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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. That have anything to do with Stan Brock's org? I think over 2000 came to the last RAM medical care thing in Knoxville. - OS
  2. I'm assuming "in the seam" is what's more generally referred to as IWB (In The Waisband). If you want something in custom leather, my avatar is a TT Gunleather (TT GunLeather High Quality Leather Gun Holsters). Take months to get -- but he sells the Occidental Stronghold line which he designs also, and can be had right away. The owner of this forum has several and swears by them, and if Tim Thurner designed them, that's enough for me. That's an XD9 subbie in there, same dimensions as your XD9 cept shorter barrel and grip. The barrel doesn't matter much, but long grips are the tough part to conceal. Most everyone else will name a hybrid Kydex/leather, either the Crossbreed or MTAC. I only prefer Kydex in a pocket holster myself. - OS
  3. You are one Serpa Dude, dude. - OS
  4. Yes, be sure to remember that when you are in full red alert, perhaps already wounded, heart rate at 180, and adrenaline has narrowed your vision to pinhole camera status, and you are attempting to draw quicker than you ever have before in your life. - OS
  5. Absolutely. The only way to legally have a loaded gun in vehicle in this state is to have a HCP. It is still possession of a loaded weapon. With a permit but intoxicated it is a crime. Without a permit and intoxicated it is two separate crimes. - OS
  6. Depends on whether you are deemed as intoxicated. If not, cool, if so, could be charged, whether loaded gun is on your person or just in your car. And that's LEO's judgement call, there's no BAC level to presume guilt or innocence. Best to unload, separate ammo and gun just as if you didn't have a permit, I always advise. Then you're "only" facing possibility of DUI hassle at worst. - OS
  7. Safariland makes them: Holster Retention Levels | Holster Security Rating Systems | Holster Locking Systems - SAFARILANDâ„¢ Bianchi too: Bianchi Holsters - Materials & Technologies - OS
  8. Just the way they are now, by having the ear of The United States of the New World Order. - OS
  9. A grand in a 5 or 6 way poker game isn't really very much, especially in that part of town. Hell, even I have played in that league before. Sounds like just an evening among buddies so far. - OS
  10. Oh Shoot

    Cut Shells

    I'm sure you'll get away with it with any gun/choke for a few rounds no matter what, otherwise would be well known that it was totally dangerous to do. But can see no real reason to do it. There's also the epoxy treatment to make slugs out of shot shells, which seems even more of a waste of time (and epoxy). - OS
  11. Oh Shoot

    Cut Shells

    I'll have to find some threads I've read about it. But comes down to barrel damage. One thing I remember is that the plastic can leave all or part of itself in the barrel, especially up behind a choke. It is, after all larger diameter than the barrel. Seems it can travel so far but the rest of the load might still come out through the front crimp as normal, but leave the partial hull. Also something about maybe the hull heating differently from explosion/friction and leaving quick buildup. Both of which build up pressure in barrel quickly with continued firing. Remember all this came about way back when with paper hulls. Course, nobody claims it's as accurate either. - OS
  12. New URL, new interface: LexisNexis® Custom Solution: Tennessee Code Research Tool First impression, good: more info about dating and other info - bad: worse, confusing frame interface, loses your place and jumps too far back, doesn't open links in right frame while keeping left one. Not intuitive at all to me, will have to see. - OS EDIT: Hmm, http://michie.com/tennessee/ with the original format now still working again, but wasn't when I posted above. EDIT EDIT : Never mind. Original interface comes up, but only allows you to link to the new one.
  13. Dunno. Got a hard copy cert you could carry? Exemption to carrying impact stuff reads: "(8) By a person possessing a club or baton who holds a valid state security guard/officer registration card as a private security guard/officer, issued by the commissioner, and who also has certification that the officer has had training in the use of club or baton that is valid and issued by a person certified to give training in the use of clubs or batons; (9) By any person possessing a club or baton who holds a certificate that the person has had training in the use of a club or baton for self-defense that is valid and issued by a certified person authorized to give training in the use of clubs or batons, and is not prohibited from purchasing a firearm under any local, state or federal laws;" - OS
  14. Oh Shoot

    Cut Shells

    There's plenty of reasons NOT to do that with modern plastic hulls. Really. - OS
  15. I like it. I like holsters almost as much as guns, have thought about starting to do some kydex, and leather too. Love knives too, and the sheaths are generally poor. Hardly looks like a first effort, really, good job. - OS
  16. Option is set to receive them in Settings? - OS
  17. Oh my, what distressing news. Praying in my way for you, sir. - OS
  18. Friend got pulled over in college, got charged with having tire iron in same location. It could happen if LEO has an axe to grind. Truckers been charged with similar, even though they claim "tire thumpers". Why most carry the one that's designated as a thumper instead of homemade one or pipe. Speaking of which, a hatchet/axe doesn't seem to fit description of knife or club -- maybe everyone should just carry one of those? Anyway, having a "club" in car is a big diff from walking around with one, whether it's a baseball bat, tire thumper, or extensible baton, as far as risk of getting popped. - OS
  19. It would be gratifying in the extreme if Rick Perry, who was finally able to make the final decision to give him the needle, becomes next Prez. Ghoul's last words were "Viva Mexico". I wonder if Barack called him personally after the Supreme Court plea failed. Two ghouls, actually. - OS
  20. Illegally in the US all his life, before killing her with the hunk of concrete, he raped her, gouged an eye out, and stuck a stick up her snatch. 16 years on death row. And yeah, Obama makes plea to stay the execution because the perp didn't get to consult with Mexican embassy way back when. I'm telling you, Barack has to go -- I no longer believe he's from Africa, but from Mars. - OS
  21. Brother, I appreciate the sentiments, but <BIG WHOOSH>, that ain't me in the video, I just reposted it. I already knew enough about the Holster of Death to avoid it. I'm klutzy enough as it is. :) - OS
  22. Soon as the USD is inflated enough to be able to actually have a chance to make a dent in the national debt, those dollars are also just as inflated. Stock market crash also wipes out 401Ks and IRAs. Oh course, some of the money in those are in T Bills and federal and municipal bonds .. oh, wait! Point is, every US financial market, and those abroad to a majority extent, are controlled by the Fed in the worst sense. The Fed can't make them more productive, but it can make them worthless. And that's the good news. - OS
  23. Where's y'all keep getting this stuff? Carry in state parks has nothing to do with it. You can carry in national parks according to the carry laws within each state, unless any forbid carrying in national parks by state statute, which currently none do, although of course Illinois bans carry anywhere. Some states do ban carry in state parks, but you can still carry in the national parks. - OS
  24. Space exploration is as noble an endeavor the US has ever attempted, but it shows the extent of our decline to shelve it -- we gotta hitch a ride with the Russkies now just to get to the space station. And it never cost more than a penny or two out of each taxable dollar. Hell, it's ultimately the only thing that can possibly preserve our entire species. Saddens me, really does. - OS


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