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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Specs on CRKT clearly show 8CR14MoV (generally indicates PRC manufacture, but it's a quite capable knife steel) vs "Acuto+", which I'd never heard of, but compositon is shown here: CRKTStore Maybe you should just get a Wally Skyline, same knife anywhere, and USA made. (CRKT offers nada made in USA; however Kershaw is owned by Japanese corporation) - OS
  2. Very. I just logged out (which actually took clearing cookies to really do), just to see if there was some change. I couldn't even view classifieds, much less PM anyone. - OS
  3. Ah, IC, 420J2 steel vs aluminum handle in those two examples, however, CKRT prominently shows the WalMart version also on their site, so doesn't seem there's anything particularly sneaky about it: CRKT Ripple (Black) EDC Knives - OS
  4. Is there a difference between "retired" and "ex" LEO under TN law, or federal one? - OS
  5. I looked at specs on both links, but I don't get your point. How is Wally's version different? - OS
  6. It's working, just doesn't have pertinent calendar info. - OS
  7. Well, Cain's first big hurdle is to raise enough money for an organization that can compete with Romney, but he probably really should go ahead and allocate a few extra bucks for a responsive webmaster. - OS
  8. I've been voting since Tricky Dick's first outing, and without a historical diatribe, we are really in uncharted waters now. Certainly, the Nixon admin was totally corrupt (but perhaps not all that more corrupt than most, just more thuggish and dumber than most, since they were caught and thus we know about it all). Certainly, the Carter admin was a total failure in execution on both economic and foreign affairs fronts, but was perhaps the most "moral" of admins in quite some time. But suffice it to say, that Barack Hussein Obama and his cronies are both corrupt and incompetent in ways that make Milhous seem like a choirboy, Peanut appear as Einstein, and though long before my time, FDR a Conservative. But the larger view, political admins aside, is that we now face a destiny that has only piecemeal precedent. While many still believe there are previous policies that can save the day, I think we're seeing the beginning of a now inevitable long gray decline at best (or an abrupt and rather catastrophic one at worst) toward the end of the American Experiment in any overall sense that we have come to know it. Yeah, I know this is the geezer viewpoint of every generation, but I do believe that Eisenhower's famous Yogi-ism really does finally apply: "things are more like they are now than they've ever been before." The causes of our largely self-baited trap are myriad and debatable, but we are where we are -- like most things federal, admins can do little to quickly help, but much to quickly degrade -- from my knowledge of US history from both study and living it, seems that Obama's three years have equaled or exceeded any previous pace in the latter regard. - OS
  9. Statute says it is suspended after any Class A misdemeanor conviction for duration of sentence, which as I understand it is also any suspended sentence duration and/or probation. A first time DUI conviction is generally 11/29 suspended. - OS
  10. ...is actually a discontinued product, so it really was sort of a flavor of the month. http://abcnews.go.com/blogs/politics/2011/10/fact-check-herman-cains-ice-cream-meltdown/ - OS
  11. Don't get out much, eh? 'Bout 60 miles, depending. - OS
  12. Perhaps you should gently mention how bad this could have been had she shown up while the ripoff was in progress, and her gun was inside the scene, perhaps in perp's hand, rather than in her hand? - OS
  13. ~ 9pm - midnight is the real test anymore... - OS
  14. Good find. Problem solved! - OS
  15. I'd posit that for every 100 sold, about 2 wind up getting regularly used. - OS
  16. Well, yeah, I agree grip on my 92F does indeed feel mighty large, but somehow I like it. I may have even increased it very slightly by changing to the factory walnut grips. I'm 6 2" (or used to be ) but just really have average hand size, any number of folks smaller than me have larger ones, but even though the grip definitely feels fatter than say my XDs, I find it secure and comfy. Maybe you can find some pretty wood grained gaffer tape - OS
  17. Seems to be exact same dimensions as 92FS, why does it seem larger? - OS
  18. You give it too high a rating. So far, I have serious doubts the Iranian gummit had anything to do with this ... it seems much too rinky dink, slipshod, and daft even for a loon like Ahmadinejad, or the Supreme Leader and his council. It actually benefits the Saudis more than anyone, PR wise, and certainly I don't trust them not to be holding some cards in the affair. It's not always true that the enemy of your enemy is your friend, and Saudi Arabia is a damn good example. - OS
  19. Actually, he's not facing that for being stopped in car. That's only for drinking in an establishment open to the public while carrying. Actually, must be deemed "under the influence" therein, not just drinking there. - OS
  20. Well, to be fair, the one we have now is a guns in bars bill also. - OS
  21. Perhaps just martial law, you know, general domestic terrorism and all, since the back door gun ban things haven't worked out so well so far. - OS
  22. Yeah, my first thought was just how convenient the timing was, to divert some heat from Holder. It was interesting that during the press dog and pony show today he still had to field a question about Fast 'n Furious. I still think there might be a big "crisis" around election time too, maybe not big enough to postpone the election (but anything is possible with this guy), but at least make what he'll consider a case for "not changing horses in the middle of the stream". - OS
  23. In that I respect your right to believe anything you like, however wacko I may consider it. Sorry to get off topic, didn't mean to foment proselytizing (which is a no no in any forum). - OS
  24. I didn't say I don't "believe in God"; nor did my declarative statement constitute personal ridicule, unless you choose to construe it as such. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof, not the lack of such claims. I'd submit that fear of the unknown is a primary foundation of theism, not the reason for skepticism thereof. - OS


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