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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. 14th sequence, according to list at: Earth | Time Lapse View from Space, Fly Over | NASA, ISS on Vimeo this is "Views of the Mideast at Night" No idea what it could be. I'm thinking some false color mapping or some such is picking out a long terrain feature? Or time lapse showing something celestial like planet movement, not ground based source at all? Big unknown is actual extent of the view, is it actually much larger than "mid east"? Also the time-lapse overall timing and sampling? Maybe it's time lapse of the Trans-Siberian RR or something? What's that really light-saturated mass in far right? If we knew that, we'd have a reference, maybe. Intriguing, for sure. - OS
  2. Remember, Norris range is closed 19th-27th for the second hunt in watershed. - OS
  3. Broom, I really do appreciate the offer, but honestly don't care enough about the feature to fool with it. I never lock it open while shooting -- and with Volquartsen extractor I've never had a jam where I needed to lock it open to clear either. The very infrequent times I do it is no problema -- since I actually know how to do it! - OS
  4. Thought many times about giving that a go, but then I don't hardly ever have need to lock the bolt back. Generally just to use Bore Snake. Which doesn't get done very often either. - OS
  5. Yeah, but most folks don't operate it correctly, so it seems worse than it is. Open: Pull back bolt, HOLD the catch down, release bolt. Close: Pull back bolt, PRESS and RELEASE catch, release bolt. Most folks try to get it to operate same for both open and close, and it doesn't. - OS
  6. Actually, to split hairs, all city and county parks are legal carry zones by default. They must exempt (opt out) themselves from the statute by resolution and posting, something not allowed by state parks. Knoxville is the exception to this, though, no carry and not required to post either. - OS
  7. And a learning curve? I'd expect a $400 sharpener to teach me Mandarin Chinese! - OS
  8. Most folks don't seem to have rust probs with the carbon Mora, unless it's going to get put to bed wet every day or something (in which case a stainless model would be better). - OS
  9. The statute, in part: -------- " (3) (A) If a sign is used as the method of posting, it shall contain language substantially similar to the following: AS AUTHORIZED BY T.C.A. § 39-17-1359, POSSESSION OF A WEAPON ON POSTED PROPERTY OR IN A POSTED BUILDING IS PROHIBITED AND IS A CRIMINAL OFFENSE. ( As used in this section, "language substantially similar to" means the sign contains language plainly stating that: (i) The property is posted under authority of Tennessee law; (ii) Weapons or firearms are prohibited on the property, in the building, or on the portion of the property or building that is posted; and (iii) Possessing a weapon in an area that has been posted is a criminal offense. © A building, property or a portion of a building or property, shall be considered properly posted in accordance with this section if one (1) or both of the following is displayed in prominent locations, including all entrances primarily used by persons entering the property, building, or portion of the property or building where weapon possession is prohibited: (i) The international circle and slash symbolizing the prohibition of the item within the circle; or (ii) The posting sign described in this subdivision ((3)." ------- No guarantee that a simple "no guns" sign wouldn't get you arrested, though. On the other hand, we've found no one that has been charged with carrying past a sign yet, period. - OS
  10. Closed Nov 19-27 only. They were also closed for week back during last of Sept - Oct. They close (only) these two weeks every year. - OS
  11. I would assume it's federal BATF "rule", rather than law, no? - OS
  12. Nah, can't do, sent PM already to Dol...up for 'bout anytime next week. Yeah, a simple reply from gunshop of "sorry, we just can't compete with some online megastores" but "we're here to give personalized service" etc would have been so easy seems to me, not to mention less time consuming. Or maybe that's a cut and paste insult the owner uses a lot? Either way, seems insane thing to do to me ... second only to sticking up for it in this thread. - OS
  13. Let it rip in German. No, on second thought, better not, you might get banned on more than one continent or something! - OS
  14. Birds of a feather, then. - OS
  15. Well, there's always Norris, but I guess 200 yards with a .50BMG is sorta like shooting a .22 at 10. Although any number of folks do that out there. Done it myself, and found it exciting each time! - OS
  16. Hi Cody, good to "see" ya! - OS
  17. Somebody PM me if a date ever gets set, I've 'bout quit reading these numerous threads since the meets never seem to happen. I'd probably show just to meet some of y'all and kick topics around, shoot a little, whatever. Heck, I've never even met Brandon, and we've "talked" on TGO for years. - OS
  18. Good Lord. I believe after that hassle I would have been mad enough to pursue a false arrest suit or something, whatever I could file outside the local jurisdiction. - OS
  19. You can't SELL one to a minor, but you can loan or GIVE a handgun or long gun to a minor, if: "A firearm was loaned or given to a minor for the purposes of hunting, trapping, fishing, camping, sport shooting or any other lawful sporting activity" - OS
  20. When all else fails, read the directions: http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/carry-prohibited-locations/41564-faq-how-sub-forum-works.html - OS
  21. Well, the patina is oxidized, but stable -- think of it as "black rust" instead of "red rust" which isn't stable and continues to erode the blade. (speaking on cutting edge molecular engineering level here, of course). As I said, it ain't pretty, but protective. Ya might want to do it a second time to make sure all the surface area reacted. Don't forget the top edge too. - OS
  22. Well, how did the high tech condiment treatment work? - OS
  23. Surely that's plenty to occupy Oak Ridge? - OS
  24. Cite, please? - OS
  25. Raising cane = ho hum, watching grass grow Raising Cain = now THAT'S more like it - OS


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