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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. OIC. Random neural axon shorting out. - OS
  2. I'm grasping at straws trying to figger how this ad relates at all? - OS
  3. Nah, I heard it as a kid, have even seen it on wall plaques and whatnot. - OS
  4. Supported by Wiki, which quotes this reference from Library of Congress, FWIW: How high can a nine-banded armadillo jump? (Everyday Mysteries: Fun Science Facts from the Library of Congress) - OS
  5. Yep, I've recommended them also, since they are designed by Tim Thurner (ttgunleather.com) and immediately available, rather than a 6 month wait for him to make one. Though I haven't had one in my hands, all the reports are good, and Tim sells them through his own site, and surely he wouldn't allow anything but the best. - OS
  6. Here's state form for Guard Training Certification; note "Weapon Make/Model/Caliber" fields. ?? http://tn.gov/commerce/boards/pps/documents/SecurityGuardTrainingForm2006_000.pdf - OS
  7. If you take along your black panther, it will kill them for you. A BigFoot is worthless for this, though - he'll just want you to bait his hook while he drinks all your beer. “Three fourths of the Earth’s surface is water, and one forth is land, therefore, it is clear the good lord intended a man spend three times as much time fishing as he does working.” - OS
  8. AFAIK, TCA doesn't define "weapon". But certainly, there is no prohibition of a <4" knife, unless it is a switchblade, or possessed on school grounds. How 'Nooga gets away with actually confiscating blades as described in this thread, I dunno. I suppose the best answer is: simply because they do. - OS
  9. Markings are on the receiver, not barrel. Far as I know, they all say .223, regardless of vintage. Don't know if target model has any additional notation/warning. - OS
  10. Sigh. Mini 14 barrels aren't marked. They don't even have the lawyer statements on them. How about from manuals? : ------------- "Mini-14 (manufactured from 1974 to 1977): Ammunition The MINI-14 is designed to use either U.S. Military, Commercial Sporting, or other .223 (5.56mm) caliber ammunition manufactured to U.S. industry standards." -------------- "Mini-14 (manufactured from 1978 to 2004) AMMUNITION The RUGER® MINI-14® RIFLES are chambered for the .223 Remington (5.56mm) cartridge. The Mini-14 Rifle is designed to use either standardized U.S. military, or factory loaded sporting .223 (5.56mm) cartridges manufactured in accordance with U.S. industry practice." ------------------------ "Mini-14 Ranch (manufactured from 1982 to 2004) AMMUNITION The RUGER® MINI-14® RANCH RIFLES are chambered for the .223 Remington (5.56mm) cartridge. The Ranch Rifle is designed to use either standardiz (sic) U.S. military or factory loaded sporting .223 (5.56mm) cartridges manufactured in accordance with U.S. industry practice." ---------------------- "Mini-14 Ranch Rifle (manufactured from 2005 to present) AMMUNITION The RUGER® MINI-14® RANCH RIFLES are offered in two calibers: the .223 Remington (5.56mm) cartridge and the 6.8mm Remington SPC cartridge. The Target Model uses .223 Remington cartridges only." ----------------------- - OS
  11. No, not "tighter" as in diameter, just shorter leade (throat) than 5.56. A .223 can't be as accurate from a 5.56 chamber, at least mathematically speaking. - OS
  12. They put it on the product pages onsite now, too: "5.56mm NATO/.223 Rem." For example: Ruger® Mini-14® Ranch Rifle Autoloading Rifle Models And only the target show .223 only. - OS
  13. Lots of room in that 3 state area where the half mile wide swath would have caused much less damage and loss of life, but no, it goes right through heart of Joplin. Just unreal. Kicking another c-note toward Salvation Army, 'bout all I know to do right off. Ever since Haiti last year, I seem to be doing that rather frequently. - OS
  14. Big dutch oven full of armadillo and cicadas, slow cooked, add dandelion greens. clover, and wild onions for last hour or so. Yummm. Bet all them Hoover Hog consumers during the Depression would have given it 5 stars. - OS
  15. Isn't the armed guard license firearm specific? Form shows that weapon type/model/caliber is recorded. Just saying, if that's right, it might bear some research into likely employers to make sure what type of handgun might be allowed. - OS
  16. And roadkill is legal to eat, thanks to the astounding wisdom of our state legislature. Mind the leprosy, though, cook thoroughly and don't eat the brains. - OS
  17. I bought my Single Six from TGO classifieds. Keep an eye out, one appears now and then. - OS
  18. Was subject of my post #5. It's been oft reported by folks who have taken his classes. - OS
  19. Yeah well, James Yeager said much the same. - OS
  20. Leave it to Baja to raise the ante, three, count 'em THREE black panthers at one time! At least they weren't in TN. - OS
  21. You could probably get the info for the one at the shows from your favorite promoter in the whole world at Expo building? - OS
  22. Dick's in Memphis still sells ammo/gun stuff? Was it only in Knoxville they quit? - OS
  23. That's only 5 GB, not really all that much, easily exceeded with what you do. Comcast gives 250 GB/month on accounts, for example. If you want to monitor where data is coming from in real time while you're online, you can (I'm assuming Windows) run a program like TCP view: TCPView for Windows It doesn't even install, you can just keep it desktop and start it and let it run, look at it now and then, jot down sites, ips, and whatnot to see where the majority your data is coming from. You can also use any number of monthly bandwidth monitoring programs that give you a running total, but then you already pretty much know what it is, and the ones I've used didn't give details. When Comcast instituted the 250 GB "cap", I ran one, 'cause had no idea how much I was using, but I do pretty much what you do, but likely a good bit more of it. Anyway, I think I was averaging maybe 25-40 GB/month. Point is, 5 GB really isn't really much at all. It's only about one standard DVD's worth of data. Heck, just normal processes checking for updates and whatnot, and what they download, like Windows itself, web browsers, AV proggies, etc, could use .5 GB or more any given month without your having even "surfed". Is the next level of usage on that service exorbitant, or is that all they offer? - OS
  24. Re-read his statement. "...for not disallowing..." - OS
  25. My point was that membership runs June 30-June 30. It costs $20 for one time visit, $40 for the year, hence the $40 gets a lot more bang for the buck six weeks or so from now if you aren't already a member. - OS


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