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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Me too. But it doesn't get left very often, or for very long. - OS
  2. They never happen. Last one was talked up for six weeks, and one guy showed up. (I only notice 'cause I'm down there every 6 or 7 weeks) http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/events-gatherings/51094-setting-up-chattanooga-area-prentice-cooper-meet-shoot.html Might as well just PM a couple of guys and see if they want to meet ya, seems to me. - OS
  3. Most of the time, if you think you know what the prob is, they'll send you the part for free. Firing pin/spring design has been re-done in last few years, just call and report a light strike and they send them por nada, for example. If I knew the date for EOTWAWKI, I'd buy about a hundred 995s and C9s, and start rounding up a group. - OS
  4. May had from 40 to 94 in Knoxville. There is sometimes a 4 month span when there's not a 54 degree swing in hi/low temps. - OS
  5. That's right, I forgot. So don't none of you other folks ever show up there on weekends, 'cause it's always crazy crowded and you won't be able to shoot anyway. - OS
  6. I don't think it was brief. Think that was simply the way it was for many years until changed in late 2009 or so. They recorded ours in 2008, and the class form was a much re-xeroxed one. Also, on my official TN state form of course completion from 6/08, it lists Manufacturer, model and caliber, but not serial #. Those fields are printed on the official state issued form, to make it clear. Of course, from everything I've read and heard, makes perfect sense Buford would still be doing it. - OS
  7. Sunday by 1:30 pm, there were three of us TGOers on rifle range, that was all. One other guy showed up by time the last of us left at 3. - OS
  8. Unlikely re the Sportsman's Warehouse. They haven't opened/reopened any stores they closed during their Chapter 11 -- only 4 stores in whole Eastern US now. - OS
  9. Jeez, it was just a question. You asked for feedback, but I guess didn't really want it? - OS
  10. "100% MADE IN THE USA!" But the handle, which is extra item, says "imported" ? - OS
  11. Keep forgetting about that one, since never been there. I need to go experience it. - OS
  12. Or at least by time of posting. - OS
  13. Yeah, I was thinking replaceable teeth on some kind mower or harrow or saw or trencher or something. Just to narrow it down. - OS
  14. Don't know of any places for free, except for a landowner's turf (outside city limits). Heck, there's only 4 places I know of where you can pay to shoot outside, and only two inside. - OS
  15. They do. Link results is an .asp page, so can't do specific URL, but search in local zip goes to Knoxville Health Clinic on North Cherry (among others). Says clinic is "Operated by: Planned Parenthood of Middle & East Tennessee, Inc." and offers abortions among other services. Find a Health Center - Planned Parenthood - OS
  16. Oh Shoot


    Yeah, range is in Clear Creek area, on what begins as Upper Clear Creek Road. They give you key to gate with membership, lock changed once a year, so it's all or none. Something over a thousand folks belong (keys are numbered in order); pretty loose, but if they do check and catch you there without belonging, they claim they'll make you go back by PD in Norris and pay or charge you with trespassing, hence not a good idea to try to slip in with someone. Pistol side is about 25 yards, couple of "lanes" with big expanses of plywood to put targets on. Concrete slabs to mark 5, 10, 15 yards, or something like that. Rifle side (where we shoot pistols also) has target stands at 50, 122.5, and 200 yards. 6 or 7 covered benches. As far a BIG targets, the stands on rifle side are about 4' tall to staple/tape targets to, bottom of plywood is maybe 3' off ground. You can go bigger if you want to use cardboard or something to stiffen them to extend beyond the plywood. Or rig anything with your own stands or boxes/cardboard/whatever at any distance. There's also a sloping bank off one side of the 120 yard stands where you can lay stuff or I guess could prop up big flat stuff. We also put out plastic/tin cans, bottles here and there, spinner targets, whatever. No glass of course. We just clean everything off that we've brought when we leave. Trash cans there. And an outhouse, can be important for sure. Can be crowded on weekends, or not. Sunday, I got there at 11, all rifle benches full, by 2 only us three TGOers there. Never really crowded during week, at least not for very long. Right before deer season can be quite crowded for a week or so with folks sighting in rifles. Closed during deer hunts for a week in Nov and one in Dec when they have hunting in the watershed. - OS
  17. Up at the start of the 200 yard area. Sometimes a bunch appear up there, even while folks are shooting at those targets, it's a popular gathering area for them, seems. But deer often hang out all around the range, one yearling walked over very close to the actual bench area not too long ago. - OS
  18. Cut to the chase for OP: - there is absolutely no legal requirement here to have gun checked out when buying in a private transaction. - even if you were to buy a stolen gun, you must have done so knowingly, or find out it is stolen after the fact, to be guilty of possessing stolen property. - OS
  19. Actually, I didn't initially catch the coroner's ruling in the news reports, was my own (wrong) supposition. - OS
  20. My fav story is very simple. Me and TGOer 70below were standing there "talking" during firing on the line, both of us wearing muffs. Loudly, of course. RSO comes by and tells us to hold it down, people are trying to shoot. I kid you not. - OS
  21. Last time I looked around much, the ones around here generally have several Marlins. Almost always one or more stores will have Marlin 30/30 lever, often the .44 lever also. Sometimes other hunting rifles or a .22 semi or two. Here's what was explained to me by guy at Clinton Highway store here about ordering, about 3 years ago, because I wanted a Marlin .357. This guy was one who everybody said knew his stuff, unlike most of them. He said they will order any gun they have in catalog of arms available to them (this changes from time to time due to contracts or whatever). You pay up front, but if they don't get it in some specified time (seems like 60 days, maybe only 30, I disremember) then they'll refund whole amount if you don't want to wait any more. But the order isn't cancelled, they'll still probably get the gun sent to the store eventually. Well,since he knew that he was unlikely to get the high demand Marlin .357 in, said it might even take a year if at all, I didn't order it. Well, about a year later, I browse same store and boom, there one was! Now, he wasn't there, but another person who sold it to me said didn't really know why they had it, opined that probably somebody had ordered it long ago and cancelled, and it finally appeared -- all he knew was that it had showed up the day before, in shipment all by itself. So anyway, that's how I got mine, for $485, after having pretty much given up finding one short of paying more than MSRP on Gunbroker or somewhere. Now, this was two years ago or so, so dunno if that's still accurate, but seems the guy was right on, and was indeed willing at the time to take my order for the Marlin .357 (or any other gun in his orderable list). Oh, btw, have heard that some clerks will tell you they don't do that, either because they just don't know, or don't want to fool with it. You have to find a store that has a guy who has worked in that section for a good while and knows his stuff, or get a manager. - OS
  22. I think he may have meant the other juvie perp, who plead guilty to first degree murder according to the report. - OS
  23. Chekhov said, "If in the first act you have hung a pistol on the wall, then in the following one it should be fired." - OS
  24. I'd watch Soupy Sales today. - OS
  25. Jeez. I never knew about the ghost. But I ain't skeered, I'll still stop by. - OS


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