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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. No, because TCA doesn't list acts that are NOT unlawful, only those that are. You won't find a statute that says it is legal to carry in church or bank either, which many folks wrongly claim is illegal in TN too. Many folks who work in liquor/beer selling stores have also been confused by the ABC signs that used to have to be displayed (now they don't), warning about gun carry there -- which never had anything to do with HCP carry either. Some places still display them, and some stores have apparently still been erroneously told by idiot ABC agents that they have to. - OS
  2. JFYI, the "guns in bars" bill had no effect on carry in places that sell for off-site consumption. It was already legal to carry in them if not posted; has been since HCPs were first issued, AFAIK. - OS
  3. Like for the thousands of other species we've decimated or made extinct, just an overall loss of habitat due to too many bipeds, methinks. I'll take the USDA's hypothesis as accurate enough (quoted from: http://www.tn.gov/twra/quail.html): "...bobwhite populations have decreased significantly in recent years, as much as 70 to 90 percent in some areas. Among the most influential impacts reducing northern bobwhite numbers continues to be the loss of nesting and protective cover. The removal of overgrown hedgerows, fencerows, and windbreaks from agricultural fields and rural landscapes; the conversion of open, native grasslands, woodland edge, and other idle habitat to introduced grasses and developed lands; clean farming operations and the increased use of agrichemicals; increased grazing pressure; intensive fire control; removal of timber and brush over broad areas; and the spraying and mowing of highway and utility rights-of-way has reduced or eliminated bobwhite populations from traditionally occupied areas across the United States." - OS
  4. Ruger has 8 shot SP101 and 10 shot Single 10. Did they used to make a 9 shot something? - OS
  5. Didn't realize they had gotten this sparse: "The range of the Ruffed Grouse in Tennessee once extended throughout East and most of Middle Tennessee. Currently, it is found only on the Cumberland Plateau and the high ridges and mountains of eastern Tennessee." from: Tennessee Watchable Wildlife | Ruffed Grouse They were fairly common around McMinn and Meigs county and Tellico and Ocoee areas when I was young. We also had them in Union County on sides of Clinch Mt. in the late 80's, the last time I personally saw any, but I've been a townie for a long time and haven't trekked around much since then. Friend lives up on TN/NC line near Max Patch and says grouse are still pretty common up there. Used to be quail on edges of about every field I tramped through growing up too, damn near endangered species now. - OS
  6. Look closer, I'll bet you find small gunbuster on front door. - OS
  7. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/national-politics-legislation/65078-carolyn-mccarthy-proposing-two-amendments-effort-stop-h-r-822-a.html http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/national-politics-legislation/65122-hr-822-passes.html
  8. I'm probably game, but don't need to sleep out on the ground for practice. Unless y'all are gonna backpack into somewhere from the LZ, I'll crash in my 1988 tactical EOTWAWKI van. - OS
  9. Nowhere can I find the actual weight of the rehydrated meals, so they must be really small. But you're right, those are starvation rations over time for most men even if they're not overweight at all, and wouldn't take long to take its toll, especially if you were expending a lot of energy daily. - OS
  10. If I were doing that, it would likely be with his help. - OS
  11. He just pointed to AG opinion that indeed, it is NOT a firearm (at least for purposes of ownership. As per federal law cited by the AG. However, see my other response above. - OS
  12. Well, certainly an interesting point, and if that were to be found legal: 1. wouldn't matter if the felon carried it openly OR concealed. 2. ANYone could carry one openly or concealed without an HCP However, TCA does define "handgun" (which is the only thing you can carry loaded, and with an HCP) as: ""Handgun" means any firearm with a barrel length of less than twelve inches (12'') that is designed, made or adapted to be fired with one (1) hand" So, my conclusion is that: 1. The AG's opinion is just that, an opinion 2. It may well be found that in TN a felon may own antique and/or black powder weapons 3. For purposes of carry, the definition above would be the litmus test, and antique and/or black powder handguns fall under its definition. And to carry a loaded "handgun" requires HCP. Or a felon could always emulate our infamous Voldemort and re-test the antiquated Jim Crow law any number of municipalities still have on the books (including Knoxville), that all carry is illegal "except for an Army or Navy revolver carried in the hand". - OS
  13. Oh Shoot

    worst rifle ever!

    Try to get the pharmaceutical grade stuff instead of whatever you're using. - OS
  14. Likely nothing, because it likely won't pass the senate. Should it pass senate, O will likely veto it, and there won't be 2/3 to override. And should it actually somehow become law, means you could carry in everywhere in US except Illinois and D.C. Until the state lawsuits reach Supremes and it's overturned. Possibly be suspended by circuit court until it was heard, just like our first time around with "restaurant carry" here in TN, except on federal level. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/national-politics-legislation/65078-carolyn-mccarthy-proposing-two-amendments-effort-stop-h-r-822-a.html ( just to keep from rehashing same points) - OS
  15. Mora fans should also check out Marttiini, of Finland. 'Bout same pricing for similar sized knives, but more attractively finished. They also make bigger models. Nicer sheaths too. I have a 3.5" and a 5" in this style: - OS
  16. Bill passed House today, apparently with none of the amendments mentioned in this thread. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/national-politics-legislation/65122-hr-822-passes.html - OS
  17. Pittman-Robertson (1937) and Wallop-Breaux (1950) Acts are separate deals from the TN state .10 tax. The funds from those federal acts are distributed to all the states. - OS
  18. I don't know what you're talking about here. States are issuing national ID cards? How can they? You're really reaching, for whatever reason. I don't think you'll see any of that "reasoning" in the court cases that will result if HR822 gets enacted (which I'd bet half the farm against happening). - OS
  19. Jeez, it ain't "jurisdiction", it's freedom to travel. The jurisdiction is still handled by the state in which you're tooling around. Absurd on the face of it. The travel is necessary to make the buck, carrying the gun ain't, unless you're saying that the constitution should protect armed robbery. I think that free travel within the country can be argued on other grounds also. "Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" probably covers it. If you'd like to argue that packing a heater should also be covered by that, fine, but again the Fed doesn't agree. - OS
  20. Word has gotten around, site said "too busy", now just "unavailable, place order by phone". Must be overwhelmed. - OS edit: it's back.
  21. Using a piece of plastic for free convenience and buyer protection AND getting paid extra to do it has always seemed like a no brainer to me. - OS
  22. Fact that Commerce Clause would be the only conceivable defense to violating 10th amendment states' rights as far as carrying a gun. The Supremes have already ruled twice (by not ruling on it) that handgun carry is not an incorporated right, only handgun ownership. They would have to add universal handgun carry as an incorporated constitutional right. And to do that, they'd have to mandate every state as Shall Issue, or enact constitutional carry, neither of which they will of course do. OR, worse nightmare, the fed could enact a federal firearms carry permit, good in all states. And THAT, of course, makes it only one simple step to the opposite, BANNING carry in all states. But again, that wouldn't fly either, unless the Supremes rule that handgun carry is an incorporated constitutional right. - OS
  23. You would mandate a CDL for anyone who ever crosses a state line to make a buck in any vehicle? What about folks who look for a job in another state or relocate for job purposes. What about the millions who daily cross a state line to punch a timeclock? That's all "commerce". - OS
  24. Yeah, it's absurd to me that folks don't use credit cards for their advantages. I put everything I can on my Universal Card, get retail store cards, free 300 bucks or more per year to spend where I want in person or online (can do Amazon, too, btw). Back when I spent more on biz, used to get about a grand per year kickback. - OS
  25. Millions of traveling salespersons and product reps are on line two. Not to mention the other millions of folks whose work for their own company or employer's company entails travel to multiple regional states. - OS


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