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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Nope. They are both in Glock class for reliability and durability. If you're like many, you may find that the XD points more naturally than a Glock. I certainly did. - OS
  2. Agreed. Though none of the other GOP aspirants who have emerged so far are any more viable. So far, seems Obama will have to lose it on his own to be unseated. - OS
  3. I'm the only one who talks that way? - OD
  4. LOL! We need you as criminal court judge. - OS
  5. Oh prithee tell, which of our illustrious firearm purveyors was so thustly well informed? - OS
  6. Wishing you the best on this Bronk, seriously....you know you've got to do it, 'cause you know the Bad Things that are almost certain to happen at some point if you don't. I just crept under 220 for the first time in maybe 5 years, that's twenty off my max, aiming at 200 even, which I'll settle for. Really tough for a geezer to do, so you oughtta be able to do 5 times better than that at your young age. - OS
  7. Was espresso strength Luzianne this morning. Took bottom of pot to the gun show in thermos. Erik88 had a small cup and started twitching erratically. Up till '97 or so, on a Sat morn, likely would have had a hair of the dog in it, too. - OS
  8. Well, it certainly reinforces the advantages of concealed carry. Of every damn thing. - OS
  9. But unlike these guys, I can hit something with it every now and then. - OS
  10. And no, it's not open yet. - OS
  11. Note that this is same one in their current catalog, but without Ruger scope rings. The one with rings is $20 more, which is okay since you can't buy the rings for that anywhere separately. The Mini tactical with tacticool adjustable stock/rails is same price. Oddly, it doesn't show flash suppressor on it, though. Just ordered one today (fixed synthetic stock). With shipping, and $40 transfer/TICS, it comes to about $635, which is significantly less than Wally's price with tax/TICS for the wood stocked Mini Ranch, which also only comes with a 5 round mag, while the CDNN ones come with a 20 rounder. - OS
  12. Hey, this is America. People should be allowed to fart anywhere, as long as they don't light them. - OS
  13. Well, Kholsters are really shaped the way they are in response to patent infringement action from Crossbreed, which the Kholsters originally, umm, resembled. Why Tucker never sued Crossbreed, I dunno. - OS
  14. No no no. That's advice for prison term. As far as home, you cannot protect property with deadly force (outside your home). Indeed, you can't shoot them to protect property while they are IN your home, you shoot them because you are in fear for your life. If they are IN your home, the presumption is that you are already in fear for your life (the "castle doctrine"), but that doesn't mean you can "execute" them either, if that can be proven. Business is a little more complicated, I'd say. Certainly if someone armed enters it to rob you while you are inside, during biz hours or after hours, the presumption would also surely be you are in fear of your life, but again, you can't kill them in the parking lot for breaking in a gate or something. If you were inside after hours and someone broke in, whether you saw a weapon or not, I'd opine that would carry the same weight as if it happened in your home. But it could get pretty iffy if you saw them break in while you were outside and followed them in, I'd say. As far as protecting property, you can try by non-lethal means to prevent the property from being stolen or destroyed outside your home or business on your property and THEN, should you find yourself in fear of your life because they pull a gun on you or whatever, your lethal force would likely be justified. - OS
  15. All interesting questions, and I've never considered it either. On tangential note, wonder if the HCP is sufficient for being a private investigator in TN? I understand you need to be licensed, but state site says nothing about gun carry at: Private Investigation and Polygraph Commission - Private Investigator Requirements - OS
  16. The only thing as bad as a TN Democrat is the type of TN Republican we've been growing for much too long now. - OS
  17. Well, now, Huey is dead, so that really would be a new level in the mythical beast genre! (I know, Elvis ain't dead either). - OS
  18. I think it's actually a Black Panther cooling off, disguised as a gator. - OS
  19. It's an additional store. Home - Bill's Outpost - OS
  20. Bonkers is quite apt. - OS
  21. 'Bama is not a "shall" issue state. It's a "may" issue. Permits are handled by each county's sheriff. I guess it doesn't happen much, but a sheriff can deny a permit because he doesn't think a certain person should have one. Law reads "may issue...if it appears that the applicant has good reason to fear injury to his person or property or has any other proper reason for carrying a pistol, and that he is a suitable person to be so licensed." Anyway, as you mention, lack of a training standardization is likely why fewer states honor it. Fee varies, too, but no more than $15 (good news). Only good for a year at a time (bad news). - OS
  22. Much prefer being gray myself. Actually, white starting to take over the gray, now, nyuk nyuk. - OS
  23. Update: Just about to buy online and use Bill's Outpost. I see his fee had gone up to $30 plus the TICS. Must need to make more for rent in the new Farragut store? - OS
  24. I thought only veterinarians could get legal PCP! - OS
  25. The real skinny is: UPS TOS says they will ship a firearm ... "from and between persons not otherwise prohibited from shipping firearms by federal, state or local law and when such shipment complies with all applicable federal, state and local laws applicable to the shipper, recipient and package." And yes, it needs to go to the main UPS center. However, real word experience tells that they will hardly ever do it individual to individual. The only time under federal law you are required to notify the carrier that a firearm is involved is when you are not shipping to a license holder. So your only option is to break federal law to ship individual to individual and not inform UPS. The overnight policy on handguns is a UPS policy, but the notification part is federal. FedEx TOS, btw, is no shipping individual to individual period. - OS


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