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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Ratings are the game, even for Fox. http://www.examiner.com/finance-examiner-in-national/freedom-watch-the-economic-impact-of-a-popular-host-with-low-ratings He was up against Numero Uno O'Reilly at 8pm, too. Although you'd think they might have just moved the Judge's slot or something, dunno. - OS
  2. Well, he started the thread before the TGO software change, no reports since.
  3. Maybe Stewie got loose. He's over 4' long: Sadly, he's been diagnosed with cancer: http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/45928265/ns/today-today_pets_and_animals/t/stewie-worlds-longest-cat-has-cancer-owners-say/#.TzXRVMhZo4I
  4. No they're not, unless you can show they are occupational related. You can, however, under the guise of general utility, carry a non-locking folder with sharpened edge of 3" or less. Spyderco and Boker, among others, have knives marketed primarily just for the UK. - OS
  5. Me too. - OS
  6. Dunno for sure. There are definitely opt-out provisions in it, though. Religious conscience, etc. Who knows what all. Fast food places got out of it for the most part. Not sure any one person still is fully versed with all that's in it; not even sure one person could. According to some things I've read, there are quite a few contradictory provisions in there also, that will have to be "decided" when they arise. Just leave it to Kathleen Sebelius I guess. She'll eventually find a way in it to make you sacrifice your guns for health bennies, too. - OS
  7. Over 1200 waivers to various companies/orgs have been granted, allowing opting out of various parts of Obamacare. Unions seem to get one without even asking. - OS
  8. I find the CW to be just large enough to NOT be a pocket carry. That's for me, though, even though I'm pretty big guy. Some here claim to carry G26 or XD subbie in pocket, too, so YMMV I guess. - OS
  9. Only real con with the PM9 was that it's expensive, but there's the CM9. Mine was reliable from the gitgo, fired the 200 round breakin all at one time with various loads, was 100%. Only stoppage I've ever had was when inserting a new mag when the top round wasn't seated right (they can ease out, even come all the way out if you carry a spare loose in pocket). That Stellar Rigs holster fits just fine in cargo pants or shorts (my main wear year round); the extra mag doesn't take up any more room if you look at squared off area of just pistol itself. Like any pistola of this size, though, tight pants or smallish pockets aren't gonna cut it. Course, you can opt for a quite simple IWB and the thing disappears, too. Never seen reason to use something as elaborate as a Crossbreed for such a small heater. I really prefer the extra capacity of my XD subbie, but I do to a semi NPE where I work out, have to change clothes, and just settled back into the pocket carry for total and worry free concealment. I'm not much on carrying a different gun different days of the week, get set in my ways with same daily "loadout". - OS
  10. I settled in on the No. Except you get 25 more rounds in the the loose pack. Sometimes price is same. I settled in on these a year ago or more, really like them. Very consistent loads, no pfft, all full bang. - OS
  11. I'm back to carrying PM9 daily for better part of last two years: - OS
  12. You guys got me 'bout prime to enter the darkside, might have grabbed one today if it had crossed my hands. Academy sold last one couple hours fore I got there, Gander got in 12 more this am and sold them all ... Maybe it's a sign; dunno if my Mini14's will allow the dang thing in the house. - OS
  13. Nope, see below. Outstanding, thanks for confirming geezer perception check. - OS
  14. I don't believe it's activated or something, David. Only option is see is the ghosted X which appears in posts with signatures, which only allows you to ignore user's sig or all sigs. Which doesn't appear in this particular forum like most others, btw. Only ghost option down where you mention is "blog this", and "edit" if it's one's own post. - OS
  15. New tactic. Just gonna put all the believers on ignore list. - OS
  16. I just buy whatever Sam's has for my S-10 toy truck, two at a time. - OS
  17. One universal tip. You can't get any nutrition to speak of out of grass, but humans CAN eat and digest clover. White or red. Leaves best of course, but stems and roots too. Can even dry the flowers and make flour. Also, pokeweed abounds here and there all over the state. Best in spring, but can eat all summer if you had to. Read up on it. Berries are poisonous, actually whole plant is slightly so, toxins removed by boiling though (but NOT the berries, don't eat THEM). - OS
  18. That's certainly true in TN and seems true nationwide. If everyone who voted for Perot had voted GOP, Bush the Elder would have won. (by percent of vote) TN: Clinton: 44.55 Bush: 42.43 Perot: 10.09 Nationwide: Clinton: 43.01 Bush: 37.45 Perot: 18.91 Yes, it could happen again. - OS
  19. Like with previous software, you activate it by using FireFox. - OS
  20. It's generally a matter of the record not showing a final disposition of that case in that state. You need to get a copy of final disposition. Then, don't know how you reach them exactly, but you can contact FBI and fax it, they can toggle that repeating glitch off, as it were. Several folks here have done it with a recurring problem like yours. - OS
  21. Same as before. Hit Image icon in editor, put in URL to pic. - OS
  22. Yeah, that's what I meant to say. Right. - OS
  23. No, nobody votes. We should not be electing president. Nor senators, as Constitution originally was written. - OS
  24. Ah, kewl. Also, reminder about the "edit" notice time, still seems to be "instant". Thanks for all, - OS


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