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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. If I knew which day EOTWAWKI starts, I'd stash 50 C9s and 50 995s, just on spec to help equip whatever group I might wind up part of. - OS
  2. Doesn't necessarily mean much. Romney won it overwhelmingly in 07, but later didn't even win the Iowa caucus. Huckabee won that, but of course neither got the nomination. - OS
  3. Yeah, everybody says they do. 'Bout to test it, need to send a new Skyline in, won't flip worth a hoot. Read where it might take 6 weeks though, unless they do indeed just swap it. - OS
  4. I'm not a snob at all; recently acquired knives by SRM, Bee, and Enlan, all outstanding (they have made many "USA" branded knives also). After all the various neck knives I've tried, have currently settled on a Chinese Meyerco. My second fav necker is a Chinese Boker. Also carry a US Spyderco and US Buck. My point is, I choose the knife for its merits and suitability for my purpose. All else being equal, I opt for American, but sometimes there's really no choice, even if I would pay more for US (within reason -- 'bout $125 is pretty much my personal limit on knife, at least so far ). - OS
  5. That's the way they are made. Note the two holes with flush pins. Might as well not like the moon. In this case, absolutely agree. I'll offer $100 for that ugly ole 870 with the ugly ole holes in it and all. - OS
  6. He is indeed a total hoot on RedEye, self-deprecating, sardonic, very Ambrose Bierce like in his inside DC descriptions. That's really all I know about him, but on that basis, I really do like him. - OS
  7. EDIT: I see you are talking about an 870 -- dude, that IS the way the trigger group is held in place, fellow didn't drill any holes (unless there are two extra new ones). Sidesaddles generally use existing pin holes, although they come with different longer pins/bolts than the stock flush pins. - OS
  8. YOU took the discussion into that area, Mr. Earp. We're just trying to keep you out of the hoosegow in the future. - OS
  9. Three criteria must be met, the first one alone is clearly not going to pass muster. "(A) The person has a reasonable belief that there is an imminent danger of death or serious bodily injury;" Unless you can get 12 close friends/relatives on the jury, I don't think knocking and words from a mouth on the outside of the home are going to suffice, Mr. Earp. - OS
  10. For someone knocking on your door and cursing? Possible, maybe likely, outcome is that you'd be charged with aggravated assault. - OS
  11. Green Acres ain't even in Maryville, not even close. Mailing address is Louisville. - OS
  12. Not crazy about having a high profile bible thumper in there myself, but at this point I'd vote for either Jehovah or Satan himself should he get the GOP nomination. - OS
  13. Steve, you be da man! Seriously, I kowtow all over the place to ya! - OS
  14. Well, certainly isn't necessarily illegal for one of the vendors to sell some of his own personal firearms, though as you say it might be against the Green Acres rules. - OS
  15. Dead perp doesn't preclude lawsuit -- surviving family sue too, sometimes successfully. - OS
  16. Ya got nothing to worry about -- don't shoot the instructor, instant fail. - OS
  17. Target is similar to your avatar. 12 shots each at 3,7,15 yards, and 12 shots at instructors choice. 70% in ringed area, which is actually larger than your avatar. Piece of cake. Really. - OS
  18. So he says "give me some gas money" and shows his gun. Do you really need to hear him say, "give me some gas money or I'll kill you" or actually draw his gun to fear for your life? - OS
  19. Since Target is not a French owned company, and thus certainly would not have responded so, I can't give a helluva lot of credence to the rest of your saga. As a matter of fact, your whole story sounds like a compiled paraphrase of some of the Snopes debunked urban myths regarding Target. About the worst I can find re Target is that they indeed don't allow Salvation Army bell ringers; because they don't allow any solicitation at all. (sorry for the off topic continuation) - OS
  20. Well, it's still going on, but I think main irony is that the only viable challenger to Mitt and Michele isn't even there. Rick apparently declares Saturday. It's also ironic that Mitt isn't even in the straw poll of the state in which he's campaigning and debating. I also find further irony in that fact that religion is going to be as important a voter issue with these three as any of their practical qualifications, but it remains truer than ever that nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public. - OS
  21. Yeah, the issue in her case is that it's probably grounds for termination should she ever be found out, permit or not, loaded or not. No TCA statute prevents an employer from banning firearms on its property, or firing you for violating that rule. - OS
  22. Here is what I get from your link with FireFox or IE: This came up in a previous thread, I could see my own link, but others couldn't. Has to do with whether you've accepted the free access "I accept" button on home page of Lexis. Seems to be a timed cookie or something. Once I went to home page of Lexis in Firefox and accepted, I can now see your link correctly in FireFox. However, I can't see it in Internet Explorer until I go to home page and accept again. If you have both browsers, you can verify this. Trouble is, it makes it a no go for most users, since there's no Accept Terms button straight from link or anything. EDIT: Additional info -- when I close both browsers and reopen, link still displays correctly in FireFox, but get the login screen in IE. Something about how the two browsers treat the cookie differently or something. Also, as I mentioned before, going "back" in Firefox within the site jumps TWO steps, IE goes back correctly just once. - OS
  23. See? Just goes to login page for the paid subscription service. I can find no way to do a direct link to any single statute. If you see correct link on your puter, it's pulling it up from cache or something. I ran into this once when experimenting, as I could see link but nobody else could. Then after awhile I couldn't see it either. - OS
  24. That's why we don't have 'dillos over here yet, the black panther population keeps them in check so far. - OS
  25. Can anyone find a way to create a link to an individual statute, without it reverting to the paid login screen? - OS


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