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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. I took it as a GA carry permit. States don't issue licenses to sell guns, that's federal only. The answer is no, unless the FFL holder in TN also had a separate FFL to operate in KY, but has nothing to do with KY or TN law, only federal law. A FFL allows you to sell within a specific state only. I'm not certain a dealer can even take guns over a state line to sell in another state even with FFLs to operate in both states (something about stock received in a state must be sold in same state unless shipped or presented to another FFL or somesuch) but don't quote me on that, not sure. I know the outfit in North Georgia (can't think of the name) sort of "hands" the guns to a FFL dealer on the TN side for TN residents to purchase, for example. - OS
  2. ??? Georgia, like TN has no additional requirements to federal law for personal gun sales. Federal law is simple. Individuals may sell long guns or handguns to qualified residents of their own state, but sale to a resident of another state must be done through FFL in the buyer's state. - OS
  3. Oh Shoot

    Tap, tap, tap

    Wow, communications restored to Planet Jack ... hiya Bro! - OS
  4. Majority vote doesn't necessarily elect a prez, as I'm sure you just forgot for a moment. Otherwise, Slick Willie wouldn't have won either time, or Dubya the first time, just to mention a few elections from recent times. - OS
  5. Which all has nothing to do with individual to individual transactions as per the OP's question. - OS
  6. Absolutely not. Only if you both appear at TN FFL and transfer the gun there (along with a 4473 on you), is it legal. Or if he ships the gun to a FFL for you to do same. Same for long gun, too. - OS
  7. Of course any statute can be repealed, if that's what you're asking. - OS
  8. Well, that would fit in the soap opera part they've got going. Who's baby is it, sigh. - OS
  9. Amazon.com: The Walking Dead: Season One: Andrew Lincoln, Jon Bernthal, Laurie Holden, Sarah Wayne Callies, Emma Bell, Jeffrey DeMunn, Frank Darabont, Gale Ann Hurd: Movies & TV - OS
  10. I'll guess the obvious, that CDC and/or military screwed up, virus got loose from their labs. - OS
  11. I thought it was weakest episode to date myself. Long 90 minutes, not really enough story to fill it. - OS
  12. Meh. Seemed like little story to fill 90 long minutes to me. - OS
  13. Well, I shot the same .22 today that I got on my 12th Christmas! - OS
  14. Unless they've changed, Alamo is posted, maybe statute compliant maybe not, like all places run by Johnson Investments (Bennet's BBQ, etc). - OS
  15. Was before I could vote, so didn't mention, but yeah, should have. I really began following politics during Camelot, remember well the tenseness of the Cuban Missile Crisis (thought we might have to "duck and cover" )....LBJ admin certainly affected me, what with Nam and all..I won't bore the rest of TGO about how I got out of the army by trying to enlist! LBJ is best known for two shameful milestones: Vietnam and The Great Society. Certainly the socialist juggernaut of the latter has contributed greatly to our current Welfare Class, sense of entitlement just for having been born, and untenable economics as the demographics have evolved -- greatest lowering of the top to meet the bottom example in our history. Let's not forget the Gun Control Act of '68 either, as for relevance to TGO (then again, viewed in the light of assassination of two Kennedys and MLK, parts of it are more understandable). It really is amazing, as LostPass has hinted, that we're actually still a viable country at all looking back at some of these guys. Certainly The Gipper and (have to admit it) Slick Willie, have been the only overall successful presidents of my adulthood (done the least damage). Kennedy didn't get a chance to truly compete for a historical judgement, but I suspect he would have failed overall too. HST barely counts, I was just a tyke -- Ike, of course, was in my lifetime, and from my mostly historical estimation only, was overall in our top echelon of presidents. - OS
  16. Walmart, Dick's, Academy, and Sportman's Warehouse are the only local places I've bought ammo in the last 3 years. Walmart and online have accounted for vast majority of it all, though. - OS
  17. You realized that you can open carry "downtown" and "in an urban setting" in something like 40 of the 50 states, right? And that before this ban, Californians could only open carry an UNLOADED gun, right? It's quite obvious that CA is a case apart from most of the rest of the US open carry issue. Forcing the issue" has expanded the right to open carry overall in the US. - OS
  18. Well, it may be a scam to dupe you, but if so, it IS a scam by the real White House web site, and that ole trickster BHO. You can just go to main page: The White House And hit the We The People box on right side a little ways down which does indeed go to the secure: https://wwws.whitehouse.gov/petitions Can't really find why the prefix is "wwws", though that usually stands for "world wide web services". - OS
  19. Well, you can't reply to posts there: http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/carry-prohibited-locations/41564-faq-how-sub-forum-works.html But you should be able to start a new one. However, if it's something you want discussion on, don't put it there to begin with. - OS
  20. I'm guessing that in this case (McNair example be damned) Todd's special niche of notoriety will make a plea deal more unlikely; forget the public, he may have half the Hill leaning on the DA to stick him. As for all your other questions, I'd posit that the cop cam and police testimony will likely be sufficient for an "under the influence" conviction. BAC/blood test not necessary for DUI or firearm possession while under the influence. Class A 'meanor conviction bound to zap his HCP for a year or so, but for all I know he could still carry with his LEO status, dunno what procedures are in place for that. - OS
  21. An unsurpassed American tourist mecca -- why, Tennessee's oldest courthouse and post office are there! - OS
  22. Look up Yogi Berra quotes. It was a similar malapropism on Dwight D.'s part, but rings rather true today. I'd translate it as "the situation we're seeing now is so extreme that for all practical purposes it is unprecedented ". - OS
  23. Basic carbine still ~$199.00, has been for years.... It remains one of the best buys in the whole world of firearms. - OS
  24. He counters the argument with fact that your income tax would drop at least 9% also, and in most cases of "middle class" and up, more. And of course, unlike withholding tax, you do have discretion over your spending habits. As a matter of fact, there would be no sales tax on used goods. Dunno about food and essential services, not hip to the details. On the other hand, folks who pay NO income tax would have to pay more overall if they maintain the same level and type of consumption. Then again, maybe that's one of the left handed intents of the plan? - OS


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