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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Had lumbar discectomy in my 20's. Made my living with about half brain, half brawn ever since. Even closed with a three year stint totin' FedEx Ground until I was almost 60. Biggest prob these days is the inevitable arthritis that sets into the area after a trauma like that. Keeping weight off is big, too -- can tell diff of 5 lbs. I do water class exercise couple times a week, as can do stuff there I can't do on dry land. Can walk a lot too, but can't jog. I find carrying extra weight, like even 30 lbs of groceries in pack, doesn't seem to make much diff, but the repetitive violent pounding of running is a no go. I have 4 stretching and core exercises that also seem to help some. To my knowledge, once a disc is truly herniated, at least toward the inside of the spinal column, you're gonna need some sort of medical intervention, though. They can go in and zap/dissolve just part of it with needles and whatnot these days, though, and the rather drastic surgery I had 35 years ago is seldom necessary. Nor is the excruciating mylogram used for exact diagnosis in the pre MRI days. - OS
  2. Almost all are way low. - OS
  3. "You guys" is not necessarily even a majority opinion, but please, don't derail this thread with open carry debate, ok? - OS
  4. It's not Photobucket, it's the current version of vBulletin. You can't use the pic icon dialogue box, always gives error. You can simply put URL in post and then manually add [/img] to each end of it, as I assume Caster did. Great trip! - OS
  5. Bust the breast plate with hatchet to get started is one way. I've seen folks use bungie cords or cargo straps to wrap around tree and hold the shell at edges to make it easier. I've seen at least one commercial rig designed to hold one this way too. You can also cut around top of breastplate that attaches to main shell using arm and leg recesses as access. Takes a sharp knife and some gumption, and best to wear heavy gloves in case knife slips. I've never had softshell, but have had big snappers twice (I didn't have to clean them). Outstanding fare. The "7 different meats" (or maybe it's 5, I disremember) in a turtle saying is pretty much true. - OS
  6. I'm still hazy on one thing: was Gunny's on the list of fingerprint vendors that the DMV gave you? Since I've not heard of anyone else getting printed there. Gunny's did NOT charge you anything for the prints, right? - OS
  7. AFAIK, all Hooters in TN are posted, though it's reported that some are inside outside door rather that on it. - OS
  8. You can carry in 37 states with a TN permit (plus Wisconsin soon, presumably). The last time I researched it, you could add Washington state by adding a Utah non-resident permit, and that was the only state you could gain with any TN permit combo. You can double check on handgunlaw.us to see. - OS
  9. Too late, eh? How else can I keep up with the loons in liberal Hollywood? Notice the MSNBC one, too. You've got to know your enemy. - OS
  10. Try deleting all TGO cookies. With Firefox you can select just the cookies you want to zap, so you don't loose settings on all other sites, dunno if you can do that in IE though. - OS
  11. Yeah, watching right now. Commentators are excoriating the jerk, of course. Now that dirty linen is public nationally, the PD probably will probably act quickly to cover azz. - OS
  12. When I ride my girlie bike I at least wear shoes to cover my pink toe nail polish, jest sayin... - OS
  13. Well, the Chinese probably get more of a kick out of it than I do. - OS
  14. You all logging in from www.tngunowners.com/forums and not the base URL? (and ticking "remember me") (TGO has never worked reliably worked for me logging in at just tngunowners.com) - OS
  15. NICS is federal. TICS uses it. So you have to trust both the state and the feds to purge it. Lord knows I trust them both, don't you? - OS
  16. Might want to read about McDonald vs Chicago too. The most significant gun rulings since 1934 regarding interpretation of the 2nd Amendment, which I trust you have indeed heard of. - OS
  17. Never heard of a little court ruckus in '08 called Heller vs. District of Columbia? - OS
  18. Book is 30 years old. Hell, I don't think there was a state in the union you could even legally carry as a normal citizen when he wrote it. Much has changed with self defense law since then regarding use of deadly force, requirement to retreat, castle doctrine, personal liability, etc. You can even shoot thieves in Texas, but not open carry. - OS
  19. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OuX-nFmL0II
  20. Man comes up to me on one of my walks and says, "Can I have your wallet?", I'd probably laugh. If he says "Give me your wallet or I'll kill you.", the gun comes out. If I've seen a weapon, and I can, the bullet comes out of the gun. Only pushed to the ground (even if he was) by one person, in public? Nope. "Pushed to the ground" by two or more aggressors who seem bent on more, the gun comes out. Hit once with a fist? Nope. Hit once with something more damaging? Gun comes out at minimum. Getting pummeled by two aggressors, or even one at my age that I couldn't handle, gun (or knife) comes out. All these hypothetical scenarios seem relatively simple to me, comes pretty much down to common sense, and I think 95% of HCP carriers would make the correct decisions. If you think you'll need the time to play lawyer in your head at a moment of real danger, I'd opine you have enough doubt in your ability, resolve, or overall decision making to preclude carrying a deadly weapon at all. - OS
  21. You better look at that Walmart incident a little closer. The guy with a gun was a nutcase, have seen no reports that he was more than shoved away by the guy after he perceived an affront to his wife. At the checkout register, for c'sake. Fort O Walmart Employee Pulls Gun on Customer | lawson, police, say - WTVC NewsChannel 9: Chattanooga News, Weather, Radar, Sports, Lottery Umm, so at what amount of money would you do it? Never mind, the real point being, who knows how many people have been killed for less than twenty clams. That's the perp's call, not yours, eh? You seem awfully trusting of one committing a felony to your person to stop at just the one. - OS
  22. Actually, Israeli is the only one I've ever heard of who do this. - OS
  23. My point is that digital prints from approved vendors included in the $115 are sent over net immediately. If TNDOS haven't got them, they're not going to, seems to me. The UPS Store where I had mine done allowed you to get an optional receipt of successful transmission for about 3 bucks, best I remember. - OS
  24. Knife pioneer Blackie Collins dies in motorcycle accident | JDaveRhea.com - OS
  25. Only on some models that don't have some sort of adequate drop safety, or from one that had a poorly done trigger mod. Your XD wouldn't go off dropped from an airplane. Btw, though I've been mostly carrying a Kahr in pocket for the last year, I too chose an XD partially because of the grip safety. Re-holstering is perhaps the overall riskiest maneuver involved with handgun carry, and I like the extra margin of idiot-proofing that the grip safety provides. Then again, with proper care, any gun can be re-holstered safely -- unlike drawing speed, how quickly you can return a gun to holster has about zero relation to self defense. - OS


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