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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Quite a leap there, Sigmund. - OS
  2. Since the gal didn't die from bleeding out first or anything from the leg wound, seems kind of odd she croaked even though she made it all the way to surgery; would assume she'd have been stabilized by then. - OS
  3. Also grew up eating souse meat, my granddaddy's fav. No real difference tween that and boloney, spam, etc, 'cept you get to see the various pieces, nicely held together with the jellied fat, which is probably brains too, as it's also called head cheese: - OS
  4. Do you eat bologna, spam, vienna sausage, deviled ham? Hey, I eat pork roast, so if I'm gonna eat a pig's ass I'll eat his brains too! - OS
  5. "You don't have to worry about me. I have been pushing this legislation for years and for a long time was the only sponsor in the senate. I will vote to move this legislation forward with the fewest restraints on your constitutional rights as possible. Yours in service, Sen. Stacey Campfield" ------------- I won't get a response from my Rep., Joe Armstrong. He votes against all 2A issues. Haven't gotten any response from all the other 27 or so. - OS
  6. NRA gives $2500 My State Farm renter's insurance also gives $2500. About average default for home policies, I think. Been meaning to see about bumping the State Farm a little with additional rider. - OS
  7. I didn't know scrambled eggs were actually yellow and not gray till I was about 9, 'cause they always put pig brains in em. - OS
  8. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/tennessee-politics-legislation/68619-sb-0306-southerland-senate-floor-2-1-12-a.html
  9. On older pencil barrel models, much positive has been written on this and other struts. Really dunno if you get much from it on the newer barrel design in the latter 580 and 581 series. MikeGideon has somebody's model on one of his, I believe. He'll probably check in. - OS
  10. We've got lots of "pro 2A" pols, who vote against "pro 2A" bills. But they look hard at them first. - OS
  11. .10 per box (doesn't matter what the box holds) for many years in TN. That's why there's a tax stamp on each box. Wal-Mart is the one of the few places that lists it separately, but they've been doing it for years also. You've been paying it all along anywhere in TN you buy ammo from a FFL. The $10 for NICS check on gun purchase isn't called a tax either. But it is. - OS
  12. Guy fakes and escapes with 9 double naughts in COM, I'm letting him go! - OS
  13. Thanks, I guess I hadn't really thought it through correctly. - OS
  14. I didn't accuse anybody of anything. Though I must admit I'm curious when folks make a crusade against some sexual proclivity. It's well accepted that repressed sexual desire, hetero or homo, may dramatically influence behavior, sometimes obsessively so. - OS
  15. A few obvious famous ones: Ted Haggard, Larry Craig, Mark Foley, "Bishop" Eddie Long And apparently about 25% of the Catholic priests in the world. - OS
  16. Nobody was actually killed in the thing. I grew up in Athens from 5th grade through high school. There were couple fellers who hung around an old garage who had been participants in that. I hung around the garage because the owner had beau coup dirty pictures. There is a made for TV movie called An American Story loosely based on it; never have seen it, but looks very loose indeed from a couple of YouTube clips; they set it in Texas, too, for whatever reason. - OS
  17. Well for sure the mountain lions weren't, not even the black ones. - OS
  18. How could you survive the apocalypse without it?
  19. Get the papers stirred up if you want action. But expect the action to be having the meeting to officially exempt themselves, rather than remove the signs. - OS
  20. The few times I've really open carried (nothing at all covering the gun) it was pretty obvious that folks took note (and certainly was not an illusion on my part due to self-consciousness or whatever). I have zero interest in being singled out for notice in public, so I just don't do it. - OS
  21. Just following our President's tactics: divide to conquer. - OS
  22. Current "guns in bars" legislation passed in June or July 2010 (another override over Bredesen's veto), so not sure who you were discussing it with. Maybe in some bar? Not two years, but about 19 months or more ago. And it really is guns in bars now. - OS
  23. What do you mean? You can carry ANYwhere alcohol is served. Unless posted, just like any other biz. - OS
  24. You must have pull. I've still only received the one. Then again, Stacey is my senator. My rep is Joe Armstrong who votes against ANY pro-firearms legislation. - OS
  25. Maybe, and yeah, the estimate is on them. Surprised they put it that low though. Especially since there's no database on it unless they cross reference gun sales with HCP at the time of approval. Come to think of it, though, maybe TBI isn't bound by the federal rule to destroy all records daily; or such a statistical keeping doesn't fall under guidelines of what TBI is legally able to keep? - OS


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