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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. That's my only Opie, just wanted one to have as an example of the type...made since 1890. If you went this way, might wanna go with smaller blade though for scouts, 4,5,6, maybe. They come sharper than sweet bejesus, btw.... Opinel knife - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia You could always get the #13 for the more advanced whittler in the den : - OS
  2. For those of you fortunate enough to get the Outdoor Channel, Joe Mantegna will be leading one called "Gun Stories" soon: Talking with Joe Mantegna - OS
  3. Ditto. I tried to learn to do it with a couple of my grandfather's blades in my 30's. Fellow who used straight razors helped me out, loaned me stropping stuff, assured me they were quality razors, and approved the level of sharpening. I gave it about a month, was always a time consuming and friggin dangerous process, hardly ever got a good shave blood free. I gave up. Eventually eBayed them. - OS
  4. Non-chlorinated brake cleaner, Hoppes on BoreSnake for barrel, CLP for lube. - OS
  5. I dunno ... one of the reasons I bought Mini 14s instead of ARs is because they look and handle like traditional rifles. - OS
  6. I'm praying for a Deep Throat in this whole matter (and Solyndra, etc) that leads to the top, with a Nixonian outcome before the next election. - OS
  7. Yep, it's very strange. Small town Kali is generally somewhat right of center just like the rest of the nation polled individually, but LA and SF lunacy drive the politics -- equate to Chicago pummeling the rest of Illinois. - OS
  8. Hmm, not what TCA or TNDOS says, so I dunno about all that. From: Handgun Carry Permit Forms "Permit Holders whose permit has not expired and are renewing their permit, may legally carry their handgun with the receipt provided from their application. Permit Holders whose permit have expired and are renewing their permit, cannot lawfully carry a handgun until they receive their new permit." - OS
  9. Yeah, I bought similar deal from them a month or so ago, had never used them before, no probs. Thanks for the post though, I grabbed some of the Winchester 9mm NATO from there. - OS edit: Sportmans Guide has same Wolf Mil Classic .223 for 99.72 and free shipping right now for club members, pert good deal.
  10. Oh Shoot

    Norris range?

    Note that it's closed this week Sept. 24-Oct. 2, and again Nov 19-27 (deer hunts in the watershed). They do that every year, otherwise open year round. - OS
  11. Oh Shoot

    Beware of hot ammo

    The .223 Monarch steel is lacquer coated, dunno about the other calibers in steel. - OS
  12. Probably. The bill is still on Moonbeam's desk. Looking like he'll let it become law without signing it. Activists are already talking about carrying unloaded long guns now, which the bill did not address. - OS
  13. Looks like that "right" will be gone as well. - OS
  14. Truly. What a nice ending. - OS
  15. It's a crime to have a sip of a drink while carrying in an establishment open to the public, period. It's not a crime to drink alcohol before or during carrying otherwise, as long as you don't become "intoxicated" (which is a separate crime, and is the call of LEO/Judge, BAC proof not needed for presumption of guilt). But of course your admonition is certainly a sound one. - OS
  16. Something like that. 10 days in TN, forget whether weekends/holidays count. Moonbeam is a gun owner, but seems to be one of those "I only have hunting rifles and shotguns so I don't care about all you Rambos, they'll never take mine away" types. - OS
  17. Should be called Source of Seldom Straightforward Answers. - OS
  18. Amen. One comment: video is mislabeled on YouTube, though, has nothing to do with open carry. Although the ban on (unloaded, no less) open carry HAS been passed by the legislature there, the bill is sitting on Moonbeam's desk, whether he'll sign it or not seems anybody's guess. - OS
  19. Yep, you got it. There is no distinction between "restaurant, bar, dive, honky tonk" whatever, now. - OS
  20. (you reversed some numbers) 39-17-1305 was suspended by court order, then repealed and addressed with the revised 17-39-1321 during the next year. Posting is covered in the revised 39-17-1351 (if that answers your question). - OS
  21. Bill to ban open carry in Kali is on Moonbeam's desk right now. Unclear whether he will sign it or not. - OS
  22. Not nearly as much as actually going there. - OS
  23. Oh Shoot

    9mm revolver

    Like single action revos? Ruger makes the fine Blackhawk in .357/9mm combo. I have one, love it. - OS - OS
  24. Help me, Google couldn't. Even found thread on BF didn't help. Where, what actual name of place? Open tomorrow? - OS
  25. Mean to post a pic? Pixels did not survive the trip. - OS


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