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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Oh Shoot

    Bad Joke...

    Accuracy of thread title is spot on. - OS
  2. Isn't Apple about to run out of feline names? - OS
  3. The standard drill is to carry with gun cocked without one in the chamber for a while. Try tossing it around some, tapping butt on surfaces, etc. Record how many times it "fires" without trigger being depressed. - OS
  4. To be precise, Indiana does not have reciprocal agreement with TN as KY does, but it does recognize the TN permit. - OS
  5. To be precise, Indiana does not have reciprocal agreement with TN as KY does, but it does recognize the TN permit. - OS
  6. "Yet"? Gunny's doesn't do them digitally? Was my understanding that all vendors that are included in the $115 had to do them digitally? - OS
  7. Oh Shoot

    Bill of sale...

    Because many perfectly legit people want as much anonymity between themselves and the gummit as possible -- especially where firearms are concerned. And I don't blame them. And yeah, I suppose it could possibly benefit the seller a bit in the case you postulate, if he were the first owner, bought through an FFL. But it takes a lot more than having owned a gun at one time to prove you used it in a crime, whether you can prove you sold it or not. - OS
  8. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/handgun-carry-self-defense/59607-different-take-stopping-power.html
  9. Handgun Carry Permits
  10. Maybe you should ask to umm, "reclaim" some? - OS
  11. Mine? That's from StellarRigs.com. They now sell them for same price off Kahr site, too, last time I compared. - OS
  12. Very nifty setup... But I'm surprised you felt it was too heavy for pocket carry before the laser...I tote one daily for good while now, even with spare mag in a StellarRigs. Btw, also love the little Smidgen (or Hartsook?) with light combo. - OS
  13. I guess it was too detailed or something. I am getting on up there ya know. - OS
  14. Well, that part has proven true over and over. Although the only times I've really open carried was with a big honkin Ruger Blackhawk in cowboy holster -- and it does get noticed. And no, pretty sure we've never actually met, btw. - OS
  15. You call a possible month in jail similar to a parking ticket? It is, btw, called a misdemeanor charge in city code, no idea if it's passed along to the state database to go on permanent record or whatever. Unlike Knoxville's duplicate wording of the Kwik/Bellmeade Army/Navy pistol ordinance, the parks one was dealt with only about a year and a half ago by City Council, so it's not in the same archaic class. But again, we've found no one charged with it yet. There were a couple of guys who got caught with guns (because one fired a shot) on a greenway some time back, but never heard exact charges or outcome. - OS
  16. Ah, now I finally fully understand, duh. Thanks for that. - OS
  17. Mike.357 just informed me I was at 9,999 posts, and better make the next one memorable. Sadly, this will have to suffice. The further wonderment is that I reached it without the banhammer, though I've surely been close from time to time. - OS
  18. Begs the question, what about all the folks who get permit on the last couple days of month? CCA here runs Sat classes, for example, that's on the 31st, and no way those folks are getting to the DMV/printed that day. I guess they're just gonna have to pay the extra, eh? - OS
  19. I was too embarrassed. - OS
  20. That's The Driller. - OS edit: just noticed, that was The Driller. Excellent.
  21. Isn't it an amazing phenomenon how once something is said, it sticks? Hence urban legend. Black panthers. (And that many folks don't actually read threads before jumping in with their uninformed blather.) Okay, I admit it. It's me, and I live in my parents' basement. Ya gotta admit, though, I look pretty young in that video for 62, eh? - OS
  22. I get the point on the bending, and agree about the gun butt sticking out toward back under shirt while doing that, but save that one movement, anything on the point of my hip (IWB or OWB) sticks out far enough to look like a hip deformation. Or a gun, if you're hip to noticing. I'm still quite careful about printing and find for my still too rotund middle, about 4-4:30 is overall way the best -- though I never went so far as to video, certainly have done extensive mirror tests. Then again, I've only IWB'd three guns, all with short butts. The difference between my XD subbie and XD service is dramatic, I don't even use a Pearce pinkie extension on the subbie, as I object to even that extra length to the butt. I also carry the rig low in the waistband, and have only used holsters with clips off the main body of the already widest part of the rig. Have found that anything higher prints worse too. - OS
  23. A simple email would have rectified the situation, too. Something similar happened to me, and they were very responsive. - OS
  24. Forsooth, you are a literary titan by comparison. - OS


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