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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Haven't seen much news today. We're not appearing as national laughingstock on any shows yet except Red Eye? - OS
  2. I've reserved judgment, left couple phone messages and emails, got this today, in it he says to share, so I will. "Mac, I cannot apologize enough. I had been hanging with old friends talking macho **** and was hammered. The first thing I thought about when I awoke the following day was what an ass-clown I made of myself, and the fact that I basically **** on your shoes and made you to look a fool as well. Especially considering the lengths you went to to get me back on there. I have no valid excuse an am responsible for my own foolish and juvenile behavior. It was a completely disgraceful action. If it helps any, feel free to share this message with whomever. With deep regret, R Jolly" They say forgive and forget. Well, since I'm getting on up there, I guess in time I'll forget. My regrets to TGO David and mods, too. I'm generally at least in the frigging ballpark on character sizing. At least it turned into a hoot of a thread. - OS
  3. That's a serious question? - OS
  4. Here's a different steel .22 thing I'm throwing into a Sportsmans Guide order to try. Impact - 22 Rolling Steel Target, Shooting Accessories, Brand Not Specified, Impact 22 Impact-22 Rolling Steel Target Shooting at Sportsman's Guide - OS
  5. Saw that, was gonna post it. I'm a Red Eye junkie myself. - OS
  6. Then you haven't sold on eBay in some long while, because you MUST accept PayPal as payment, or offer your own credit card processing. You cannot even mention money orders or checks and there is no option for such in the online auction format or TurboLister. You can accept cash for onsite pickup at your place only, last time I checked TOS. - OS
  7. Ya know, I say that in your holster ad and wondered if that was the dummy you used on eBay. And yes, they blew it, it should have been fine. It's a hassle, but I would see about escalating that if you can to get a decision you can refer back to. There ARE lots of regular sellers on there using the aluminum dummies, like: Custom Made Kahr PM9/40 w/ CT Laser Guard Slide Holster | eBay Ultimate IWB Ambi CCW Concealment Holster Kahr Arms PM9 | eBay just to show a couple of quick ones. The second one is actually AKJ Concealco, selling on eBay under another name. - OS
  8. On glitch with that is that PayPal may nuke your account if you go "over their heads" and get the card company to jerk the funds before PP has acted. But you do usually have longer with credit card company than with PayPal, last time I read the TOS. - OS
  9. Energy and food are not figured into the main inflation index that the gummit hacks up each month. Hence, there IS NO real inflation. Get with the program and get your minds right, comrades. No news here. Man bites dog, that's news. - OS
  10. Gun Show Listings ForTennesee $1 off coupon there, but $2 off coupon here toward bottom of page: CJL Enterprize - OS
  11. Now now...I just linked to where it resides. Which is on the state's site at capitol.tn.gov. So you should file criminal complaint against the State of TN itself! - OS
  12. They are quite similar to Tactical Innovations mags in feel, but don't know if there was any interaction there, rights wise or anything. Ruger sells the Tri-Mag, for example, but didn't put their name on it. 'Course, they did put their name on a couple of major Kel-Tec products. - OS
  13. Mods: Looks like popular topic but oughtta merge with main one in TN politics? http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/tennessee-politics-legislation/58444-hb-0300-now-public-chapter-362-a.html - OS
  14. Certainly within a week, Mike. I'll post in the accessories forum. - OS
  15. Lead sponsor was this goober: Charles Curtiss, Sparta. Dem of course. First the road kill law, now this. - OS
  16. Got the mags today, tossed outside door via Fedex Home in apt. complex, wow - contractor would have had to pay for them had they been stolen. Anyway, the 10/22 mags look awesome, and seem to be Ruger's own design, near as I can tell. Again thanks to DaveTN for spotting this. - OS
  17. Wow. Spoofed, I hope. If not, above all folks on TGO, I am pissed. Wow. - OS
  18. Amazon.com: Stebel Nautilus Compact Motorcycle Air Horn: Automotive I had several close calls in my youth, rode off and on for years, even survived a reckless stint with the Kawasaki MACH 3 Death Machine. At about 35 had a nasty spill only doing 40 or so, all kinds of damage, even chewed off half my ear inside my full coverage helmet. I took the hint. - OS
  19. From Ruger FAQs at Ruger Frequently Asked Questions "Sometimes when I shake my Ruger LCR revolver, I hear a slight rattle; is that normal? Like all newly manufactured Ruger revolvers, your LCR has a transfer bar safety system as part of the fire control mechanism. As a result, a hammer blow can be transmitted to the firing pin only when the trigger is pulled all the way to the rear. This is a positive internal safety feature. By design, the transfer bar is allowed some movement within the fire control mechanism so that trigger pull is not affected. Due to this necessary "play" in the transfer bar, a shooter will sometimes hear the transfer bar "rattle" when the revolver is shaken. This rattle caused by the play in the transfer bar is completely normal in the LCR." - OS
  20. You must not really be in Murville, then. - OS
  21. Oh, so you used an actual replica gun of some sort, apparently. Not surprising they nuked it, then. By dummy gun I assumed you did mean a "red/blue gun" blank gun type, as that's what all the other makers use, if they use a "gun" at all. - OS
  22. Unloaded, probably transfer bar. SP101's have very slight rattle there, too. Loaded, the cartridges will of course rattle, like in any revo. - OS
  23. eBay will only nuke counterfeit items if the actual rights owner complains. Many of the large ones are part of of the eBay VERO program and have pretty good enforcement. Try to sell something Microsoft that ain't kosher, for example. But your point is valid, and you have to be careful there. Buck Knives for example for some reason refuses to play, and there are recurring bogus Buck listings there. Must be more to that story? Dummy guns are allowed in product listings. Most all the regular holster makers use them.- OS
  24. Carry what you want to sell around with you. You can wear a sign, attach a sign to case, or just carry around in plain view. To get a good price you must sell to other patrons, NOT to dealers. They don't seem to care if you sell outside the building at the Chilhowee shows, but they will tell you not to do at the Expo shows, the main Security Nazi will even threaten you with arrest for doing it. - OS
  25. Weekdays of course are seldom crowded at all. I've sometimes had the whole range to myself for 3 or 4 hours. I'm generally not there before noon, though. Now that it's hot, we've found that after about 1 or 2 on Sundays folks really clear out, too. - OS


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