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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Teeny weeny itsy bitsy jar.
  2. C'mon guys, face the inevitable. There ain't no saving graces in this sad process. It's gonna be Mitt, saving he doesn't drop dead or get snuffed, and I'll bet that Mitt Who Had Rather Be President Than Right will at least lead mostly in the daylight, won't pit factions of citizens against each other, won't pit the Justice Dept. against the states, will do something better re healthcare, deficit, tax structure, trade imbalance, the border/illegal aliens, size of federal gummit, etc. Cause nobody could do it worse that BHO. But mainly, though he has a fake laugh and perfect hair and teeth, and he's the Perfect Pol above all, he really really doesn't want to destroy the USA as it has traditionally existed in its better days. I must repeat, since it fits all of these current threads: There's the normal lesser of two evils, but this time it's gotta be Gag Me With A Backhoe Romney over The Absolute Frigging Prince of Darkness! - OS
  3. Actually, not bad really, he was within an inch or four all the time, iron sights at a quite small jar at I dunno 'bout 40 yds? - OS
  4. Well, that's a fair point, but if those endeavors were advertizing mil spec guns, and mil spec parts wouldn't fit them, fur would fly. And same would happen if Wally's 870 receivers wouldn't accept same part substitutions as Academy's, Dick's, Gander Mtn's, etc 870s. - OS
  5. Yep, even when I was in college, I thought "liberalism" mainly meant "freedom". Tricky Dick et al were the Gestapo. - OS
  6. Oh, totally agree. There's the normal lesser of two evils, but this time it's gotta be Gag Me With A Backhoe Romney over The Absolute Frigging Prince of Darkness. Just gotta be. - OS
  7. Dang man, we were being extra good guys not to mention that. But since you did, it was 22. - OS
  8. oopsie, mea culpa. No, it's Mav's fault, that's the ticket. - OS
  9. Certainly with BHO in WH but with GOP controlling Senate/House, would likely mostly be stalemate. But BHO can veto any bills, and unlikely to have 2/3 to override all of them. Then again, maybe stalemate between the two tyrannies is the best we can hope for anymore. To put an optimistic spin on things. - OS
  10. Oh, maybe the ZT is a little faster if you have a way to measure milliseconds? I actually tightened the Tremor's pivot to where there's absolutely NO side play as hard as I can wiggle it (a particular quirk of mine) and I may have slowed it down a tad, I dunno. Blade is longer than 350 also, though, so lose a dab of speed there. But at half a second or so, it's plenty fast enough for me. Matter of fact I have 3 or 4 of the Chinese assisted opening Kershaws: Oso Sweet, Compound (I really like this one too), Asset, Clash (Clash is poor man's ZT 350, resembles it, same blade length, much lighter than Tremor), etc. They're all quite fast. Here are videos of Tremor reviews: look fast enough for ya? https://www.google.com/search?q=kershaw+tremor+review&hl=en&newwindow=1&client=firefox-a&hs=5ci&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&prmd=imvns&source=lnms&tbm=vid&ei=J_EIT96fNIygtweIoZHQBg&sa=X&oi=mode_link&ct=mode&cd=4&ved=0CBYQ_AUoAw&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&biw=1491&bih=793&ech=1ψ=J_EIT96fNIygtweIoZHQBg.1325986075866.3&emsg=NCSR&noj=1&ei=LPEIT47dJISltwfQ5-yTDg Oh, here's Clash videos, might be a good choice also, very 350ish, I'm quite impressed with it also, especially since the Tremor is a Large Knife, too large for many if not most folks to feel comfy with methinks. https://www.google.com/search?q=kershaw+clash+review&hl=en&newwindow=1&client=firefox-a&hs=e4N&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&prmd=imvns&source=lnms&tbm=vid&ei=0fIIT4KqJcH3tgf9_4HHAQ&sa=X&oi=mode_link&ct=mode&cd=4&ved=0CAsQ_AUoAw&biw=1491&bih=793 best, - OS
  11. Yes, the Founders added the second for the reason you mention, and I would opine that the courts have actually fortunately misinterpreted it to include self defense, and even hunting/sport -- so thank our lucky stars it is in there. It's just that those same Founders did not conceive that the simple notion of owning guns for the normal activities of hunting, sport shooting, and self defense would ever be questioned, anymore than you'd need permission to have a hoe, ax, or fishing pole. Of course, sadly, they didn't anticipate a few other things, either -- like career politicians and income tax. - OS
  12. While you've got the Cerberus -> Freedom Group -> Remington -> Marlin -> H&R/NEF hierarchy about right (except for misspelling "Cerberus" ), I still don't buy the claim that Remington is using out of spec PRC made receivers for the Pardner on their Wally 870's. Their lawyers would shriek, false advertizing, false labeling, damaged rep, class actions, gawd knows what. Though I can't refute the experience you claim, or what you say you were told by Rem CS, this just doesn't seem to be a known issue, and Lord knows stuff like gets spread around in a hurry among the gun world on the web. Hell, even absolutely erroneous stuff gets spread in a hurry, like Chinese made WWB, oops! -- so certainly something with real basis in fact like essentially fake 870's would get spread even faster. For sure, most 870 models have fallen far from their previous standards for fit and finish, just like Ruger 10/22, Marlin lever guns, etc. to meet demand without raising price point significantly, but I just can't swallow that they aren't at least made to same basic dimensions as always. - OS
  13. I couldn't say about + $125 knives, or custom knives period, but sure seems you get a helluva lot more knife for $20-100 these days than ever before from the better known production houses Spyderco, Kershaw, Buck, Cold Steel, etc. Not being a knife snob, I've got a $115 Spydie Military and a $23 Kershaw Tremor in back pockets. Both are great values for the money, but must admit the PRC Kershaw is for all practical purposes all I'd need in a knife of this size and can find no fault with it whatsoever. I suppose technology has really leveled the playing field in the mid price ranges, whether folders or fixed blades. - OS
  14. "The Soviet Union had a single, entrenched, systemically corrupt political party, which held a monopoly on power. The U.S. has two entrenched, systemically corrupt political parties, whose positions are often indistinguishable, and which together hold a monopoly on power. In either case, there is, or was, a single governing elite, but in the United States it organized itself into opposing teams to make its stranglehold on power seem more sportsmanlike." Dmitry Orlov Post-Soviet Lessons for a Post-American Century -------- But even though that's true, I strongly urge everyone to vote GOP this election. Getting rid of BHO is that important. - OS
  15. Mitt may get as running mate Chris Christie, who has said more than once that NJ's gun laws are "about right". As for Mitt, my continuing favorite summation: - OS
  16. Does he use any other aliases? - OS
  17. Great time, besides seeing folks I knew, I very much enjoy putting more faces with TGO screen names, especially long time bullshi um astute contributors. Super effort to coordinate things, Jeff, lemme know if I help any on future get togethers up yonder! - OS
  18. Czar for Interpretation. Defining what "is" is. - OS
  19. The only real choice is whether BHO gets a second term or not. - OS
  20. I'm coming with Mike, so we'll be the orneriest damn vehicle in the state! - OS
  21. Doesn't look so bad, maybe intermittent light showers, drizzle, maybe none, 40% chance. Not a lot of wind. High fifties, too. Expect three of The Usual Suspects for sure. - OS
  22. Would be a big relief. Joe ain't smart enough to do the same level of damage in the same amount of time. - OS
  23. If it doesn't come in a certain period of time (90 days, but not sure?), you can get your deposit back. But they don't cancel the order, and it might come in later, where they put it in the rack for general sale. That's how I lucked out and got my Marlin .357. - OS
  24. I see ANY store that sells firearms as "supporting the firearm community", since so few still do. Remember, I grew up when you could buy a gun from most any hardware store, Sears, Western Auto, etc etc. The govt puts so much burden on FFLs that I'm grateful for any walk-in store that does it, of any size. - OS
  25. House only votes to initiate the procedure, to send to Senate. That's the House's only part in the process. Everything from possible indictment to conviction is handled in the Senate. (actual conviction and removal takes 2/3 vote of the 100 senators -- might could happen, depending on Senate makeup after 2012). - OS


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