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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Try PMing TGOer BigJ45, has a very nice range and has hosted a couple of big TGO get togethers in last couple of years. - OS
  2. Well, now, let's not go further beyond the pale than warranted: $500 fine only (and to letter of law, loss of permit, though this hasn't apparently been tested yet). How is firearm ownership repressed more than in the "free" states? That is indeed enumerated as a right in the TN constitution. Although I agree with you that even that statement in the TN Constitution is double-speak for the carrying of arms. Can "bear" but not "wear", doh. - OS
  3. Most I've seen has a "wash" (coating) on it, copper alloy I think. Put a magnet on it. - OS
  4. If they simply targeted cars leaving bars at 2-3 am, they'd generally get one for each stop. - OS
  5. Just so sad. You know, I'll say one thing for the Dems, they generally come up with several interesting candidates (for their traditional support bases anyway), any one of which most Dems can vote for without gagging. Sure can't say that for GOP. Hildebeeste would have won last time around too. I used to have nightmares early on thinking that she might become president and was actually somewhat relieved that O won out. Wow, how naive can a jaded guy be still be? Actually, about any Dem would have won after Dubya and the GOP mucked things so badly, maybe even friggin Barney Frank. Maybe even a Hispanic lesbian atheist female. - OS
  6. Yes, agree. But unlike JayC's stand, I contend that the sign would apply to employees (with or without HCP). That the intent of the law is to give business owner certain carry rights, but not employees, any more than walk-in customers, visitors, vendors, whatever. - OS
  7. Texas does not allow civilian open carry, even for permit holders. Though I'm don't know the specifics of LEOSA, I rather doubt there's a provision in there that would allow that for a non-uniformed unattached LEO from another state - but willing to be proved wrong. - OS
  8. What year of your teenagery, though? At 15-19, folks could get permits. 13-14 they couldn't. And (sorry, old English teacher here) that's "chord". Would like to hear from any gun store owners/employees here that were working in pre-permit days, though. Thinking of all the folks who travel around to do their work? Freelancers may not even have a commercial brick and mortar location at all, only home and vehicle: photogs, plumbers, excavators, you name it. If you're going to be so liberal with the term, isn't wherever these folks go their "place of business"? Why can't anyone who works out and about carry without a permit, as even their auto is their place of business while they occupy it to conduct their business. You know good and well that a cop can and likely will bust a trucker for having a loaded gun without a permit and easily get a conviction, yet certainly that rig is his place of business. Also, how do you square that many people cannot carry in their place of business by other state statutes. Like anyone who works at a school? Why does the school carry statute override the carry at your place of work statute? The reason is perhaps that there is no conflict because the carry law doesn't apply to employees, and there is no owner/person of the school. Again, I don't know, and every time this topic comes up, I'm surprised there hasn't been clear cut case law established, or the statute clarified by legislature by now. - OS
  9. Oh Shoot


    I'm afraid these days I am not believing many mystery infant kidnappings actually are. Maybe they never were, we just have 24 hour reporting these days. Best prayers in my way if it is the McCoy with these folks. - OS
  10. Many years ago. I found I smoked just as much, but took more time to do it. - OS
  11. Quite a few references claim that the term did not exist until John Wayne said it in Sands of Iwo Jima (1949), and furthermore, he was actually supposed to say "load and lock", but blew the line and they left it in. https://www.google.com/search?q=john+wayne+lock+and+load&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a - OS
  12. Then an employer couldn't bar you from carrying, probably not even with a compliant posting, since certainly no would question that the owner could carry there, sign or not, yes? Then again, the rebuttal to that is that I guess in TN you can be fired for any reason? - OS
  13. One credible explanation was that it was indeed originally "load and lock", and that the "lock" part had to do with engaging safety. From an online forum (by Jim K), to keep me from typing it all as paraphrase: "To begin with, "lock" has nothing to do with the locking the bolt, or with flintlock muskets. It means to engage the safety, that is to put it in the "ON" position. "Load" means to load a round into the chamber. In the days of the Model 1903 Springfield, the command was "Load and lock", since the M1903 could not be made safe with the bolt open (the mid-position of the safety was used only for disassembly). The clip was inserted in the clip slot, the rounds stripped into the magazine, and the bolt closed. Then the shooter engaged the safety. The M1 rifle could be loaded with the safety on, so when it was adopted, the command was reversed. "Lock" meant to engage the safety, and "load" meant (usually) to insert an 8-round clip and load the first round into the chamber." - OS
  14. Ah, thanks for that even MORE informative info. So what's your take on the "one's place of business" as per the above debate? I'm sure you've opined on it before, but don't remember your take. - OS
  15. Yeah, that was hanging there in the back of my mind that they had changed the statute to distinguish between "served" and "carryout" designation, but wasn't sure if or when, as didn't get permit till halfway through '08, so didn't keep up with exact laws regarding that. Thanks. - OS
  16. Maybe. I dunno. Seems as logical to me that they meant to cover folks who own a business -- seems if they wanted to make it clear that it includes anyone working at the location, they would have said "place of employment" also. I suspect they did not, because if they said that, then your employer could not legally stop you from carrying there since to the best of my knowledge, this statute has been worded this way from before HCP carry was enacted (ie, there would be no option for posting the facility to keep employees from carrying) Further, even nowadays for those many many businesses which ban weapons, many if not most of those do not post their property, and yet are allowed to ban the weapons, which they could not legally do without posting if "one's place of business" was meant to refer to all workers at a location. Also I wonder if "one's place of business" is separated from "premises" to cover those who perform their (owned) business in locations they do not own/rent or control? I do not, but neither do I know of any to support your interpretation. Just as we have no case law to determine if carrying past a posting that is not statute compliant will get you a $500 fine (and loss of permit). However, it may exist either way, I just don't know, and have never seen any cited. Well, I did, but that would have been pre 1989, and infrequently, and back then most "gun stores" were still "hardware stores" and "sporting goods stores" but certainly don't recall seeing multiple employees doing so. But if you say it was so .. wait, you would have been 14 and younger, but you remember that being the case, really? Btw, not being argumentative just for form or anything, this is a topic that arises now and then, and have never seen any even relatively definitive answer, since as I mentioned, I saw two attorneys disagree on the matter too. - OS
  17. I have voted third party sort of as protest and sort of as hope to actually foment one twice but yep, this election I'm urging everyone to vote GOP if they nominate Satan himself -- I feel it's that important to nuke Obama. I thought I understand how much power a US president wields, but I woefully underestimated. And hell, I think the GOP sucks almost as bad as the Dems, but no matter what, O has got to Go. - OS
  18. Have to admit that if I were gonna spend in that range for a knife, one of the Sebenzas would most tempt me. Congrats on having such a special one of an already elite line. Meanwhile I'll have to settle for a SRM 710. - OS
  19. I'm thinking that with the further consideration of serving size, and more importantly the calorie count on these servings, you would need to at least double that for most women and children and triple it for most men. - OS
  20. Gotta give you that one, I admit. Could conceivably have negative repercussions by a state if repealed. - OS
  21. You say that mighty definitively but I don't know that it is true. Pretty sure I've seen even lawyers on this forum disagree about just who is exempted under the "person's place of business" verbiage. Is there even an AG opinion? My point, and the debate, being that a "person's place of business" does not necessarily equate to "one's place of employment". - OS
  22. 1. Name any federal gun law which if repealed would leave gun owners worse off than now. 2. Explain how repeal of the law you choose could change the rights or privileges that any state currently grants for the worse? - OS
  23. Even if you don't have an HCP and are carrying unlawfully, you can't be prosecuted on charge of carrying where booze is sold. Debatable whether a non-HCP employee can have a gun at his work at all, even with consent of owner, but certainly posting a sign of any kind has nothing to do with it. - OS
  24. Because there's no penalty for displaying them. And because some store owners have been told they still have to by ABC, more of your TN tax money at work. They did have to be displayed for many years; the law was changed a couple years ago, since the statute/penalty was repealed. It was simply an additional charge that could be tacked on to anyone carrying illegally in the first place. Last time I noticed, there is still one on the front door of Walgreens next to UT campus, and I still see them here and there on the beer coolers in some stores. Others report seeing them behind the bar area at some restaurants (and bars). - OS
  25. Sorry for sounding like a broken record in all these similar threads, but: What the Fed is allowed to grant is just a precedent for what the Fed may ban. Who governs best governs least, and nowhere is this more true than with gun laws and the federal government. The only further gun legislation that should come out of D.C. is the repeal of previous laws. - OS


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