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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Plan is wrong. TN statutes changed long ago regarding that. There is anecdotal evidence that TN ABC was still giving out erroneous info on that, though. - OS
  2. Greenways are part of city/county park systems, carry regulated by each city/county. No carry in Nashville or Davidson County parks. If it's part of a state park, okay to carry state wide. - OS
  3. As predicted, bye bye sicko. Gloria Allred getting involved was final straw. Whole crash is very Tiger-esque. - OS
  4. Has no weight for a non-permit holder either. It's already a 'meanor to carry and AFAIK it's no longer a separate charge to carry where alcohol is sold to go OR for onsite consumption for those folks either. - OS
  5. Why do you adhere to 10 mi Everything I read says 1 min is plenty, if not more than needed. Indeed, 160 degrees kills everything within half an hour and 185 degrees kills everything within minutes even if boil isn't reached. It would seem that surely if boiling point is reached at all, should suffice fine? - OS
  6. It surely isn't, since unlike the single 6, it's .22LR only. - OS
  7. Regarding much law enforcement, if you're not perceived as a nail sticking up, you won't get hammered. - OS
  8. Vermont doesn't issue a permit at all, hence no recognition in other states. The VT "constitutional" part may feel good, but I can carry in 37 states with my TN restricted privilege. - OS
  9. I've eaten a bunch of carp, due to a erstwhile 6 month camping sabbatical on Melton Hill Lake. Didn't have a boat, and main thing I could catch from shore was carp. Quick recipe for Melton Hill Carp Cakes: - fillet/skin carp (3 lb and under the best because of bone size), then - run fillets through meat grinder on finest setting. This minces up the tiny bones in the fillets. - (optional) add minced onion, bell peppers, whatever you like; add an egg to help everything blend together - form into patties, dust both sides with flour or corn meal, fry in oil Basically, salmon patties with carp instead of salmon - bunch of folks ate these, pronounced them delicious, even after finding out what the fish was. - OS
  10. Notice that the "tool" part is obviously intended to mean a tool used ON campus. It's going to be tough to justify if you don't even have a job there, or one where such a "tool" could conceivably be used. Bottom line is, like in most situations, it's just not going to come up. You don't get searched at colleges, unless something else has happened. Odds are, even if a campus LEO sees a knife (maybe not such a good idea to use the pocket clip, eh?), he's probably not going to freak either. BUT, the law is what it is, and folks need to be aware of the risk. Any felony, even Class E, can be a life changer. - OS
  11. Oh Shoot

    Taurus 82

    Taurus revolvers have been successfully killing folks in Brazil for 70 years. I'd think they're quite adequate as house/carry guns, especially if not shot all that frequently. If you wanted to shoot a lot, I'd find the bucks for a Ruger SP101 or GP100 or full sized Smith, though. Charter Arms is another revolver maker generally thought of about the same quality level as Taurus, with about same pricing (or less), and you'd be buying American, if that matters to ya. - OS
  12. By statute, all knives are illegal on school property. Technically, same felony penalty as carrying gun, but unlikely to go that far unless you used it in an assault or something. I carried sizable knives for 21 years working on campus and years before that as a student -- I didn't know TN weapons laws. Many people saw them, none freaked. - OS
  13. Was speaking of blued. Wally's used to have Marlin .44 mag most of the time, no more? I thought you wanted .357, that's not what your thread is about? - OS
  14. Why do those nuts go to other states to do their thing? Aren't there enough military funerals in Kansas? Or they just can't get away with there? - OS
  15. Really only about $50-75 at most less than Marlin base model .357. Trouble is, as you say, finding a Marlin in stock at street price. I paid $485 at WalMart for one couple years ago, but was extremely lucky to find it. Haven't looked in a while, but you can generally get a Marlin for + MSRP on Gunbroker. Have you checked it for the Rossi? - OS
  16. But you're in a shop, zoned commercial, right? - OS
  17. Much better explanation from 350 miles away than from 2 miles away! - OS
  18. Well, that's all clear as mud. What changed except HDs being pulled and replaced? - OS
  19. Duct tape screen to table top so it stays put. (sorry, but that's pretty bizarre. sounds like it's simply changing from default VGA to whatever rez and color depth you have it set for when Windows hits it, but can't imagine why what you did would cause the visible behavior to change). You might change rez/color depth in Windows, apply, and then set it back to what you want, apply, see if that "takes" better on startup. - OS
  20. That's all I meant. "license"="stamp", sorry to have been on wrong side of split hairs. However, notice that it is also a state offense in addition to federal to have "unstamped" NFA items such as short barreled rifles/shotguns, silencers, etc. It may be that way by statute in all other states, too, I don't know. - OS
  21. Well, Nazi swastika is inverse of most ancient ones: - OS
  22. Grip is hardest part to hide IWB, and of course, makes pocket carry impossible if too long. Even the extra round in Kahr PM9 long mag makes a huge diff in pocket. XD subbie comes with flush 13 rounder and extended 16 rounder. Using the extended mag makes it same grip length as XD Service, so you've just negated the concealment size of the subbie. You can buy a 33 round mag that fits Glock 26, but using it would somewhat nullify the original compact intent of the design. Extreme example but same theory. Thickness of the piece is the other main consideration, and hence the tradeoff in slimness vs. capacity of single vs double stack. - OS
  23. I keep waiting for the punch line. - OS
  24. I remember. So use the 3" 00. You don't hold that thang correctly you'll just be a 300 pound guy with same sore and bruised shoulder as a 100 lb. debutante. - OS
  25. Not if your hand stamp can still be discerned. Hopefully you haven't well bathed. - OS


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