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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Part of its mystique is the relatively low recoil compared to other guns in same size class; heck, even against .380s. Kind of weird, really -- I mean, it's plastic and steel like the rest of them. - OS
  2. Well, 3rd person on earth killed the 4th, for starters, and it's escalated from there. - OS
  3. There's a reason the expensive Kahr PM9 still sells well. - OS
  4. Anything's possible. I had some trouble before trying to use this outfit, but can't exactly remember what it was now...something similar though, about item claiming to be in stock, then long delay, and finally "backordered", best I remember. They also have a funky customer service "board" for questions...you post one, and it sends you 3 responses via email to check it. Then every time you check, it duplicates your last comment. NOT impressed. I'll call them tomorrow, I guess. - OS UPDATE: They responded to question, AND I got email that they shipped on the 6th, be here tomorrow. But order status online still shows only "confirmed/processing". Just poor data implementation and communication, seems. - OS
  5. I think we've seen most of the pix, 'cept The One. Many have opined he should just join Eliot Spitzer on CNN. - OS
  6. OP wanted to know what's legal. My post #5 answers that. It's quite simple. - OS
  7. That's order information for MidWestHuntersOutlet (and a bunch more sites they own). That IS where you bought them, right? - OS
  8. Does it show shipped at: https://secure.tgscom.net/OrderStatus.aspx also? I noticed after transaction that the email addy I used was truncated to "com.net" instead of "comcast.net". Emailed help, got pretty quick answer that they had changed it so I'd get shipping notice. Probably didn't work. But my order at the above URL still just shows "confirmed/processing", so guess mine didn't ship, unless it's just a time glitch and yours shows the same status there? - OS
  9. Doesn't look good. My order from 6/4 still shows "Confirmed-Processing" on TGSCOM interface, but mags on MidwestHuntersOutlet now show "Backordered". And no communication from "them". This is most common complaint regarding this outfit. - OS
  10. To be clear, a FFL holder may sell a long gun to an out of state resident in the FFL holder's state, though he is not compelled to (and some won't). However, for individual to individual interstate sales, there is no difference between hand gun and long gun. They must both have a 4473 done in the recipient's state. - OS
  11. The bill died long ago. - OS
  12. Discussed a bunch back when it was still active. One of Campfield's bills. Dumped. - OS
  13. The legal part is simple: - You can loan, give or sell a handgun to anyone in this state, as long as he is 18 and not (knowingly, to you) forbidden by law to posses it. - You can even loan or give a handgun to a minor "for the purposes of hunting, trapping, fishing, camping, sport shooting or any other lawful sporting activity". I do agree that a gun a very personal item, though, both on practical and aesthetic level, and certainly if possible any recipient should have input in the decision, though this can be time consuming, especially if it ideally includes some actual shooting of prospective choices. - OS
  14. I thought I read that this was Schumer's old seat, I doubt they mind. Got the total crook Rangel representing nearby turf. he fact that the House only censured him rather than oust him is a testament to just how corrupt it is. Charlie Boy evaded taxes while chairing the committee that writes largely determines the tax code in the first place (and was re-elected, showing the wisdom of the US voter). Course, Timmie Boy is a tax cheat and Secretary of the Treasury -- the status quo on the Hill has lower ethical standards than a pack of hyenas. - OS
  15. This could be a duplicate of any thread for a 'Nooga meet I've read in last three years. - OS
  16. I just heard a really loud whoosh. - OS
  17. If you don't get caught you don't get hammered. Them's the rules. - OS
  18. I'd say it's 60/40 he'll resign. Even Pelosi has started in on him. - OS
  19. Well, he came "clean" today. He's no worse than most of the other lying dirt bags on the hill, but on top of that he's one of the most personally irritating people I've ever seen in public life. His mean spirited aggressiveness and hubris were part and parcel of that -- so hopefully his career is over and we'll soon see the last of him. - OS
  20. Since I've had a lifelong cat and mouse relationship with him, I figger he just periodically slams me -- dunno what you've done. :) - OS
  21. Ruger Single Six might satisfy, if you'll get over the "snub nose" neurosis. Shoot .22mag until it hurts your wallet, switch to .22LR until it recovers. - OS
  22. Will report. Certainly, CDNN is reliable re in stock or not on their site -- we'll see about MidWestHuntersOutlet. It's one of the many sites under TGSCOM, Inc. You can't even tell on the invoice which site it was actually purchased from. I did in the past get some hard to find mags at the cheapest on the web from one of them, though... - OS
  23. No, most drilled home supply wells don't, and you're not gonna retrofit your well with one in a hurry, even if you had a system on hand. Inexpensive hand pumps very depth limited, too. Heck, you probably can't even use a rope drawn narrow well "bucket" like this going down in there because water supply pipe and electrical cable (which electric submersible pump is attached to) generally blocks too much of the casing pipe. And you aren't gonna pull up that pipe/pump by hand in most cases either, need winch cause it gets heavy in a hurry and heavier the deeper or course. Point is, if loss of power is main prob, generator is short term best solution, long term would be solar electric backup. But a handpump system, if not already designed in and functional is not gonna cut it on most all drilled household supply wells. It's not like you can just slap one on top of existing system and start cranking. - OS
  24. Echo that. Matter of fact, under TN law, you aren't required to actually get a TN permit until you've been a resident for 6 months, so your Nevada permit would be sufficient for that long after moving here, assuming it didn't expire. So, and it won't happen unless you happen to get a know-nothing clerk, do NOT let them take your Nevada permit. Should they try, insist on seeing the supervisor. - OS


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