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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Like think. Research, read, whatever, but honestly think. If there's a God given gift, that's it. - OS
  2. I'm on my way there now. Where else could I buy silicone sealant, a pipe wrench, and groceries at 4 am? - OS edit: Back. Among the purchases made: GE Silicone Sealant, MainStays bathroom wall cabinet, couple of Plano fishing/small parts boxes, lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower, and mushrooms: wait for it... ... all made in the USA, and the mushrooms are from right here in Loudon! ps: didn't need a pipe wrench, just used it as example. - OS
  3. Unobtanium is good synonym for all the hoodoo homo sapiens has thunk up due to fear and ego. - OS
  4. France seems to have 5 times the gun ownership of the UK, so they should go there instead, wouldn't even have to learn Frog. Well, I don't really see it as such. It is, as you way, a teaser, but it's exactly what pro background checkers believe -- not enough (anti) gun laws. - OS
  5. One allure is that you can have 8-12 fairly esoteric knives for the price of a serviceable AR ... or my case maybe 25-40 nifty and perfectly serviceable ones. There's also just something about knives being the first sophisticated tool and weapon that the species came up with. Although a club still certainly has its place, it's just a bitch to conceal. - OS
  6. Ah yes, thanks, will add Pandora to the itinerary. - OS
  7. Love that Gerber design. I'm carrying an inexpensive similar design, the Kershaw Tremor, though it's assisted opening liner lock. - OS
  8. Myself, I'm going to Shangri-La, with layovers in Emerald City, Pellucidar, Mordor, and Brigadoon. - OS
  9. Best I remember, due to pistol area berm, you couldn't actually shoot toward rifle range downrange targets unless you were trying to, but that's still not enough safety margin, I guess. Although admittedly, if you wanted to, you could shoot from the rifle side at our Norris range toward the pistol side (or vice versa); and the pistol side is only a little more removed than at PC, AND the pistol side does not go cold when the rifle side does, or vice versa. Though there's a thin stand of trees in between the two, plenty of room for bullets to find their way through them. PC's probs, just just be due to the culture, or lack of it, that evolves around a free range unsupervised range, I dunno. Norris is only $40/year, pretty close to free if you go very much, though somewhat farther from Knoxville than PC is from 'Nooga. Norris is unsupervised also, and while certainly ya see unsafe individual behavior there from time to time, I've never seen anything like the regularly reported stuff here that goes on at PC. The target stand posts do indeed get destroyed over time, but don't think we've had any concerted effort on anyone's part to do it, just the millions of rounds over time. I could be wrong on that though. Maybe that forty clams really does weed out some of the unsafer element. Or maybe it's 'Nooga hoodie culture vs Knoxville's comparably more hillbilly ethos. really don't know. - OS
  10. It only appears for me in the Trading Post, not rest of forum. Here's a thread you started: http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/ammunition-reloading/67575-ran-into-magtech-cbc-ammo-brass-new.html If "administrative" appears there for you, then your permissions are set differently than mine. - OS
  11. It only appears for you in the Trading Post, not rest of forum. - OS
  12. In fairness, Brian's article said exactly that. No where does he refer to it as "gun show loophole", only "background checks for private sales of firearms". I must say that I didn't find it overly biased at all. Seems to me to represent a pretty good synopsis of the opposing factions. The fact that the the most prominent folks for registration are idiots isn't his fault. Good touch with The Rabbi toward the end, who stands against checks even though it would put more bucks in his own pocket. I just don't see the article as stumping for one side or the other. Certainly should have included TFA and NRA statements, though; that's most glaring gap to me. - OS
  13. Possession of stolen property conviction requires knowledge by possessor that it is indeed stolen property. - OS
  14. The only "registration" in TN is the first person who bought it from a FFL. Even that has to run back through manufacturer to distributor to FFL. I don't think it would necessarily even be found if the gun were re-transferred with another 4473, like between two different states' residents. Maybe if the original buyer did a 4473 transfer, but they'd probably have to get the information from that individual, especially if he did the re-transfer through a different FFL. In short, there is no actual gun registration in TN in the sense as in some other states where you must get a permit to buy or own one. - OS
  15. I see no "administrative" from any page view or edit screen. - OS
  16. I've been there twice. The only thing I witnessed was folks still shooting on the pistol side when others had gone downrange on the rifle side. Nobody called cold on the rifle range though; and the pistol area is sort of cut off, you actually can't see downrange on the rifle side. A little re-arrangement of direction and berms and whatnot could fix that. PC is the only free (or even cheap) outdoor range in the area, AFAIK. Sure hate to see it disappear as an option. - OS
  17. I must be alone in thinking it was fairly balanced? Both sides represented on the issue, pretty good synopsis of gun law trends in the US. Included The Rabbi's statement against checks toward the end, from a dealer who admits he would increase income if they were required. What was so biased? Did you expect Brian to simply flat out stump against background checks? Not even mention the pro-registration side's actions or points of view? Or what? - OS edit: NM, I see this was continued on the original main thread: http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/handguns/67681-tennessean-private-sale-also-anyone-have-contact-bill-goodman-re-gun-show-13.html
  18. Ah, thanks. Well, that's all about 18 year olds getting permits; they used 2A "bear" part as the justification. I see that as not even being heard by the Supremes who have already ruled by not ruling on the carry part in both Heller and McDonald. But anything's possible, I guess. - OS
  19. Yeah, the House's only say in the process is to call for an impeachment trial. Only takes a majority vote there (of those present - if they don't show they don't vote). The trial is handled in the Senate and takes a 2/3 vote there for conviction. - OS
  20. Just a parked site. Doesn't even work.
  21. 3600 guns in total database out of estimated 300,000 reported per year. Not very comprehensive, I must say. - OS
  22. Which browser, and latest version? Just checked in Firefox 9.0.1 and IE 8.0.6, still works okay for moi.
  23. Maybe you could pick up the Millennium Manor, aka The Doomsday House, in Alcoa: Apocalypse Party at the Armageddon House : Extraordinary Intelligence - OS
  24. Oh, man, that is great! I've seen him on tube some, but never heard that line, thanks. - OS
  25. Brings nothing to mind, what decision? - OS


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