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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. The famous line from the proverbial sheriff who was openly packing a six-shooter at the fancy dinner. "Are you expecting trouble?" a lady asks. He responded, "No ma'am, if I was expecting trouble, I woulda brung my rifle". - OS
  2. It's the "nugget" and "tenders" material, can be formed into any length or shape. The azzholes and eyeballs give it body. - OS
  3. Part of TCA far as I know. - OS
  4. 39-17-1351. Handgun carry permits. (q) (1) Michie's Legal Resources - OS
  5. Said he ordered it on May 2, was told 7-10 days from that date. He didn't start communicating until after holster should have arrived, and they missed shipping date by at least two weeks, seems to me. Then again, I do claim at least minimal reading comprehension. - OS
  6. It's absolutely incorrect for the DMV to take permit. TCA clearly states that actual HCP and receipt must be carried. "In the event the permit expires prior to the department's approval or issuance of notice of denial regarding the renewal application, the permit holder shall be entitled to continue to use the expired permit; provided, however, that the permit holder shall also be required to prove by displaying a receipt for the renewal application fee that the renewal application was delivered to the department prior to the expiration date of the permit." - OS - OS
  7. Yeah, I thought of that right after I ordered. Was hot to get it done, figgered they might sell out any minute. Ah well, not like 1.50 is gonna make either of us go hungry. See ya tomorrow. - OS
  8. Dang! Close enough to my 19.99, plus only 2.99 shipping! So I ordered 4. Good catch, Dave, thanks. (sort of, just broke self promise to spend no more on gun stuff for a while ) - OS
  9. I'm gonna see if they get down to $19.95 I'd buy some in a heartbeat at the $25 price, but I've got 5 Butler Creeks that do very well, so no rush. - OS
  10. As "The Thing from Another World", 1951. Brothers - OS
  11. CDNN is the first I've seen to have the new Ruger 10/22 25 round factory mags, too. $5 cheaper than from Ruger Shop. Ruger 10/22 22lr 25rd Black Mag New Factory - OS
  12. It's not "fished out" of course. But it's a shadow of what it once was. You don't have to be a scientist to determine that, just a long time sports fisherman. Hell, there wasn't even a season on snapper back when, wasn't needed. Used to be red snapper in every grocery store year round. Triggerfish and even amberjack weren't considered worth keeping, now they advertise fishing for them; didn't used to keep beeliners, now that's the main catch for the party boat fleets. Never needed size limits on grouper, 'cause nobody kept what's now classed as undersized anyway, didn't need to. Now folks measure closely just in hopes of keeping one. I've seen just the inshore fishing in the Keys I've done solo change dramatically in the 20 years or so that I did it every year. On both Gulf and Atlantic sides. Any skipper down there who claims the fishing is anything like it was 25 years ago and earlier simply wasn't around then. Applies equally to backcountry sport fishing, gulf bottom fishing, Atlantic side offshore reef and gulf stream. Just really a shadow of what it once was. Species may come and go depending on protection and quotas, but the fact they are even imposed speaks for itself in the matter, really. - OS
  13. Presume "Do Not Resuscitate", but what's NHM? - OS
  14. Good little outing and good eating, nice report. When I was a kid, my dad and I used to go out of Anderson's bottom fishing fleet. That was back when there were plenty of red snapper and grouper...it was nothing to catch 20 or more snapper of 10 lbs and up, and a number of 20#+ grouper. Used to take you way out, 2.5-3 hours each way, 10 hour fishing trip. There was even a 2 am boat where you went 70 miles out or more for Warsaw grouper, electric reels and all that water was so deep. Used to go out of Carrabelle way back then too, and they put you on even more and bigger fish. There really wasn't much of anything IN Carrabelle back then but fishing docks. Went out one more time about 20 years ago just for old times sake, heck we must not have gone 7-8 mile off the coast, nothing much but "beeliners" (the vermillion snapper) caught. Could pack away more fish in a couple of good nights lantern fishing at Watts Bar than the whole boat brought back. Crew back in the day would throw triggerfish back, and they were huge ones back then, too. But they really ARE good eating, just somewhat difficult to clean. I've caught a lot of smaller ones since those days in the Keys, and ate every one. Used to throw the amberjack back too, we'd catch them mostly accidentally near the surface. Yeah, they always said "wormy". Which are just small flukes in the fillets, which you can just flip out when you clean them. Or hell, just cook em up flukes and all, no biggie. It's sad we've depleted the traditional fish to this extent, but of course it's the commercial endeavor to feed ever larger population that's done it, not sports fishing. - OS
  15. My "death fear" is that my mind goes, so that I couldn't even choose to take the ultimate action. Even Dr. Death couldn't have helped with that -- rest in peace, Jack. Umm, what was the topic again? - OS
  16. Maybe he means Tony Gore's on Winfield Dunn? - OS
  17. One diff is that there is no BAC reading listed for that presumption in the HCP statutes. It's totally a judgement call on LEO/court, no requirement to have you blow even if you request it. - OS
  18. Just to split hairs, TN law does not forbid drinking and carrying in general, only drinking in a public establishment or being under the influence while packing. Not to advocate it in any manner, but JFYI. - OS
  19. Yeah, dunno why there even mentioned on TGO as much as they are. No go to BAMA/GA either. There's no walk-in sales either, is there Daniel? - OS
  20. And join a couple of government databases that don't exist. - OS
  21. He simply means that Nevada allows you to carry a pistol openly without any permit, yet in TN you can get 11/29 plus fine for doing the same. Therefore it is a right there but not here. Here we must possess a permit to carry in any way, hence it is a privilege rather than a right. The TN HCP is a defense to the charge of unlawful possession of a firearm. I agree ... one does not have to pay money to exercise a right. - OS
  22. I learned to drink largely on moonshine. Was a pro among amateurs by time I go to college. Highway 58 from Nooga to near Knoxville was part of Thunder Road, the Kingston curves mentioned in the song all straightened out long ago, though. I never heard of Junior Samples until Hee Haw, though. Of course Junior Johnson was the famous shine hauler cum early NASCAR superstar back in the day. Great reminisce, Will. - OS
  23. Ah, okay. Makes sense, as only thing on state form is Make/Model/Caliber. I presume that's still on there, or did that get changed too? Coal Creek took down serial number 6/7/08; it was their form, not the state one, that I described as looking much re-xeroxed just to be clear. Anyway, seems I was clearly wrong about the duration of the serial number thing, thanks for clarification. - OS


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