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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Cookies are client side; they interact with the TGO database where all the major settings are saved. That's why your settings, read threads, etc are always the same if you access TGO from a different computer. Here are all the cookies that TGO puts on my end, as viewed in Firefox. As I understand them, they are all "interactive" in nature, basically supply a few basics to TGO database queries to display your particular TGO server side information. I deleted them all, didn't change any of the probs. Firefox lets you delete selected cookies, rather than have to zap them all and lose all cookie based settings, logins, etc from all sites. IE allow that yet? (I'm posting a lot fewer pics lately, since still have to do them longhand) - OS
  2. Ability to follow directions? ("send me a PM"). - OS
  3. Oh Shoot

    heritage .22

    Oh, gotcha, thought you were comparing .22 revos. - OS
  4. -- testing reply using Advanced option EDIT: testing with edit EDIT: Yep, confirmed. See it only on Quick Reply, not on Advanced, or with Edit. - OS
  5. Best I remember, I get the "leave page" message on every post I've made since the change, on both XP and Win7 machines, using Firefox 5. See it on Quick Reply and Advanced -- I'll see one posting this one, too, I guess. - OS
  6. Back home on broadband. Lester, I have TGO option for 30 posts per page, so all on that page show on the one page. Also, I can see second page on the Hi-Point thread I started this about, on this box. Other one, dunno yet. This one is XP, other one is Win 7, cable vs. dialup, too many variables to suss out tonight. - OS
  7. Well, not on ammo most of the time. If it's in stock, Wally's is generally cheaper for same or equivalent. Case in point, bought Monarch .223 on sale at Academy the other day, 4.99 + fee + tax. Tula .223 was cheaper regular price at Wally's, but they were out of stock. Federal .357 was cheaper at Wally's (and in stock) than any .357 at Academy period. - OS
  8. Oh Shoot

    heritage .22

    How is the Heritage easier? - OS
  9. True, but it was much better last night than last couple days at any time. - OS
  10. No, didn't. Just a quick initial comment, maybe too quick, dunno. And again, I understand that dialup isn't probably fair to even bring up. Matter of fact, if that's all I had, wouldn't even be on the web much, be back to UseNet. As far as vBulletin, though, seems most of the biggest sites I ever frequent still use it, but latest version I've seen is 4.1.3, and many are still on a 3x version, so seems plain that the sudden bugs are due to the 4.1.4 version. The lagging may have been incidental to the change -- seemed to have mostly gone back to normal sometime yesterday. - OS
  11. I'm on dialup right now (for a week every 6 or 8 weeks). I know nobody can really program to optimize for that anymore, but FWIW, the IPS site is significantly slower right now than TGO (both to fire up initially and when opening forums, etc), so wondering if proportionally the same on broadband? Might be more due to server hosting or something than the software though, no way for me to know. - OS
  12. Rumor first reported here when Dick's quit selling firearms/ammo. Very glad it's a fact now. - OS
  13. Yes, it's absolutely possible to fire the round by jamming the gun closed if it's not on half cock. - OS
  14. Salutations on about the last one before you begin dreading them. - OS
  15. Well, actually, he's written two book length works: "Patriots: A Novel of Survival in the Coming Collapse" and "How to Survive the End of the World as We Know It" - OS
  16. Not the case, David. Image dialogue box broken when trying from any site where an image rests. I have same prob from Comcast webspace or my own domain space. - OS
  17. Oh Shoot


    Sort of tangential to the prob of not being able to see second page of a thread which contains one of my posts, forum also doesn't show my post as "last post by" in a thread, but rather the person who last posted before me. - OS
  18. That's okay. Just in wrong forum. (discussed quite a bit over time in the Survival Forum) - OS
  19. sure? you see post 31 and beyond with settings on 30 per page? - OS
  20. Very strange indeed. Pasting your link including IMG tags or pasting link only and adding IMG tags into a new reply doesn't work, but retyping whole thing does work. Weird to the max. Looks like if you try it first without the IMG tags it becomes a simple link and can't be changed (note the blue letters). Didn't used to be that way in previous vBulletin but seems to be now. - OS
  21. Long guns only from individual. - OS
  22. If you have a call tag label, any Fedex Office (formerly Kinkos) will ship it. Just drop it and go. Really. - OS
  23. Oh Shoot


    Guys, there's a forum for bug reports, ya know: TGO Forum Support - OS
  24. Mastercard called me about a year, maybe 14 months ago, I hadn't looked at billing since last bill; asked if I'd bought any airline tickets to fly out of Ohare. Kuwati Airlines I believe. Nope. So that, and oddly, two or three other small charges were zapped, they canceled card and FedExed me a new one. Had card since '90 or so, use for majority of purchases since I get decent kickback, that was first prob ever had, and this one really didn't turn out to be one either. - OS
  25. Well, depends on the gun and how it's made. Many rimfires are fine to dry fire. Anything Ruger makes is, for example. Cobra makes a pretty crude derringer though; my pins on the .38 don't even extend the same distances into each cylinder --they simply go until they run out of travel, preferably that travel ends at the .38 primer; or in the OP's case, on the rim of a .22 round and not slightly past it into the chamber wall. And yeah, some older .22 revolvers do the same, ie some of the ones with the firing pin built into the hammer. - OS


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