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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. First thing to do before calling is to ethernet puter directly to modem without router and also bypass the last splitter tween modem and cable into it, confirm same low speed that way, something they'll generally have you do anyway. - OS
  2. Wayback Machine shows policy onsite as of Oct. 2009, almost two years ago: Tennessee State Parks: Policies - OS
  3. Was just shooting my C9 and 995 yesterday. They work on tin cans and bad guys 'bout like any other 9mm guns. If I knew which day EOTWAWKI was scheduled, I'd stash 50 of each of them. Having no idea of the condition of the used guns, worse case is about another $30 to send it in to HP for refurbish, although you're getting close to price of a new one at that. - OS
  4. He's using Comcast. There's a big prob either in the pipe or in his home system. - OS
  5. Hell, it's legal to hunt them with a .25 ACP mouse gun. But for gawd's sake don't put a FMJ round in it. - OS
  6. Some bad tech mojo of some sort going on there. - OS
  7. "Everything's illegal in Massachusetts." - Mel Gibson as Thomas Craven in Edge of Darkness
  8. Nope, domain just a link farm now. - OS
  9. Short naps are so refreshing. - OS
  10. Dang, haven't checked in a while, I'm pert slow by comparison with most of y'all. Have had intermittent probs here over the last 6 months too; Comcast was rock solid for quite a few years at my place, have been off and on probs over the last three. Bout same results with or without router. - OS
  11. I'm all for the fed to repeal all gun laws and incorporate that so that all states must comply. Let the states fight that out in court. However, I am NOT for the fed enacting any additional gun law, not even one that seems to benefit carry rights. They get away with that, and next thing you know it swings the other way. After all, if the fed passes additional law allowing everyone to carry in any state, an opposite law allowing only carry in resident state could stand too, eh? Or how about no carry in ANY state? If one law passes muster, why wouldn't they all? I'm for REPEAL of exiting gun laws only, no more added, none. - OS
  12. I'm reporting TGO, comrades. - OS
  13. Yeah, the Sportmans Guide's lawyers have misinterpreted TN law. You can generally buy long kitchen knives there, though. And machetes. And swords! - OS
  14. Well, first sentence in prohibited weapons statute: "(a) A person commits an offense who intentionally or knowingly possesses, manufactures, transports, repairs or sells:... (7) A switchblade knife or knuckles" So, yeah, just like carrying a gun, it's illegal. And there are only defenses to the illegal act. It's strange they don't simply call them "exemptions" instead of "defenses", since it really amounts to same thing in practicality. Good ones, yeah, mostly I guess. Although there are some retail stores in TN which carry the better ones, and really will only sell to military and LEOs (dunno how the EMT thing has actually been determined by case law or whatever). Then again, the selling is obviously not very much enforced, if at all. Certainly not at gun shows at least. I went through order process at several of the big online knife sellers on an auto just out of curiosity not long ago as a matter of fact, a couple showed notices that I would have to fax military/LEO credentials, a couple showed no notice at all, and seemingly would have just shipped them to me, f' if I know. - OS
  15. Yes, would be a terrible precedent. The door can easily swing both ways. Now ya see it, now ya don't. - OS
  16. Dunno about that, Neil -- seems to be. TCA says manufacture and sales are an exception to prosecution but only ... "(8).... provided, that the sale of such knife was limited to: (A) Retail establishments that represent in writing under oath before a notary public that they only sell the knives to law enforcement officers, military personnel and emergency medical technicians; ( Law enforcement officers; © Military personnel; or (D) Emergency medical technicians." - OS
  17. The only action on firearm laws the fed needs to take is to repeal all of them. - OS
  18. back to normal by midnight
  19. I have one, including the bucket. Camouflage no less. Buncha plastic bags, tie it up between dumps against odor, figger 3 or 5 dumps in a bag, take it outside and bury. If I had own land, would just dig a privy. - OS
  20. Well, I can own them under the law as curios, ornaments, or keepsakes, but can't buy them. Except of course that I can. While a cop watches, even. - OS
  21. 10:00 eastern on the button for me tonight (Comcast). Just like an intermittent crawl switch thrown. Everywhere else licketdy split. - OS
  22. Actually, if you read the statute, there's no exception for EMT/Fire Rescue to carry them. There is, however, a proviso that a store may sell them to "emergency medical technicians". - OS
  23. That's what it means. Applies to all schools, grammar to college. Applies to both HCP holders and non-HCP holders (though the gun cannot be possessed in the same way for each, which should be obvious). - OS
  24. Nah, FireFox here. Nonetheless, there's some new limiter periodically going on over the last week or so; as usual, I have 3-10 tabs open most all the time, and it'll only be TGO lagging. Seems to kick in somewhere in the 9pm-midnight eastern. Almost like number of users being limited or IP range block or something, if not actual server load? Switch/router on host? Something. - OS
  25. Yes, as far as leaving it in your car on campus. It seems that it should be unloaded, ammo separated also, since it is not in the paragraph regarding "going armed" and does not mention HCP holder. Separate statute for that: 39-17-1310 Affirmative defense to carrying weapons on school property: "It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under § 39-17-1309(a)-(d) that the person's behavior was in strict compliance with the requirements of one (1) of the following classifications .... (4) A person entering the property for the sole purpose of delivering or picking up passengers and who does not remove, utilize or allow to be removed or utilized any weapon from the vehicle." - OS


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