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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. I'd posit that's way low. - OS
  2. "But Southerland said he delayed the vote after the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation asked to discuss the bill." As I mentioned, they foresee significant loss of revenue with the $10 per sale tax. If just 1/3 of TN permit holders buy a gun from FFL per year, that's a cool mil per year gone. - OS
  3. TN's "castle doctrine" is not a license to execute the perp. Just an example, a perp drops to his knees with his hands in the air before you shoot, or after you shoot and wing him -- that doesn't give you the right to go ahead and terminate him. Yes, it would have to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt that you did, otherwise you have the presumption of justified shoot. Far as forensics, it doesn't take a CSI genius to make some uncomfortable inferences from a point blank head shot, multiple close up torso shots, etc. - OS
  4. BATF allows any state which has NICS check as part of permit issuance to do it, but only a few have. There may be a time limit as to renewal durations with re-checking NICS involved too, not sure of exact details. - OS
  5. In every store I've bought ammo, the guy at the automotive service counter has key and can come over, if he ever gets free. - OS
  6. Our culture is rife with quotes and anecdotes such that "even if they aren't true, they should have been" -- because they fit the verifiable profiles of the individuals so perfectly. - OS
  7. Well, looks like it it is "canned", but apparently not sent out by bot, but by real humanoid, maybe even Stacey himself. Maybe an aide. Mine came in less than 15 min. Same as mentioned in this thread though: http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/tennessee-politics-legislation/68572-employee-safe-commute-parking-lot-campaign.html#post857759 ---------- "You don't have to worry about me. I have been pushing this legislation for years and for a long time was the only sponsor in the senate. I will vote to move this legislation forward with the fewest restraints on your constitutional rights as possible. Yours in service, Sen. Stacey Campfield" ------------------------- I've received no other response, canned or otherwise, from the 27 other legislators this was sent to. - OS
  8. Me too, but seems it's still sent out by hand, not bot. So seems at least a humanoid is actually doing it. I've received no other responses from the 27 pols it sends to. - OS
  9. I predict this will not get legs. Significant loss of revenue on the per gun tax. - OS
  10. So what's the latest about the issue? - OS
  11. I truly love San Francisco, spent some great times there as a young man. Truly a beautiful and alive place. And a straight guy's nookie paradise. - OS
  12. I'll say this for ole Stacey... Just sent the email through TFA site regarding the parking lot bill, and got what certainly seem like a personally written response back from him...at 10:30 pm. He's all for it, of course, has tried to get it cranking in the past. - OS
  13. Several times over.
  14. And they are both from Kodak. Quite a coinkydink.
  15. Well, realistically, 5 thousand people walking around with exposed loaded guns in an area where there ain't room to swing a cat? Then again, I understand there are folks who keep their normal carry pistol loaded and concealed in there, like always; since the signs aren't statutorily compliant, and no worries about it being a park or not over at the Expo. Really, I've heard tell of them. - OS
  16. Oh, I can't help but like him just because he's such a loon, voted for him and probably will again, even opposed. He's sort of a selective libertarian, with veins of misguided if not actually bigoted Apple Pie, as per this current issue. Super pro gun, too, although he hasn't done us a lick of good regarding that as far as I can tell, beyond his vote itself. --------------- edit: Ah, found it, here's our MetroPulse with a feature story on him back in Sept. 2010, pretty good hoot of a read: What the Heck is Wrong With Stacey Campfield? A conversation with Knoxville’s weirdest politician http://www.metropulse.com/news/2010/sep/29/what-heck-wrong-stacey-campfield/ - OS
  17. "Cause that's where the guns are". After all, I'd have to go to all the gun stores in East TN, maybe further, to see as many guns as in one our shows here. And there they are, all in one place. Not to mention all the folks walking around with one to sell. Even when I know there ain't a chance in hell I'm gonna buy one, I still like to go once in a while just to ogle and fondle. Call it a captive audience. My scruples can't bear that scrutiny, I guess. Btw, ole Willie apparently didn't really say that exactly. - OS
  18. What did Willie Sutton say when asked why he robbed banks? - OS
  19. Leave out the nose. - OS
  20. Correct. Fell back on grandfathered city ordinance. Urged by then mayor Haslam at City Council meetings to do so. - OS
  21. Bistro at the Bijou owner boots, bans state Sen. Stacey Campfield for AIDS remarks » Knoxville News Sentinel We make all the best news over here. Makes me think of a couple of famous lines: "I been kicked out of better places than this!" "I wouldn't join any club that would have me as a member!" - OS
  22. My maternal grandfather, Zane Grey, Ernest Hemingway, and Robert Ruark. And countless westerns, both movies and TV shows, going back before Roy Rogers and Gabby Hayes. - OS
  23. Not sure where ya got that. No autopsy was performed, and various folks close to him all recounted various renditions of that night, much of it a good while after his death. Though jumbled, all seems to come down to his gal's stash of some particularly pure smack that he likely snorted in too much volume, perhaps thinking it was coke (or not). Apologies for the continued aside. - OS
  24. Gave you a like, but still had to add :biglol:. Nothing more ironically hilarious than the truth in this pore ole USA no more. - OS
  25. Well, there's that ... My "plan" is pretty simple really; if I'm still in the urb when things go down, I've got 3-4 months worth of essentials, if I can protect it that long. If it gets too bad, have a fall back position 20 miles away, if indeed I could get there with a van load of that stuff. It's just a breathing space, to see if it's even worth trying to continue with things. That's about the extent of my EOTWAWKI plans. But it's only me, otherwise I'd have a lot better and optional plans, too. - OS


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