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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Wow, one of a hundred. That's pretty rarefied strata for even a custom maker, seems. Good for you! - OS
  2. We certainly appreciate your definitive knowledge on the question. - OS
  3. Your point being? - OS
  4. Ah thanks for info. Pretty esoteric then ... hope it runs well for ya. - OS
  5. I would like to hope you're right, but even if outright catastrophe doesn't occur, I can see nothing better than long term degradation of quality of life in the US. I'd look to traditional Soviet style living standard as approximate model, but without the basically free urban mass transit and residence infrastructure. Btw, don't be so afraid of the Enter key. - OS
  6. What is the gun? Is it a FN? FM a typo? - OS
  7. Not referring to the present "crisis". The current Aug debt limit deadline is just another baby step, relatively insignificant in and of itself. There is only one way to pay off the US National Debt, or even eventually keep up with the interest rate on top of providing anything like current services, and that is to inflate the USD so that creditors are paid in a fraction of the worth of the money they invested. The Great Depression (deflationary in nature) will be a walk in the park compared to the coming Great Meltdown (inflationary in nature). - OS
  8. Yep, All those who mooch pensions of any kind, IRAs, 401Ks, stock or bond investments. All those who mooch electrical, water, and sanitation services. All those who mooch bread for under $10 a loaf and gasoline for under $10 per gallon. All those who mooch mass transit, police protection, firemen. All those who mooch Medicare and Social Security. In short, anyone who needs money or public services. All those deadbeats. Good riddance. - OS
  9. If we crash "only" as badly as the Depression of the 30's, we'll likely lose at least 25% of our population in a few years or less. We are so far from being the same country we were then it's uncharted territory. Though most of the book is a Ramboesque survivalist's wet dream, you should read the first couple chapters of Rawles' Patriots. The progression of how a financial meltdown could throw the country into chaos almost as quickly as a total EMP is quite compelling -- and 90% of his scenario has already occurred. Methinks this forum is quite appropriate for the topic. - OS
  10. OS is much cooler and better looking. True. OS goes for self-inflicted head shots only. - OS
  11. 1. The TN AG is on line two...he has opined that you may be charged for park carry violation even if the park is not properly posted. 2. In this case however, it is a city ordinance you'd be breaking, $50 fine and/or 30 days jail. 3. Have you ever heard the saying, "Ignorance of the law is no excuse"? It's more than just a saying. - OS
  12. 3:00 (or 9:00 for southpaws) is on widest point of the hip, worst possible place for concealment IMNSHO. Needs to be either in front or behind that wide projection of hip. - OS
  13. Gotta be a cookie involved, either that or Firefox works with those links but IE doesn't. After closing Firefox and reopening, the links I posted work fine, but I get the https login screen with IE. - OS
  14. I just opened the frame page in new tab, and pasted the URL, changing title in TGO edit box. I'm having a devil of a time getting around in the LexisNexis interface; mentioned in another post that Firefox doesn't work the same as IE with it either, in that a "back" command goes back TWO page views instead of one. - OS
  15. I think you simply have to accept the "terms"? I that what you see? LexisNexis® Custom Solution: Tennessee Code Research Tool If not, then we're screwed with the new LexisNexis rendition of TCA for posting links, 'cause that's all there is now. Clicking on my links works here, maybe you get a cookie when you've accepted terms, I dunno. - OS
  16. $500 fine "only" (no jail time). However, there is an additional statute that says if certain provisions of other statues are broken, and carrying past a sign is one of them, HCP will be suspended or revoked. The pertinent statutes are: "Certain Meetings" "Lose HCP" Again, a conflict in weapons law that doesn't seem to have been tested yet. - OS
  17. That smacks of advocating personal responsibility. Such a view can not be tolerated in America circa 2011. You will be assimilated -- progressively of course. - OS
  18. I duck out when mythology is purported as logical rebuttal. - OS
  19. Yes. Nobody on TGO has reported finding an instance yet. There was one fellow in Nashville who got arrested for doing something bizarre with a gun in a park, seems like he actually fired it, don't remember, but don't know the final charges. Of course, carrying past a park sign is a heavier penalty than carrying past a private property sign. Sort of, since higher fine and possible jail, but then again, not a statute where permit is necessarily revoked, yet one more irony of TN weapons law. - OS
  20. Yes, I should have been more precise. You can be caught dead drunk and carrying and not automatically lose your permit, as long as you aren't caught in a restuarant/bar. It is also true that the exact wording of the statute does not call for your permit to be revoked for simply having a sip in there, assuming you were not also intoxicated. But I'd wager that if the trouble is taken to pop you for having that drink, you are also gonna be accused of intoxication while in there, but possibly not. Good catch as usual on exact nuance of the wording, FG. - OS
  21. There have been other practices that were solidly and culturally understood that had to be changed to reflect the "equal rights for all" premise of America. Little issues like slavery and women not allowed to vote/run for office come immediately to mind. - OS
  22. Right, but only forbidden in public establishment that sells alcohol for onsite consumption. But you can drink at home, at a friends, at a picnic, whatever. Then it's a matter of whether you are carrying while intoxicated. Oddly, you don't automatically lose your permit even if caught dead drunk carrying. But you do if caught having one sip in a bar while carrying. Another of the ironies of TN weapons law. - OS
  23. Saw one of these at range today, guy with 1911. Quite nice, if one must have a "lock". They make it for XD also, Jon-L, I mentioned Bianchi in previous post. Model 82 *CarryLok™ Hip Holster Bianchi Leather Holsters - OS
  24. All well and good, but "marriage" already IS a civil contract in both the eyes of the states and the federal government, even though the fed has not (yet) recognized some of those civil contracts that 6 states do. You're really just talking semantics. Whether you are married in the Baptist Church by a minister or at the courthouse by justice of the peace, the "civil union" is equally binding. Some states still recognize common law marriage, AFAIK, also. Whatever you wish to call it, and whatever other religious sacramental significance you wish to attribute to it is up to you. But your divorce will be handled in court. - OS
  25. Aggravated assault and theft, bond $100. Wow. I'm sure he'll show, sure wouldn't wanna forfeit that princely sum, raised by his relatives selling food stamps products. - OS


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