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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. As I said, my spelling. https://www.google.com/search?q=Tramontina+machete&ie=utf-8&oe=utf-8&aq=t&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&client=firefox-a#q=Tramontina+machete&hl=en&newwindow=1&client=firefox-a&hs=WGp&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&prmd=imvns&source=univ&tbm=shop&tbo=u&sa=X&ei=3OfeTqfoFYeUtwf056zIDw&ved=0CFkQrQQ&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=2c8694c936a4e7a7&biw=1417&bih=716 They have US component now, do cookware and kitchen knives and etc. - OS
  2. I have it right. Got a direct YouTube or whatever link for that? (Would like to see it but don't want to join forum to do it). - OS
  3. As Old Lodge Skins tells Little Big Man on top of the mountain, "Let's go back to the teepee and eat, my son. My new snake wife cooks dog very well." - OS
  4. Already seen a short blurb on CNN or Fox or both, don't remember. Sounds perfect for the "Is It Legal" segment on OReilly though, and/or Greta, Geraldo, and Judge What's Her Name for a more in depth coverage. - OS
  5. I wouldn't bet against that supposition myself. And sorry to play the devil's advocate, but it's perfectly obvious to me that if I were a felon and wanted a gun, of course I would go to a gun show first -- convenient wide smorgasbord of choices, much better than the hassle of the "underground" from where everyone says a felon will get a gun regardless. - OS
  6. Well, with current enforcement seems 1359 is unlikely period, since we still have not one documented case of conviction for it (or even anyone charged with). - OS
  7. Could be charged with both unlawful carry and carrying past a sign. Separate statutes, guilty of both. Maybe ineligible to own a firearm, a third charge. Etc. - OS
  8. Most folks have reported no luck with that, unless they got a LEO friend with some pull to do it. - OS
  9. Statute seems pretty clear that it applies to everyone in first sentence. HCP holders are then mentioned specifically to make it clear it applies to them also. - OS
  10. Well, like so many nifty things that aren't true, it should have been. Quite old myth, too. One I like quite a bit and is apparently maybe possibly likely actually true: Lady Nancy Astor once told Winston Churchill, "If I were your wife I'd poison your tea." To which Churchill replied: "If I were your husband, madam, I would drink it." - OS
  11. Be careful with that word "cabron" if you are in spanish speaking community on either side of the border! - OS
  12. If you kill someone who forcibly enters your home, you could still be charged and found guilty of murder or manslaughter, you know. The "castle law" is not a free pass for execution, only a presumption, lacking evidence to the contrary, that you were justified because you had a reasonable fear of death or serious bodily injury. - OS
  13. Far as actual machetes, Cold Steel's stuff ain't bad, just somewhat thin, then again they are designed as machetes, not wood choppers. Condor in El Salvador makes a bunch of great heavier duty ones. Tramontina of Brazil probably sells more worldwide than anyone else; among the cheapest, too. - OS
  14. Ate chihuahua in Chihuahua in the 60's. Just fine. Common among the indio folks, at least back then, but not in contemporary Mexican culture. Theory down there is that little yapper dogs are ready to go pretty quick, not much investment in feeding them, but of course you don't get much meat per dog. Opposite theory in Asia where you fatten up a bigger breed longer. Of course many of our own Native American tribes ate dog also. - OS
  15. With all the conservative folks nationwide saying they won't vote for Mitt or Newt when he gets the nomination, O is looking more like a winner all the time. And since he'll be able to stack the Supreme Court, good chance the gun rights issue will be revisited -- and with dramatically different rulings. - OS
  16. Majority have told you to trap, and with personal experience too. But you're determined to shoot them. And then poison them? Next post will probably be, "how can I get smell out of my attic?" - OS
  17. Must have cooled off. All 399.99 + 15 dollar ship. But with say $25 transfer fee that's still $440, not bad. (I assume PSA doesn't charge tax to TN) - OS
  18. Well, I certainly agree with that, and have been saying it for some time; upside down pyramid is teetering, only real unknown is how soon it topples. At this point it can be only be temporarily shored up to buy some time or given additional shoves to hurry up and knock it over. - OS
  19. Aww...hardly ever more than five; you know, the bare minimum. - OS
  20. Yeah, but I only have one that cost more than a c-note. 5 of the ones of the ilk you post would average to 25 or more of mine. - OS
  21. Newt and his very successful daughter Jackie both deny that. Both say his wife wanted the divorce, and before the cancer was diagnosed. Just quoting for posterity so you can reflect back on that statement, comrade. - OS
  22. 47% of US don't pay income taxes, 20% are on food stamps, 20% collect social security. And rising. Dems expand their voting base as things get worse, since people fear they'll lose gimmies, much of which wouldn't be necessary if Dem policies weren't so entrenched. Vicious circle. - OS
  23. I have well over a hundred (not counting a mess of junkers that accumulate through the years) and I don't really collect anything in particular. How's THAT for twisted? - OS
  24. Of course, there are a number of popular knives where para wrapping is almost de rigueur: Becker Necker and Eskabar, ESSE Izula, etc. Can use whole cord or just the lining. Done it myself to Necker and Eskabar (sold the Necker, though). Also handy for lashing these or other knives to a pole to use as spear. - OS
  25. Yeah, I'm wondering if we might actually see chance of the first brokered convention since ... whenever, didn't look it up. Interesting speculation on the Dem side that seems to be gaining credence: Barack dumps Joe and adds Hillary. Might swing it. - OS


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