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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Holder got that blocked back in October, at least temporarily. Has something changed? I don't see any recent news about it. - OS
  2. Molon labe lady! Tennessee's version of sanctuary city. - OS
  3. It can't do anything but piss off Bloomberg and the DA. Damage is probably already done, even though the legislature probably won't pass it as written. - OS
  4. He would make a larger statement by getting a LOT more votes if he were actually on all the ballots with LP instead of as a write-in. Could become one of the GOP's most hated men in history of America, even. I might well hate him myself. - OS
  5. Can't put my finger right on it, but I believe that has been documented to NOT have always been done, remember some hoopla or other about it. And still can't find any info about the BATF's handling of all the 4473's and bound books for FFLs that go out of biz. - OS
  6. Well, yes to the NYC sentiment. But Nicely is an idiot for wording it that way. It'll be as widely satirized as the road kill bill. - OS
  7. Not unless/until their convention nominates him. He's not even touted on their site yet, not even mentioned on front page. You can find a page where he's welcomed to the party and the race for the nomination. Pretty tepid, too. http://www.lp.org/news/press-releases/libertarians-welcome-governor-gary-johnson-to-party-presidential-race If RP decided to go that way before May I'd say they'd gladly make him the candidate, maybe offer Johnson the running mate position. - OS
  8. I was living in a tiny trailer on side of Clinch Mtn. building a house the morning we tied with someplace in Ohio for the coldest temp in the US at 24 below in the early 1980's. Including Alaska, best I remember, which I guess was having a heat wave that day. - OS
  9. As I understand it, though, he couldn't get on many state ballots that late, maybe on none? Which would make it purely a write-in campaign. Which I guess could still siphon enough votes to hand it to Obama. If it's as close as Bush/Gore, might would take only one state to swing it the other way. - OS
  10. Yep, another of the ole slippery slopes. Regulate that, and you have precedent to regulate any business. Or profession. Then again, plumbers already make too much, eh? - OS
  11. If he dumps out of GOP ticket he won't pick up any more delegates; he's stated that he's in it all the way to the convention to use what leverage he can get on platform with the delegates he wins before he frees them. So if indeed he does a third party, it would be after that, and I don't think he can get on many state ballots by then. Then again, I believe Libertarian Party is already on all 50 ballots this year; their convention is in May, don't know how that could exactly work with GOP convention in Aug. - OS
  12. Wow, it's like the Reefer Madness of gun control. - OS
  13. I about decided to bag the primary, y'all decide. But I'll wait till the general to vote for Romney, don't wanna gag myself twice. - OS
  14. See that's the problem we have that the other states don't that have passed "parking lot" bills - we're quite unique with our criminalization of carrying past a no firearms sign. The only other ones I know of are in Texas and Arizona, but that has to do with "bars" only. And of course the federal one. - OS
  15. Well, I've certainly found this thread quite instructive so far. Oh wait.. - OS
  16. None of that matters. What matters is what it costs to get dwindling and harder to access resources to the end users, and how many of the end users can afford the end product. Of course one's consumption footprint is vastly larger than the area required to merely contain it. Practically speaking, we'll be "out of stuff" long before the planet is. - OS
  17. I would opine that the FOPA probably doesn't even apply in this situation, and only DC law matters. DC is a destination, one end of the travel, not a stop along the way. I would also opine that DC LE would see it this way too, that neither the FOPA nor its own above cited ordinance which parrots it apply. If it did, tourists couldn't be arrested in NYC or NJ for possession, either. But of course they can, even for unloaded weapons properly cased. It does seem that travelers arrested due to being rerouted and stranded in those places in airline terminals while on the way through would have been struck down on FOPA grounds, but even that hasn't happened yet. - OS
  18. Well, if the hill gives you right to possession in car, but still allows employer to post parking lot, is anything gained? - OS
  19. Bzzt. Massive tin foil alert aside, China has switched to a caliber for which practically no one in the US has guns. - OS
  20. You can in TN too. Just can't legally have the gun in the first place without a permit. 'Course if you use the gun in a good shoot, you can't be charged with the original illegal carry. Only the geniuses on the hill could see this as legislative logic. Real core issue though, is getting fired for doing it. That and Class B 'meanor for carrying past a sign. - OS
  21. I doubt Perry ducking out will bump RP any to speak of, either; likely bump Sanctitorum some. Christian fundamentalists don't truck with legalized drugs and prostitution. - OS
  22. Yeah, I know. I just seldom miss an opportunity to mention population, which ultimately is root cause of a necessary decline, my "environmental economics" lecture. No sense speeding it up by adding Idiot Economics, though. - OS
  23. Oh Shoot

    New XDS

    Still not as small as Kahr P45, though, at least in length, and same capacity. Can't find height of XDS, so can't compare that. - OS
  24. Yes sir, sir. I was merely expounding on one side of the two theses you posited. Apologies if it was unclear enough that you saw it as some sort of attack. - OS


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