. Thumb studs in blade instead of thumb "plates" are an obvious dead giveaway. Here's a well-known pirate Chinese site selling better looking fakes, assuming you actually get them. Wholesale Cold Steel AK 47 tactical folding knife pocket knife folding knife utility knife Even theirs are $6.11 in quantity, so you got a helluva deal. - OS
  23. Well, the cops can run them of course. Probably would had you reported it? They wouldn't necessarily tell you the dope, though. - OS
  24. C'mon...seems pretty clear from gist he left out "not"... - OS


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