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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/tgo-forum-support/28387-faq-how-do-i-post-pictures.html In short, they must reside elsewhere on the web, like on your own ISP's webspace, or PhotoBucket, etc, linked to them in post. - OS
  2. Haven't posted a pic of mine for about 6 months. Mine's a 5+5+1 model - OS
  3. Oh Shoot

    ID this bug...

    You could too, with that many legs! - OS
  4. No, there wasn't; unless it escaped from captivity somewhere. No, they aren't. "Unofficial" indeed. Bunch of black ones, too, so that makes it all the more credible for sure. - OS
  5. Since you've apparently not read much of it, whole thread has nothing to do with legality, but lease violation, and getting called on it. Also, he can't keep gun in car because it goes on campus and he's a student. THAT part IS illegal. - OS
  6. It would be a rare trucking company that doesn't. Even for contract owner operators. - OS
  7. The four states that have total constitutional carry (open and concealed), require no permits at all. Three of them issue permits mainly for recognition purposes in other states, although I think the permit is required in Arizona to carry in bars or some such. Many states have constitutional open carry. In either case, no permits are required at all -- the documentation part of your issue is what needs to go. - OS
  8. Beautiful animal ... wish we really did still have some here. Besides the black ones, I mean. - OS
  9. Yeah, he's gotten lots of criticism like that through the years, generally right after he beats you. That's rich! - OS
  10. Charter has quite a few: and more... - OS
  11. Spurrier is 11-6 over Voles overall, even limping along with the Gamecocks managing 4-3, and including one win with li'l ole Duke. One can debate game by game, but seems SOS himself has clearly been primary difference overall to me. - OS
  12. Attention to detail perhaps gets higher fee? - OS
  13. Yep, it's never the shooter's ultimate call -- not even inside your home. - OS
  14. .. could beat UT half the time with any team in the SEC given two weeks' practice. Maybe with MTSU, UTC, or Carson Newman, too. - OS
  15. Another drawback is that minimum distance is 15 yards, so not a great place to practice close in pistol drills (not that they'll let you draw and shoot either, even seated). Also, don't talk loudly while others are shooting! - OS
  16. Norris: - Technically, you are supposed to have membership to even be there, according to the PD. Realistically, folks show up with non-shooting friends family, never seen any hassles. Then again, I've never been there when a cop has been there either, except a couple of times on Thurs. mornings when they spruce up the range. Also realistically though, you can' get in the gate without a key, although most of the time if you show at same time anyone else does, they assume you are a member and leave gate open for you to enter and relock. Same prob with getting out, though. range: - 25 yard pistol side, generally up to four folks can fire at once, assuming everyone is doing it from same distance - rifle side: 200 yards. Plywood stands at 50, 100 (actually 122.5), and 200 yards. You staple or tape your own flat targets to them. You can bring your own stands. We also set out spinners, plastic bottles, tin cans, clays, steel plates, etc. Just clean everything up you've set out. 7? covered benches, but yes, you can shoot standing up, you can also shoot at each end of the benches. - protocol: when someone wants to go downrange, everybody agrees to go cold. Generally if a number of folks there, several will go down range at once. Yes, it's a good idea to look behind and make sure nobody is fooling with a gun while you're downrange. To my knowledge nobody has ever been shot there in its history, but may have happened in the distant past. - range is about 2 miles on right out Upper Clear Creek Road, which is maybe 2.5 miles from downtown Norris/PD. Once you have key, you don't need to go through town anymore, direct was is Andersonville Hwy (61) to Lambdin Rd (left in metro Andersonville )to Upper Clear Creek. Range is just about 30 miles from downtown Knoxville. http://maps.google.com/maps?oe=utf-8&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a&q=upper+clear+creek+road,+norris,+tn&um=1&ie=UTF-8&hq=&hnear=0x885c444672179493:0x223e075d2fe762dc,Upper+Clear+Creek+Rd,+Norris,+TN+37705&gl=us&ei=8F2sTuTZMYGJtwflzcj4Dg&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=image&resnum=1&ved=0CCIQ8gEwAA - OS
  17. Tuesday, btw, in case you get there before. There is now a big flap over permits in Wisc, since the state DOJ has issued some new fairly onerous "rules" for residents to get permits there. Sounds like only non residents with recognized permits will be legally carrying there for some time unless something changes in a hurry! - OS
  18. Not sure I get it. You mean he just made that address up? Had no relation to actual street name of the guy? Or you're commenting on his using a K instead of a C, or just his comment or what? There really is a Koon Lane in Knoxville is one reason I ask. - OS
  19. Back home on broadband! - OS
  20. I'd read the lease before I signed it. Also, he already can't have the pistol with him for 75% of his daily life, so it's not exactly overall life or death situation every day whether he has a pistol at home only. That said, I'd keep the pistol in the apt anyway until a tenant was found to replace me on lease. Worst case, if found out again, I'd wait to be evicted, as that is not a credit default unless non-payment is the reason -- but I also wouldn't degrade my or my family's financial options by skipping out with a big black mark on credit score which won't drop off for at least five years -- that's logically the worst lump he's likely to take over the whole situation. - OS
  21. Advocate of the Sheryl Crow method. - OS
  22. I'd define asinine in our exchange as your advice to Wyatt to skip out on his lease -- fortunately he seems level headed enough not to follow it. - OS
  23. Nope, timber rattler also. Sent with Naturalist Normal using Herpetology. - OS
  24. He'd probably like to keep his credit rating higher than yours, assuming you've lived as per your advice. - OS


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