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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Yes, certainly, the collapse of the USSR and further economic ruin within Mother Russia herself, late 80s-90's As far as here, that would be no. But the reason would be found in the totally different support structures of the two countries, and the fact that Russian basically went from gray to very dark gray. Unlike the US, the communist system already provided, however poorly, housing, food, and transportation. The meltdown there affected the relatively few rich much more than the mainstream. There really wasn't a middle class in the American sense. A pretty fascinating read, at least to me, is Dmitry Orlov's Post-Soviet Lessons for a Post-American Century. It's the short essay (about 20 pages) later expanded into full length book, which I've been meaning to read. Can't be found all over the place, here's one link to it in single PDF: http://www.camse.org/andy/oil/Soviet_Advice.pdf Note that this version has a short preface regarding "peak oil", main part begins with "The Collapse of the Soviet Union - an Overview" on page 3. I think the main point is that should the same basic internal crumble have happened here, we'd likely have gotten at least a pretty good taste of the apocalypse thing, just due to the marked differences between our two infrastructures. So yes, it has happened, but is still only instructive as to what would happen here in a speculative sense, but he suggests, and I agree, it would have affected our populace MUCH more. Maybe even the "kill off" I predict must eventually happen. I periodically use a quote from that essay: "The Soviet Union had a single, entrenched, systemically corrupt political party, which held a monopoly on power. The U.S. has two entrenched, systemically corrupt political parties, whose positions are often indistinguishable, and which together hold a monopoly on power. In either case, there is, or was, a single governing elite, but in the United States it organized itself into opposing teams to make its stranglehold on power seem more sportsmanlike." - OS
  2. Commenting on my own post, LOL. Ya know, the opinion above I think is valid, but I was assuming the same model that FedEx and UPS uses now, ie one on one personal delivery. Certainly, if they revamped and expanded to actually deliver to your mail box as does USPS, they could probably do it for about the same, who knows maybe even cheaper. Sure would be time to buy stock in them if ya only knew enough ahead of time that it was gonna happen. - OS
  3. There's still no alternative to USPS for the zillions of items that are a few ounces to about 4 lbs. Can't touch their prices in that range, and no way FedEx or UPS could put it in your hands for that. Probably 80% or more of eBay runs off USPS, not to mention some share of all the other largest online retailers. - OS
  4. Didn't see anything about felony possession of the firearm. Unless she's barred from owning one, it's just a 'meanor, even with repeat offenses. - OS
  5. NM, my comment was somehow about an Elsie Pea. I blame it on the 60's. - OS
  6. I actually have one. Left over from one of Dad's hospital stays I think. I had another model way back when, and actually used it any number of times during my trucking incarnation. Real drag to have to pull a rig over just to whizz. - OS
  7. All have reported here that it does not; remains the original date sequence. - OS
  8. Well, it did take 8 posts to get there. - OS
  9. Well, as soon as you get permit, thread is moot for you. You can tote anything in vehicle any ole way, except have loaded chamber in long gun. - OS
  10. If it doesn't drop me, probably just make me run faster than I thought possible though! - OS
  11. He's just one of many. We have shown you the actual laws as written. Do what you want. But, you paid for the course but don't have HCP? - OS
  12. Oblique shot with any handgun caliber can careen off the ole bean. We're not carrying death rays. - OS
  13. Really. http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/handgun-carry-self-defense/68044-transport-clarification.html#post852717 If you don't pay any more attention to what has been written in this thread than things in general, you might be part of the 1% that flunk the HCP exam if you apply! - OS edit: pickup truck? Then lock ammo or guns in separate case. You're correct, that you probably won't be charged the way you're doing it, but it ain't for sure, especially if you run into a LEO you've irritated wanting to further grind some axe.
  14. Yep. Bill's Outpost in Alcoa is cheapest I know in Knox area: $20+TICS. Bills Outpost Always an excellent experience there. - OS
  15. I avoid rating relative likelihood of one myth over others. - OS
  16. Welcome to the no-fly and IRS audit lists. Seriously, it looks more like a marketing scam than anything else. Domain created a whole 5 weeks ago. Watchmen of America about a year and a half. - OS
  17. Of course it can. Obama has added 123,000 federal jobs. - OS
  18. To continue the aside, black cougar is totally undocumented. Not one, ever, in history, in its entire range from Canada to South America. - OS
  19. Did you get his phone number so he can post your bail? - OS
  20. Correct. Unlike regular biz posting, actually specifies exact language AND minimum size. - OS
  21. I thought femoral right off, but figgured wouldn't have made it to the table in first place, seems if happened once there they could clamp it and stitch okay. Just sort of odd. - OS
  22. Here's McNaughton's previous controversial "One Nation Under God". I couldn't bring it up from his own website, it must be getting hammered.
  23. Braunschweiger. Type of liverwurst. - OS


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