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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. My apt is second story on front but ground level on back, so I am the downstairs crib in that regard. Feeders are slightly off the actual porch, but the messy sparrows and whatnot scatter it onto it. The doves and pigeons for the most part stay in the yard (I throw seed out there too). They do attack the feeders some but are too big and ungainly to secure purchase but for a few seconds. Doves will come on the porch through the upright slats but the pigeons, which are actually less skittish, don't. No idea why. It does get a little messy now and then, but it's concrete, I hose it off. But you're right, a guy who can count 100 boids and have the post count I do here should really get the hell on with life. - OS
  2. With very limited hours, (5 hrs, 4 day per week). With RO's that act like idiots. Often like Gestapo idiots. With 100 yard max. No shooting anything but paper. Minimum target distance sucks for self-defense pistol practice. No shotguns unless they condescend to put out a steel target (think it takes court order). Other than that and other stuff I've forgotten, it's okay. - OS
  3. Or just say "ok". Do they just drop in anytime they want to check, or call first? As far as having it in lock box by your bed, I doubt they'll come by at bedtime. Or in car, I don't think they'll flag you over on the road. And if you're conceal carrying one during the day, nobody should see it, eh? Used to shoot .22's with my foster kid right where we lived. Disclaimer: This is not official advice. But it's what I'd do. - OS
  4. edit: Never mind. I'm gonna call my first wife, more rewarding. - OS
  5. There. NiceMac should be all happy now. - OS
  6. THAT is not even what Bkelm and I jumped on your for. It was this:
  7. Why he believe frigging WHAT? Why he believes he doesn't want to discuss it any deeper? Why don't you send PM's to all the members of TGO who haven't participated in the thread at all, and accuse each of not knowing his own belief system. - OS
  8. He only said he wasn't taking the bait and you criticize his belief system for THAT? You see "I have done a fine job of not taking bait :)" as some statement of metaphysical bent? - OS
  9. I ain't gonna speak for Mike, except to assure you that he's quite clear regarding his theological beliefs. So don't be mean. Since you've only been around less than a year, I guess you haven't read many of the older religious threads in the pre-ban proselytizing rule era. He's learned to play things closer to the vest. So that makes one of us. So where is Jamie anyway? Has he ascended or descended or something? - OS
  10. I feed all the boids here. Everything from goldfinches to starlings (they like the suet) and everything in between. Sometimes have a hundred doves, or a hundred pigeons, or 50 of both. Sometimes 20 cardinals at a time, like that. Have red-tailed haws swoop down once in a while and grab one. And I live in the city, quarter mile from the interstate as the crow flies (get crows now and then, too). Anyway, as far as eating any of them. SURE, if times get weird. I actually keep a box of 5 10lb bags of the good stuff reserved in my stores. Can choose dinner with a BB gun off back veranda. I'll probably go for the doves and pigeons when I can, just because of their size, but I'm sure any of them will taste just fine to a hungry OhShoot. - OS
  11. Did you read the story? There is no mention of "gun show loophole" by Brian, or even anyone he quoted. This is a thread about his story. Really, y'all should go over to main original thread. I for one am done in this one. - OS
  12. "Whosoever keeps his mouth and his tongue keeps his soul from troubles." - Proverbs 21:23 "You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din!" - R. Kipling - OS
  13. Yah, blame it all on moi. It's a joke, though, to think all these people are griping about TSA stuff because of constitutional grounds. The vast majority just hate idiocy and inconvenience, and couldn't tell you with what the 4th even deals. - OS
  14. Hey, the Pope is above all that sort of thing.
  15. Oh, good. I always see them being given in movies just before they croak. On second thought, why all the confessionals along the way, if you've got a lock like that going for ya? - OS
  16. Hey, I done stuck up fer him a time or two. - OS
  17. Post 108, just sayin.... http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/handguns/67681-tennessean-private-sale-also-anyone-have-contact-bill-goodman-re-gun-show-11.html#post849999
  18. How could most folks think that private gun sales checks should be run? ... that we're causing all the global climate change? Ever seen the poll where folks didn't think a third of the Bill of Rights were actually in there? Or agreed with them? How could anyone elect Barack Obama? Twice? - OS
  19. really oughtta take this back to the main thread, methinks, it's much livelier: http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/handguns/67681-tennessean-private-sale-also-anyone-have-contact-bill-goodman-re-gun-show-13.html
  20. With threatening NY drivers and now this, we're getting all the good press lately. I suppose the media will bring up the road kill thing again before long. - OS
  21. We had foster kid for couple years back in the 80's. (really short notice kind of thing, 11 years old, we already knew him and his family fell apart). Never a mention of firearms. Then again, this was as I said long time ago, and Union County, to boot. Got the impression that as long as they didn't think we'd eat him, it was better than anything they could provide. - OS
  22. Guy dies and St. Peter meets him at The Gate. Pete tells him, hey we're running a special deal, you get to look at both heaven and hell and decide which way to go. Feller says, cool, let's do it. So he looks at heaven, yep, peace and love, lions lay with lambs, folks playing harps sitting on edge of clouds. Live forever, all that. All his family there, recognizes back couple generations, inlaws, the whole linup. Feller thinks this surely one boring place to spend eternity, especially with a family he didn't even like but about half of. So he takes a look at hell. Wow! Most beautiful golf courses he's ever seen, the best booze, Cuban cigars, hot loose chicks, casinos, great fishing and hunting, lots of great like-minded folks to hang with, like that. Tells Ole Pete, "well, thanks for the previews, looks like hell's the place for me!" So zap, he's in hell, but everything's changed, it's fire and brimstone, constant torture, upside down in pig doo, all that. Little imp walks by, guy say, "Hey bud, what happened to the babes, the golf courses, casinos, all that?" Imp just grins and says, "St. Pete needs to quit showing that old beta version." - OS
  23. Sucks for all the folks who drop dead instantly from a heart attack. On the way to confession. - OS
  24. When you consider "bias" in the article, consider mainstream opinion both across TN and the nation. I dare say if you ran a state or nationwide referendum about enacting private checks, the vote would be yes. Carry at schools? No / Parking lot carry? No / Alcohol serving places? No / etc. Matter of fact, I'd opine that you could run the question of whether folks should be allowed to carry at all, and it might well be no. Remember, we HCPers are a whopping 5% of the TN population, maybe 10% tops of all adults eligible to get one. About the only thing that the majority of Americans agree on gun wise, is that everybody should be able to own one. Hell, probably at least a quarter of the people who actually own firearms would vote the same way as above. All these online polls don't mean a hill of beans, put it as a referendum on regular polling elections and you'd likely get some eye openers. Of course there are reasons that the majority doesn't necessarily rule on any issue in the US, not even to elect a president. And that's quite often a very good thing. But you have to understand that this isn't necessarily some small but particularly vocal minority out there we're up against, and that the article features. If you only hang with like minded folks, you can get a false sense of just what the mainstream thinks overall. - OS
  25. Reckon the state would waive its 10 clams per, also? - OS


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