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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. I can pretty well assure you that full power 2 3/4" double naught will be ample experience for both of you, and for any intruders. - OS
  2. Yeah, that's it, that's what I meant, that's the ticket. - OS
  3. Correct. Although all the above are safe to shoot through chokes, too, with varying degrees of accuracy with slugs and tighter chokes. I'm guessing you won't be shooting all that many 3" buckshot and slug loads though, unless you are more a glutton for punishment than most. Hell, I've got some 2.75" Nobel Sport buck loads that none of The Usual Suspects want to shoot, and some are Mosinites. If you're going to load 3 inchers for SD, though, you need to shoot enough of them to know what to expect. - OS
  4. You'll get used to the way TN weapon stuff works. Damn near everything is against the law, but there are exceptions. NFA stuff is illegal, EXCEPT if you are federally licensed. Handgun carry is illegal, EXCEPT if you have carry permit. Loaded long gun in car is illegal, EXCEPT if you have carry permit. Over 4" knife is illegal, EXCEPT if you are hunting, camping, fishing, etc. Like that. One diff tween here and Texas, you can conceal or open carry with permit. - OS
  5. Yeah, never spotted you, gal. I did think to try to notice anyone of the distaff persuasion walking around with guns to sell, both inside and outside, but never scored. We'll try to "organize" a little better for the next show. Which looks to be not till Aug 13 at the Expo. - OS
  6. My hair is gray? I thought I was just going lighter blonde! - OS
  7. No probs with any NFA items here, long as federal paperwork is up to snuff. Welcome to Patron State of Shootin' Stuff.... - OS
  8. Well, yeah, there's that little detail. Otherwise I'd probably buy one every show. There's plenty I'd kinda like to have. Think that's why I have so many knives that I don't even use - can afford to! - OS
  9. Sorry 'bout that. - OS
  10. To re-paraphrase Dave, whether it's case by case conscious effort, or has just evolved to be such by policy, it is de facto anti-gun enforcement, any way you want to explain it, and certainly not just around here. - OS
  11. In eBay's stead I must admit that they've lowered the listing fees several times, and run promotions to even lower the existing ones. Though they take more from sale, at least you don't get flogged as bad for things that don't sell. And of course they've swayed the "safety net" drastically to the buyer. Sellers can't leave bad feedback at all for couple years now, even if buyer was total deadbeat, got a non-paying-buyer citation, whatever. I haven't followed Ghooge's probs enough to understand why he can't get relief from eBay/Paypal, whatever, as they almost always find for the buyer unless it's very clear the seller was at no fault at all. - OS
  12. Ah, a new tack, good for (50?) tangential posts? Funny thing about alkeehaul, it can be a truth serum at times, too. - OS
  13. Arfcom. Seriously, though can't speak as a mod, surely nobody would mind either way? - OS
  14. I've run legal biz, even with moderate foot traffic, out of my apartment, obviously not zoned commercial. City and county didn't mind taking my business license/tax money at all. And I paid personal property taxes, on equipment used in biz. But they won't let me sell guns out of same place, and of course BATF won't let me with or without their permission anyway. - OS
  15. +1. I'd love to have an FFL, great retirement part time "job" to sell a gun or 5 a month from home, just for fun of it and possible very modest extra income. But no chance of that for most any amount of money. Why can I buy and sell for profit unlimited types of other legal products, even buy them used and re-sell them, but not guns? Dave's explanation is the only one that's reasonable. - OS
  16. Gotta start wearing the TGO hat again or something, so folks can find The Usual Suspects. Dolomite Supafly, Mike.357, Fujimo, Garufa, and I all hung out, finally pegged David the Powder Kegger, enjoyed the confab there. As Mike said, he and I finally got high tech with hearing protection (now that I've already developed tinnitus), bought a few unneeded leather sheaths for some of my unneeded knives (plus a $5 switchblade that will last indefinitely or probably 50 flip opens, whichever comes first) and no gunplay needed afterward at Scruggs BBQ, which is always a plus. Someday I'll buy another gun there maybe, it being a gun show and all. - OS
  17. If anyone reports it, they'll nuke his stuff, probably ban him if repeated. Also, of course, you can't do checkout with that option, and perhaps most importantly, eBay won't protect/reimburse the buyer if he gets shafted. Like much of real life, you get away with stuff on eBay until you don't. - OS
  18. There are no written rules about that. Like, 210 could be legal if letting go of personal guns over time or all at once, but only 1, with intent to buy and sell for a profit, could be prosecuted. - OS
  19. Certainly what your well-equipped professional hit man would be using I guess. Without cans, too. - OS
  20. I vote. I just don't get anybody elected. Last success was mayor of Knox County. - OS
  21. Bronk, is your avatar a recent EEG? (making, um, fun, ha ha he ho hi ha ha hum) - OS
  22. I haven't elected hardly anyone in years and years. - OS
  23. One on the right is a Beretta NEOS .22. - OS
  24. Just have everyone start flooding the TN Attorney General with criminal complaints whenever they are offended and distressed by anything in cyberspace. - OS


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