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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Hope to meet ya at Norris one of these days, Murg: I have two 10/22's, only thing I've done internally to them is add the Volquartsen hammer and extractor. Oh yeah, and a plastic buffer pin to replace the steel bolt stop pin. Have same inexpensive Bushnell 3x9 scope on each of them. At Norris, with crosshairs zeroed at 50 yards, I can use the bottom of reticule where it fattens to the ^ as sight for the 122.5 yard stands, hit tin cans or clays at that distance most every shot. About all the accuracy I expect to get out of them without throwing enough bucks into them where I might as well buy a more accurate gun to begin with, like something in the Savage or CZ line. Also, the new Ruger 25 round mags are all aces, no need to consider other makers' offerings anymore. As per Garufa's comment, true, the barrel band doesn't hold gun together, isn't necessary. It's can even be a detriment, as degree of tightening can change point of aim from last time you did it. So can even the main takedown screw torque, if you're trying to get all you can out of it. Some folks replace the screw with a hex type so they can use torque wrench to get it the same each time. You can't go wrong following Dolomite's advice on this kind of stuff, btw, if you have either/or the dedication or coin. 'Course, you'll probably need a new thicker target barrel too, and a .. , and a ... and....and ... and... - OS
  2. Oh, to verify bank info, makes sense I guess. I just always use credit card with PayPal. Matter of fact, I use credit card for everything possible in life, to get kickback. - OS
  3. You can get instant $40 credit on Amazon for taking out a Amazon Visa card (Chase). Was looking at a knife or two on there and tried it, instant approval. So got $59 purchase for $19, didn't even have to USE the new card for the purchase, probably never even will use it (it's free, no yearly fee). - OS
  4. Yes. Thieves gravitate to where they perceive the most money is, ie, West Knoxville. - OS
  5. Admittedly, these are the two at which you most need to be armed. - OS
  6. ?? - OS
  7. 4 out of the 6 Knoxville Walmarts sell rifles. Only the two in West Knox don't. - OS
  8. Controversy, mostly. - OS
  9. Hoover Hogs gentlemen. They say they were actually as hard to find as other game during the 30's, almost hunted out. - OS
  10. Ontario has been around since 1898, made lots of military contract knives, etc. Only thing I've ever heard them dissed for was the RAT hissy fit, not sure who was bad guy in that. Did Chicago Cutlery originally make the Old Hickories? I disremember. - OS
  11. It's the vinegar in the mustard that does most (or all) of it. The mustard mixture just makes it handy to stick around on the blade without evaporating quickly, makes it non-uniform in appearance, and doesn't go too far, too soon. Submerging in pure vinegar, according to some folks, permeates the the steel deeper, but slower, since there's no oxidation from the air. More uniform finish generally, though. Some soak a cloth in the vinegar and wrap that around blade. Some use "hold back" methods to etch parts of blade at a time, to create more precise patterns, etc. Lots of techniques for forced patina; even a potato seems to work. There are of course commercial chem preps that folks use too; the Bill Akers in another recent thread here probably got one of them. edit: I've never done it but on these two, an oddball Mora and an Old Hickory. I didn't even clean up the primary polished bevel on the Mora, the actual edge is very sharp though. As I said, I didn't do it for looks, but to stop rust, which it does very well. Ya can't tell scale in pic but both are apprx. 8" blades. - OS
  12. 9-12 .33 projectiles entering an area significantly larger than the slug at any distance, any of those projectiles capable of lethality. Would seem to me the odds favor the double naught up to 25 yards or so? - OS
  13. It was also a double tap here, saw it during Megan's airtime, she talked about it, alert kicks in, then back to Fox, then a minute or so later, the alert again. - OS
  14. Yes, absolutely, everyone would be impressed with your frugality in these economically stressed times while still appreciating the announcement of your legally armed status. - OS
  15. If it were ever so, it's not so now. - OS
  16. Have had two or three in Minis ... easy to remove by putting something on charging lever to protect it and tapping it out with hammer or something like one. Much easier than using the Garand Foot Kick, though that works too. Not so easy in AR though. Oddly, my few stuck cases have been polymer coated steel case. - OS
  17. He never responded to my PM or posted here -- just another drive by, I guess. - OS
  18. I'm just always curious regarding prescriptions or proscriptions in the law that have no penalty stipulated for violation. - OS
  19. Although there is no specific penalty stipulated for NOT doing it. Failure to obey a lawful order? (do we actually have that in TCA?) Interfering with a police investigation? - OS
  20. Oh thanks, I saw that as title but thought it was just the video poster's wacky euphemism. - OS
  21. I just smear a bunch around let it sit till mustard about dries, two hours maybe. Clean it off, dry, and do it again. Or a third time, whatever. Turns knife splotchy dark, but smooth, and creates barrier against rust. If you need it to look nice or patterned, best look for better tutorial, 'cause mine ain't beautiful. I've done it to an old Old Hickory I dug up out of the bottom of tackle box, hadn't used it in 20 years, and also to a big Mora that was the worst knife to rust I've ever used. Both haven't shown any rust since, use them all the time in the kitchen. - OS
  22. Yep, doesn't make much sense getting a two shot .22 mag gun when you can have 5 with the NAA in same or smaller size package. - OS
  23. Handgun Carry Permit, yes. From 39-17-1351: "The permit holder shall have the permit in the holder's immediate possession at all times when carrying a handgun and shall display the permit on demand of a law enforcement officer." The LEA may also temporarily disarm a permit holder "when the officer reasonably believes it is necessary for the protection of the permit holder, officer or other individual or individuals." - OS
  24. Aha. Cute. - OS
  25. You put the Battle of Athens in there as a little jokie-poo? Small two day stand-off and there weren't even any fatalities. - OS


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