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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. It's illogical to assert one can logically deem a vision of a hypothetical future as being distorted or factual. Plus, the movie is largely satirical. - OS
  2. Okay, how 'bout "negotiate" then. - OS
  3. Yeah, the idea of a business just successfully functioning year after year with roughly the same stable level of profitability seems to have become outdated in America. One of the drawbacks of public trading of companies, they have to grow big time each year to be "successful". Yes, interest rates are down. They're down for the banks that make a daily investment of my money and they're down for my own investments. Just the facts, Jack, that's biz. Who can I bill extra to compensate for my loss of income? - OS
  4. Some Walmarts carry some quite good scopes and some that are quite subpar. Looks like it has both 3/8" built in scope groove ("dovetail") and tapped for Weaver rail mount? so you'll need to decide on type of rings, too. Some scopes come with rings, especially the small dovetail type. Some don't. Does the rifle come with Weaver mount also? If not, you'd need to get one if you want to use Weaver rings. Etc. Since you're so hot to get cranking you might consider just grabbing it and shooting with the irons for a while and do more homework on scope, just a suggestion. Maybe start separate thread in Firearm Accessories forum re .22 scopes. - OS
  5. How would you know if he is a citizen or not? Do you have some sort of business that requires citizenship documentation from your customers? The state of TN does not require citizenship to own firearms, or to even carry them. - OS
  6. I ate those up as a teenager. Yog-Sothoth! - OS
  7. Where Men Win Glory, actually. I read his Into Thin Air, enjoyed it very much. Controversial, too. He also wrote Into The Wild, from which the movie about McCandless was adapted. - OS
  8. Was topic on The Five yesterday afternoon: http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/the-five/index.html#/v/1253332717001/feminism-or-firearms-which-empowers-women-more/?playlist_id=1040983441001?test=faces and sheriff himself live on Fox News just now. Poll on site there, "should women carry handguns?", 96% yes right now. http://www.foxnews.com/on-air/happening-now/index.html - OS
  9. A most interesting flick. C.S.A.: The Confederate States of America (2004) - IMDb - OS
  10. Dunno about Texas, but you don't have to be an American citizen to get a carry permit here. - OS
  11. Sounds like the stainless "Walmart Special model." Many have the basic carbine ("blued", actually "black painted") with wood stock for 199 or less. Although if that one was the stainless, that's a good price. The thing about a 10/22 is that you don't have to mod it to TactiCool or somesuch, but you might well want to improve the trigger for accuracy down the road, or similar, and there are drop in parts available for stuff like that, but not so much for the Marlin. If you just want the cheapest gun that works, get the Remmie (or the Marlin 60, probably even cheaper, good bit cheaper, maybe rebate works for Marlin too? -- tube fed, so no mags required). - OS
  12. Pic again: The long buffer tube notwithstanding, this IS classed as a pistol. Of course he chose one that not just every LEO would necessarily know as a pistol, just like the Draco in Nashville. Maybe he'll paint the silencer orange before the trip. - OS
  13. My eclectic list over last few months: The Coming of Rain - Richard Marius Broca's Brain, The Dragons of Eden - Carl Sagan Killer Angels - Michael Shaara Life of Pi - Yann Martel The Lost Symbol - Dan Brown Canto for a Gypsy - Martin Cruz Smith Jurassic Park, The Lost Word, Timeline, Disclosure - Michael Crichton The Golden Orange - Joseph Wambaugh few others I can't recall right this second (currently reading) The Big Sky - A.B. Guthrie - OS
  14. The Texas bureaucrat in the article (I'll try to find it again) seemed to think so, since it's a state program, and the state can't discriminate. I mean, he could teach general handgun safety and defense and refuse however he wanted, but to teach specifically for the state program certification seems to be a different matter, and I can understand that as per the application of the anti-discrimination laws. edit: here's one mention: http://www.cbsnews.com/8301-201_162-20128621/texas-gun-teachers-ad-muslims-need-not-apply/ " The Texas Department of Public Safety is now investigating whether to revoke or suspend Keller's license to teach concealed handgun courses. "Conduct by an instructor that denied service to individuals on the basis of race, ethnicity or religion would place that instructor's certification by the Department at risk of suspension or revocation," the department said in a statement. " - OS
  15. Oh Shoot

    Beware of hot ammo

    Tula is the name of the Russian city and the factory IN that city, which has been making ammo for 130 years. It and Ulyanovsk make the majority of Russian ammo, maybe all of it for all I know. Wolf is the US importer of various ammo made around the world, including from the Tula factory. You've been able to buy Tula for a long time under the simple "Tula" name, most often seen in sealed ammo spam cans. The "TulaAmmo" is just their change in packaging and contractual branding. You can of course also still buy Wolf ammunition, in some calibers and loadings, exactly the same as the TulaAmmo. - OS
  16. Except he is licensed by the state of Texas to teach the course. In a related story, sounds like they'll probably nuke him. - OS
  17. A $30-50 "name" Chinese rimfire scope (Bushnell, Tasco, BSA) as opposed to the probably "unnamed" $10 Chinese scope that comes with it. Overall brightness, equal brightness over entire field, zoom or fixed power, mm of objective lens, parallex, ability to hold zero, fragility, etc. Maybe, shading toward probably. - OS
  18. He says he's waiting because the legislature isn't in session till then. - OS
  19. Nope. ALL the states that allow open carry allow it for anyone who is in the state (assuming you aren't forbidden to own the firearm). - OS
  20. It's Carry in Bars, now. - OS
  21. And you might be too young to have gotten my tease? - OS
  22. $199 for a Ruger 10/22 is more decent. - OS
  23. No federal law forbids commercial truckers from carrying guns. Only the various state laws apply, and to my knowledge, none have special ones for commercial drivers. Most all interstate trucking companies have a no gun policy, however. Both for company drivers and contracted owner operators. - OS


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