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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Who would absolutely know? Part of the Patriot Act allows Gitmo type detention of US citizens. - OS
  2. Seems they'd be similar to rabbit, squirrel, whistle pig, whatever... I see some eat them, here's a page of recipes: 18 Delicious Rodents - How to Cook Rodents - Rodents as a Food Source ~ Now That's Nifty - OS
  3. No worries. Back on topic, I haven't killed anything since I was about 25. Just never liked it that much growing up, though I killed a pile of tree rats, rabbits, doves, quail (yeah, there used to be lots of quail), etc. Toward the end, watched some friends' farm they had bought for about 6 months, lived off the land much as I could; there was a couple three acres of feed corn previous owners had left in there. Ate a ton of rabbits and doves and squirrels that winter; ate my first whistle pigs that year, too. Couple of crows, soft shelled and snapping turtles out of a lake on the property, don't remember what all. Anyway, after that, since I just never really got off on killing critters ('cept fish), and didn't need to for subsistence, I just never killed any more, even though I lived in the boonies for a good number of years after that where there was plenty to kill. Understand though, I don't have one thing against lawful hunting though, just not for me. Hence why I'm not much of a contributor to this particular forum. But I've been a dang prodigious fish harvester lifelong, fresh and saltwater -- always have been more of a table fisherman than trophy -- hoping to get back into fishing mode ere long after about a ten year hiatus. - OS
  4. I'm just up the street, knock on wood, lived here for years, worst thing ever happened was some kids scratching cars. In an apt. complex though, modicum of security in that I guess. - OS
  5. Dunno, just taking one cruelty toward an extended one by free association. Didn't really mean to accuse you of it or anything. - OS
  6. Aiming at them with a car at any age seems fairly twisted to moi. Never understood folks who like to run over turtles and stuff. Hell, I never even did it to snakes if I could help it. Hope you didn't put gasoline on dogs' azzholes and stuff like that growing up; I've seen some pretty cruel crap like that when I was a kid. - OS
  7. I still have faint scar from a gafftopsail cat's pectoral spine that went in first joint of right trigger finger and emerged at the middle one. Was a kid, don't remember how old. Pop cut if off the catfish and pulled it on through. It didn't get infected so we didn't have to go into see a doc. Sounds nasty but it wasn't nearly as bad a deal as your daughter's looks, WD. Yow. - OS
  8. Article was in regards to the Brady Bunch showing for a push to ban hi cap mags. Hinckley shot Brady, a SS officer, and Reagan with a 6 round .22 revolver. The logic fail of these people remains astonishing. - OS
  9. In the traffic case one is provably guilty of the infraction. In the case of the knife confiscation, one has broken no law that would warrant such penalty. However minor an example, the second instance is actually a constitutional issue, the first is not. - OS
  10. I'm crushed that you couldn't accept the learned counsel of the TGO consensus. - OS
  11. Same kind of Republicans we have in TN legislature, I imagine. - OS
  12. I really don't see that analogy at all, I'm afraid. Btw, I got popped at a camera intersection once. Actually for not stopping before doing right on red. I was incensed, had to be a mistake. Watched the online video, yep, guility, I hadn't even come close to full stop. Same as if a cop had been there behind me. Only diff was you might get a break from a cop. - OS
  13. Yeah, AND, you know you're not gonna get a criminal charge lodged for theft or something, so you have to sue, and for what damages? Most can't justify the expense even for an expensive knife, what lawyer is gonna take it on spec to mainly just sue for fees, so what's left? Punitive damages for civil rights violation? I don't see that going anywhere. Maybe if it happened to a lawyer? Nah, they have to get along with the powers that be, too -- they can take on the cops for a client, part of the game, but that ain't perceived in same way as taking them on personally, I'd venture to say. Course, an established lawyer of 'bout any stature at all in same community will get his knife back anyway, wouldn't even have been taken in first place if the cop knows him. It's all in all a relatively minor matter in the overall scheme of things, but just something that would gall me to no end if it happened to me. - OS
  14. Yeah, shoots nicely, but the finger grooves aren't simpatico. My gig finger rides on top of first groove, which forces the others on top of the other grooves. Heck, what's bizarre is, I've had various of my compatriots hold them so I can look closely, and generally their fingers are not IN the grooves entirely either, but doesn't seem to bother them. And really oddly, the 26/27 shorties have MORE room in that first gig finger groove. And of course your .40 Gen 4 obviously has the correct spring mojo now, where the 17/19 obviously has probs; even a 5% problem gun rate is way out of bounds for a Glock, and seems that it may be at least that for those models now. Btw, Erik88 has a wrap/stick grip on his 19, and since it mostly fills in the grooves, it feels pretty nice. I'd kinda hate to buy a gun where I had to "negate an improvement" though, whole idea seems wrong, otherwise could just grind the grooves down flat I guess. - OS
  15. I know, I just always wanted to have one 9mm Glock so could diss it with credentials. Hmm, guess I should get a Gen 4, then, come to think of it. Finger grooves and FTFs as a bonus! - OS
  16. This is right up his alley, too -- almost a grad in logistics and all. :) - OS
  17. DFH moved way up the "dial" here. You don't see it there? Channel Finder : Discovery Health - OS
  18. Please try to keep up by at least skimming a thread, especially in this case posts by the originator. Thanks in advance, and welcome to TGO. - OS
  19. Joplin now 8th worst tornado in US history, measured by loss of life. Chance it could overtake 7th, I suppose. Before Joplin: 10 Deadliest Tornadoes in U.S. History - TIME NewsFeed - OS
  20. They broke them with Gen 3 finger grooves in my opinion. That's why I still don't have a 17 or 19, 'cause haven't found a low mileage Gen 2. - Oh "no, I don't have huge hands" Shoot
  21. Man, what a field day the liberal press would have had if Dubya had done half the gaffes that O has pulled in England. Among others, he didn't even know what year it was when he signed the Queen Mum's guestbook. No laughing here over Obama's latest travel gaffe - latimes.com The latest is the incredible breach of protocol of talking through God Save The Queen for awhile after Her Majesty stands. His protocol office must be staffed by Chicago gangstas from SEIU or something. - OS
  22. I think she's a puppet controlled by George Soros, the entertainment front of the New World Order. - OS
  23. Kansas City, St. Louis, and Memphis all included in tonight's storm warnings on national level. Y'all be alert over thar, ya hear? - OS
  24. Dang, there you go again. Well, should airlines not be allowed to land in Texas, it remains to be seen who will get stuck the worst. Maybe that'll be worth Texas seceding over; listening to Rick Perry last night on Greta, sounds like he's already primed to lead the movement over the border issue alone, now add this? Wow. - OS
  25. Is it totally faked yet, or just partly? - OS


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