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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. What the hey kind of hog leg mag you carry that allows 19 rounds in a G 27? That's why I don't carry my SP101. I don't regularly frequent much of anywhere, ill repute or otherwise, but I walk the streets of Knoxville a lot, and perceive that my threat will likely be in multiple humanoids. Yeah, "they" say everyone will scatter upon the first shot. Or not. It's not painful, but still rather "violent". Much tamer than a Smith unobtanium alloy, but accurate follow up shots still ain't quick at all. Certainly roughly double the perceived recoil of the SP101. I did manage to tear a fingernail down to the quick somehow the only time I shot the LCR in .357. - OS
  2. If you want a new commonly available pistol, I think it's still a quite good venue for that. One of the 3 or 4 biggest vendors there, like T&T, will generally be real close to the best brick and mortar price you're gonna find. And of course, nowhere are you going to be able to put hands on a bigger array of them. - OS
  3. That's the only way to do it that I can find. - OS
  4. The Bolt Action Lock is interesting too, I've not handled a Spyderco with that type yet. - OS
  5. Yep, as far as "tactical" just like pump/semi shotgun, you load in between shots but still always ready to fire, hammer remains cocked with one in chamber, load while still pointed on target. Tube fed, you have to pretty much take the gun out of action while reloading. - OS
  6. It's not, totally. It would surely explain this "fundamentally transform America" thing, 'cause it shore as s$$t don't from any other angle except as an enemy agent. - OS
  7. Was just commenting in another thread how the aluminum case stuff is harder to get out of chamber in all my .357 guns, a SP101, Blackhawk, and Marlin lever. I'd say you just need to be good and aggressive with the lever. It's never good to baby it with any ammo, actually. I can make my Marlin feel sort of on the verge of hanging any time I gentle the action, but a good firm cycle always feels smoother. Great rifle there. - OS
  8. China only picks super smart people for their 50 year embedded mole plots. I think O is the Manchurian Candidate. - OS
  9. Cool, be happy to try anyway. Hard to match some of these great edges that often come from most of factories though. Buck does a fine job. That little Vantage of yours is 420HC steel, same thing they use in the iconic 110 and 119 models; 420 is generally thought of as quite a bit lesser steel than 440c say, but blade aficionados all swear that Buck has had a magic hardening process for it for 50 years, really unmatched by anyone else, so they have stayed with that steel as one of their mainstays. - OS
  10. I think most seem to agree that's a pretty good all around angle. If you decrease angle, you can get a sharper slicer, but edge will dull quicker on hard stuff, and might even damage it so that you have to take off more metal than usual to get it back. I do some free hand stoning, but generally give the SharpMaker a first shot, and use the 40° (20° each side) mostly. I do keep my "urban neckers" more toward the 15°, but they're really only for last ditch SD. So it mostly depends on what you mostly do with the knife, but if it's everything from opening cartons to whittling, to slicing cord and rope and plastic and whatnot, I'd opine that the 20-25° range is probably good choice. But also, if you really get down to it, even the type of steel matters as to what angle might be best all around too; some of these really hard super steels in use now can take a steeper angle and still perform well in general, but I'm far from knowledgeable about all of those either. To continue the disclaimer, , I'm also far from being a very good sharpener in general, seems that any given knife I have to use some different combination of stuff to get it as sharp as I can. I'm sure some other knifers more knowing will chime in. - OS
  11. Close, alright. I'm now the Prince Valiant of Islamabad. - OS
  12. I've shot a lot of the aluminum stuff in .357 mag, never had any lose crimp but I've had a couple stay under the star extractor after firing on Ruger SP101. Was still able to open cylinder, though, but was kind of tough to get them out of the cylinder once open. They also tend to be tighter in there in general after firing, notice that with my Blackhawk also when popping them out. - OS
  13. Oh Shoot

    TGO Member

    Oooo, good job, I didn't know you had that power, but should have known. Yeah, well, you have a life and all. - OS
  14. It's bound to be nice one, I mean, how could it not be? The only mystery with Spyderco is why they introduce so many fairly similar knives, but then discontinue most of them after a year or three. Then the price jumps as folks ferret them out! Speaking of Blackie, in feeding my (admittedly, somewhat obsessive) search for the perfect all around necker, I just recently picked up an relatively inexpensive model he designed for Meyerco, the Law Dog. Man I love it, enough so that I sent it off to a feller to make a better Kydex sheath for it. It's apparently been discontinued, so actually bought a second one to stash. Can't imagine why they discontinued this puppy. - OS
  15. How well I know. - OS
  16. Oh Shoot

    TGO Member

    I just drop in to see what condition my condition is in. Btw, you'll probably need to PM TGO David about the birthday typo ... it's not user editable and not sure regular mods can change it? - OS
  17. Nope, that's the only way we can ever possibly pay it off, by paying back, including interest, in dollars that are worth much less than the dollars that were borrowed. - OS
  18. Lordie, I found a biggie to wave today, eh? - OS
  19. Oh Shoot

    TGO Member

    At 10,000 you have to go once a week. But TGO no longer picks up the tab. - OS
  20. Yeah, thing about them is that they're worth the same as the money under your mattress plus a dribble of interest. If they go "bust", your mattress money isn't worth anything either. - OS
  21. The semi-auto seems hit or miss. I have the bolt action plinkster, and even had to send that one back, as the locking lugs on the bolt fell out. They couldn't even fix it, no parts for the Brazilian stuff they sell, just sent me a new rifle. It's been okay since, but hasn't gotten heavy use. 110 lb trigger pull. Looking at the build on it, there's no way these things will last in the same ballpark as Ruger 10/22 or Marlin 60, or most other US made inexpensive .22s. - OS
  22. NRA, TFA, and Knife Rights here. - OS
  23. The dime tax on each box of ammo is supposedly there for TWRA. No idea what their actual budget is, or how much comes from where. - OS
  24. FF6 here on Win XD and Win 7, no graphics issues. What exactly is the prob? Don't see graphics at all, or what? - OS
  25. The grip safety was actually one of the pluses when I originally chose the XD subbie over the Glock26 for EDC. - OS


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