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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Yeah, my Remmie does, but is so small can't hardly make it out with naked eye (especially with the heavy black barrel coating) and only uses "cyl". Course, you'd also have to know what that means. - OS
  2. Baumgartner was well known as a drunk, even I knew that from years ago (had drunk lawyer friends) dunno how widespread his opiate habit was known, although this little story says that was no secret either: Charleston - Huntington West Virginia News - Baumgartner's problems evident around courthouse "Probably half the people walking around in this building could use treatment for alcohol or drugs anyway, so I would be very careful of throwing the first stone," said defense lawyer Bruce Poston." - OS
  3. I had to give up the nog, would gain 5 lbs or more every year when it comes out, drink a quart a day. If they made it year round would have to join the fair as the fat freak. I never had any homemade I liked as well as Mayfield. - OS
  4. Is there actually a screw in choke IN it? (You'd see spaced cutouts inside end of barrel for choke wrench to grab, and it should come with a wrench -- if so you can screw it out see what it says on it). Long barreled Express usually comes with modified choke in there, but the 18" barrel is likely just "cylinder bore", meaning no choke (not even threaded for one). You can shoot anything through it either way, whether there's modified choke in it, or no choke. Actually, you can also shoot buck and slugs with even full choke, although most say it starts affecting slug accuracy some at improved modified and tighter. - OS
  5. That single fact could be O's worst legacy. - OS
  6. Correct. It looks like you can, but it doesn't change the title in the list view of topic in a forum, only in the individual post. - OS
  7. For which Obama will likely select 1-3 new justices during his second term. - OS
  8. The black flakes about as well as the silver. Seriously, especially inside the receiver you'll find a good bit of it for a while as the bolt works back and forth. Generally stays on the outside of the receiver pretty well, though. - OS
  9. Yeah, can only abide a bunch of whippersnappers so long. - OS
  10. Yeah, you'd think, what's the logic of banning an adult student of that particular institution from carrying rather than an adult student of any institution? What's the logic of banning an adult student period? Given they do want to ban some or all adult students, how much IQ would it take to clarify that sentence as to intent? Clearly more than the collective IQ of the TN legislature. - OS
  11. Want To Buy Never seen new OR used one under 4 bills myself. - OS
  12. The answer is, like many other instances in TN weapons law, clearly gray. What if you're a student in Alabama, even. - OS
  13. Yep, I slept toastily in the big pig wagon. But think would have been same in tent or even right on ground, I left windows open in van so was just as frosty after an hour or two -- all the credit to the mighty 4 Piece US GI Gore-Tex Modular Sleep System. First time I've tested it out, highly recommended. Once I figured out how to actually get in the thing, 37 buttons, zippers and what not, hadn't fooled with it since I got it and sort of checked it out and buttoned everything back up and put back in compression bag. Seriously, took me ten minutes to get situated in it -- a bag smarter than moi (which ain't saying a whole lot). Let's do it again, more bigger better, folks! - OS
  14. The Senate is controlled by the Dems. Decent chance it still will be after 2012. Only takes majority vote to confirm a justice. For life. - OS
  15. Was never a federal law, only state -- AFAIK there are two or three states where this is still true. - OS
  16. Please try to see the bigger picture, that's what this post was about. Barack has already given us Sonia Sotomayor and Elena Kagan, both who have clearly thumbed their nose at the Constitution both before and after confirmation Just one more appointment tips the balance to radical progressive activism from the bench, and likely there will be more than one. If the Senate stays Dem and BHO is reelected, this almost certainly becomes a done deal. Over time the Supreme Court is perhaps as important a driver for America's direction as any other gummit process. - OS
  17. Vote your conscience in the primary. Vote against BHO in the general. This is as dangerous a man as FDR, maybe more so. And his legacy will also be lethal to liberty: http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/national-politics-legislation/65840-bho-legacy-supremes.html - OS
  18. All you folks who claim you're not going to vote for Newt or Mitt if they're the nominee, but for some write-in, you no more "lesser of two evils" guys: Consider this: Four Supreme Court justices are over 70 and 3 will be over 80 by the end of O's next term. One of the conservative ones, forget which, already said he has postponed his retirement till after the election, obviously hoping that O is defeated. So point is, O will get to name one or more likely two or more justices during his next devil may care tenure, just due to odds of age causing death, incapacitation, or retirement. Ginsburg has recently had both colon and pancreatic cancer, and even though she's a liberal, she's probably radical right wing compared to who O will try to replace her with. Etc. Also remember that both the Heller and the McDonald decisions went our way by just ONE VOTE, just as example of the tenuous conservative balance of the present court. Yeah, TN might go red enough that all your non-GOP votes won't matter. Then again, it might be close enough that Ron Paul, as write in or god forbid as third party candidate, siphons enough off to swing it for O. So sure, vote your conscience in the primary, but you've just got to see the long term repercussions of 4 more years of Barack Hussein Obama with nothing to lose. [/soapbox] - OS
  19. Well, 4 days, 11 hours, and 30 minutes actually, but who's counting? (last post 11-27-2011, 01:02 PM) Okey Dokey, I'll be there...before dark, so maybe before you. I'll bring a variety of stuff, including maybe some "survival" knives to fondle, some well known some lesser. I'll try to resurrect a lantern or two so you can reconnoiter after dark! Also my little portapotty, only need to bury one little bag. - OS
  20. Incidentally, everybody knows that there was NO official pledge of allegiance until 1942, and "under God" wasn't added until 1954, right? Thought I'd mention just in case this devolves to how the founders felt about the pledge or something. And we used to salute the flag this way: - OS
  21. Ah yes, Canis Puma. Not seen nearly as often as the more common Tennessee painter, which mostly seems to be black anymore (even though not one black cougar has ever been documented anywhere in its previous or present range from Canada to South America). But hey, everybody sees them, right? Well, I tell ya, bout ready to bag this thing if there's no confirmation by midnight or so from BBS. Though my social calendar stays pretty light these days, I still like to firm up my appearances at least a day in advance. - OS
  22. Federal laws haven't changed regarding transfer since 1968, if you want to call that "quite often". And be sure to read the actual law to satisfy yourself. At least one of the quick BATF "faqs" is incorrect (re notification to carrier). - OS
  23. Pretty simple when I pocket carry my Kahr (StellarRigs): If XD carried IWB, generally use a double pocket mag carrier with extra mag in one slot and mini light in the other. I have used this horiz carry Safariland some, it's pretty unobtrusive worn on weak side, near the back. - OS
  24. I think we need reconfirmation from Mr. Sweets that he's coming Fri night? Mainly because I'm not too comfy about plopping down on someone's turf I don't even know without an intermediate there. And thing is, iffen I ain't gonna wake up there, probably won't make effort to get up early and drive 30 mi either. Sending PMs to you and BBS with phone number and etc. Btw, I know just where the place is, used to deliver paint ball stuff to the house up on the hill once in a while, and sadly ran over a giant dog on Panther Creek Road near there. Yes it was a dog, not a panther. - OS
  25. Perfectly legal for an individual to ship a pistol to a FFL in another state, don't know where you got that info. Otherwise you couldn't even send one in for repair. - OS


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