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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Who says America is in decline? One still gets all the medical care and justice he can afford! - OS
  2. They could vote on that, all 30 of them I guess. Reminds me of story I've heard about Blaine back in 70's I think, had a big hissy fit that apparently started over the electric bill for the ballfield, somehow evolved to a referendum as to whether they were going to stay Blaine (already unincorporated) or just be nothing, take down the signs I guess. Supposedly it was a pretty close vote, but they had to stay Blaine. - OS
  3. I always think of all the ancient Greek ones; but most towns are named for other towns, not whole countries. That's really overreaching, IMO. - OS
  4. Yeah, topic has come up a couple of times on The Talking Dead, it's obvious the time line is poetic license fluid. Not even sure if the seasonal changes we might pick up on are intentionally indicative of exact time passing or just necessities of filming schedule. Maybe will get to be so, if they actually film through winter; even in mid GA things get bare and you have to bundle up some. - OS
  5. Just watching national gnus, learned two things: 1. It has snowed in parts of TN 2. TN has a town named Denmark - OS
  6. I doan theek so, Lucy. - OS
  7. More dogs with guns: - OS
  8. Noticed the TGO logo on top of each page is hot again too, thanks. I always used to use that to refresh whole forum back to home, since it's so easy to hit. - OS
  9. No, it just hasn't. Why? Because in HTML <br/> adds another line break, same as <br>. Try it. And if it were used, the convention would be "</br>". End slashes go before the call in HTML. But that's not used in HTML either, because it too creates another line break. Try it. - OS
  10. Vehicle is specifically mentioned under the "castle doctrine" statute. (39-11-611) If you are IN it, you are awarded same presumed reasonable fear of your life due to forcible entry as if you are in your home. Then again, they must "enter" your vehicle. Whether that means they need to have their whole body in there or not I dunno. I'd think that breaking the window with a baseball bat would suffice. ------------ "Any person using force intended or likely to cause death or serious bodily injury within a residence, business, dwelling or vehicle is presumed to have held a reasonable belief of imminent death or serious bodily injury to self, family, a member of the household or a person visiting as an invited guest, when that force is used against another person, who unlawfully and forcibly enters or has unlawfully and forcibly entered the residence, business, dwelling or vehicle, and the person using defensive force knew or had reason to believe that an unlawful and forcible entry occurred." ------------- Ironic, since you can possess loaded gun in your home without permit, but can't in your car. Then again again, if you use your gun in a good shoot, you won't be charged with any of the weapons violations, so at that point doesn't matter whether you were carrying illegally in the first place. TCA is soooo wacky that way. - OS
  11. AFAIK, all the Wallys that sell guns include the AR line also. - OS
  12. Knoxville is the winner of that mess. No carry, but doesn't have to post either. Like everyone is just somehow supposed to know it has a grandfathered local ordinance that trumps the state law. - OS
  13. They used to sell handguns in many states, always have in AK. What's the big concern? You think there are no minimum wage folks working in other gun stores around the nation? - OS
  14. Just a note to confuse the matter more : There is no closing tag spec for <BR> in HTML. <BR> or </BR> or <BR/> or <BR /> all behave the same, ie as a line break, as the "/" is ignored. "<BR />" seems to be a closing spec in XHTML, though I don't know anything about XHTML. - OS
  15. 2nd season is 13 episodes, that's only been 7. Why are the splitting them up? Didn't get all of them filmed in time to run consecutively? - OS
  16. Race, sex, etc are enumerated protected categories; gun owners are not. Note however, that blacks, gays, women, etc did NOT gain their non-discriminatory status from the constitution. It took protests, deaths, and litigation. - OS
  17. Tired tinfoil myth, floating around the net for some years now. Freedom Group is owned by Cerberus Capital Management. No connection with Soros has been shown with either org. The story you link to even says flatly he does not. The gun industry was ripe for the pickings, and you know these controlling corps creamed in their jeans when Obama spiked gun sales off the charts. - OS
  18. What's the prob? Kids and camping go together. - OS
  19. One of those threads where I can't go to last page...adding this to see if it lets me. edit: had to set view back to 10 per page, couldn't get here set to my usual 40 (or 30).
  20. Actually, 1351 applies to non-HCP holders also, so he could be charged with both that and illegal possession/carry. HCP holders are specifically mentioned in statute (obviously to make plain we are included), but it doesn't say only HCP holders, and first sentence says controlling entity may prohibit it for any person. - OS
  21. Exactly. I have always thought it incredible if going with a new coach why they don't give about 25% tops of what they offer for a hungry coach unproven in the true big time, with all the big money dependent on improvement/performance. - OS
  22. I always thought we should have seen if Ken Sparks (Carson Newman) could step up to the job, around 2004, when Phil should have been axed. Or long before, since Majors should have been gone long before he was. - OS
  23. I'll bring fold up shovel, already thought that small squat trench should be first activity. Seriously, if Mikey goes, I will too -- Cody, you in? And really want to meet some of you others, Brandon, Time, Murg, etc. Again, I might bring a few items for show and tell, and certainly guns to shoot, but not gonna fool with tent. I've got a couple of fold up camp fire grills if we're gonna try to actually bring stuff for a group cook; then again, I don't mind just scarfing from a couple of cans for the duration to keep it simple. Oh, since some of us would probably give up and shoot ourselves the first morning after EOTWAWKI without coffee, I will bring at least one little campfire grill and a perk coffee maker to put on it! - OS edit: btw, extended weather looks fine, so we won't have to suffer much to "survive"
  24. And Voles needed OT and a bunch of officiating breaks to beat Vandy. Season should have been 4-8 stead of the lofty 5-7. - OS


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