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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Neither the one on Gunbarrel or the one off Brainerd Rd has guns. - OS
  2. Can't stay long to unite Europe. Has to get back here to continue to divide USA. - OS
  3. Might or might not, depends on thickness of the plastic where it goes in, dunno about that gun. Ruger 10/22 plastic stock models come with them, seem to be screw in type. They make them with bolt/nut type, also flat keeper nuts if the nut in barrel channel touches barrel, etc. Rimfirecentral folks will know. - OS
  4. The Remington Golden Bullets have been the pits for the last couple years. Inconsistent load, mainly. Bang, phfft, bang bang bang phftt, etc . - OS
  5. I'm still highly skeptical, but this is second report in two different parts of TN: http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/ammunition-reloading/64483-new-walmart.html#post808990 I'm still calling internal Wally gossip till proven differently, though. - OS
  6. He's tripping on something. - OS
  7. Ya know, Lennie could pass for a middle eastern guy at first glance anyway, that could add to one's jumpiness around the capitol, jest sayin'... - OS
  8. As long as you are just somewhat far sighted you're good. Near sighted folks should still need their glasses. There's no adjustable diopter on them, right? - OS
  9. Yep, it is Steve Jobs' way of staying in touch. He is the cloud. - OS
  10. As I understand it, you just lose the first 30-50 feet depending on focal length, so just like a camera lens, at a certain distance it stays in focus to infinity. Or at least in focus enough that your eye doesn't see a diff since the field of view is pretty wide for the focal length. - OS
  11. Clearly. Ban on having loaded guns in vehicles is also clearly unconstitutional. - OS
  12. AR/AK/Mini/SKS owners who don't shoot foreign steel cased ammo obviously have pockets deep enough to do it, but I'd say without the steady supply of the steel cased stuff, there would be a helluva lot fewer of them sold. - OS
  13. Over there to fix the EU debt crisis. Right. They had any sense, they'd not have let Air Force One land anywhere on the continent. - OS
  14. Oh my, who knew? My condolences, though surely it isn't worse than Joisey. You'd better learn to spell it, though, I think that's a felony up there. - OS
  15. Oh Shoot

    Beware of hot ammo

    Well, that seems pretty definitive then, guess I have been opining based on outdated info. Thanks for pointing that out on the TulaAmmo site. So, must be Barnaul, forgot about them, that's the third biggie over there. Dunno why Wolf plays this so close to the vest though. I guess like in US, corporate allegiances and contracts change; sounds sort of like Tula and Wolf may not have had such an amicable separation. - OS
  16. Wow². Good damn question. - OS
  17. Wow, speak of De Devil, how are ya bud? Long time no see. Yer ears must have been burning just mentioned wondered where you be to guys at range not long ago. Welcome back. - OS
  18. Wow, that's a new one. But whether they are nice guys or not, seems to me that if they can't get things straightened out on their FFL PDQ, believe I'd demand they ship it back to retailer and have it resent to another FFL. Of course, now that brings into question if the retailer will pay to send it again. Hmmm...a rather sticky wicket, I must say. - OS
  19. Oh Shoot

    Beware of hot ammo

    Splitting hairs, read between the lines. From that PDF: "It has been brought to our attention that the listed Brands have had ammunition with the WOLF headstamp in their packaging." That's because it's produced in same plants (Tula and/or Ulyanovsk). Got mixed up in packaging. "If you are in possession of this mislabeled product, please call WOLF" Mislabeling is the difference, not necessarily the ammo's makeup. Wolf is concerned with the marketing and branding above all. Wolf has no factory. - OS
  20. 866 is simply a toll free exchange, not assigned geographically. You talked to a lady in Nashville. - OS
  21. NM, I totally misunderstood at first. - OS
  22. If caught with unloaded and no ammo, you might get by with a misdemeanor instead of a felony, though. Maybe. - OS
  23. what part of "possess or carry" ... "on any public or private school campus, grounds, recreation area, athletic field or any other property ..." is unclear to you? - OS
  24. Well, do 39-17-1310 also for all options. btw, where did you get that? I'm about over the LexisNexis interface. - OS
  25. If you are a student, you can't possess a firearm in car at all, except in the case of dropping off and picking up passengers, in which case the firearm may be in the vehicle in the condition mandated by TN law (okay loaded on person or reachable with a HCP, unloaded with ammo separated with no HCP). If you are an adult non-student, you may have gun stored in car, but generally interpreted that it must be in unloaded condition. LexisNexis® Custom Solution: Tennessee Code Research Tool 39-17-1309 and 39-17-1310 (can't do direct link due to frameset and having to accept license agreement on home page). - OS


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