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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Well, if it turns out ya like it as much as I do, you can find it cheaper than that online. But Wally's price on the MiniMag is pretty close to lowest you can find anywhere, even by the case. - OS
  2. In Knoxville, new guns of the most commonly available popular models are mostly around same best price as at any surrounding dealer. Heck, some of those dealers are AT the show. If say, 4 dealers at a show have the same gun, the cheapest price there is just about guaranteed to be within 5% of any price in the area. The shows have the advantage of lots of vendors, lots of guns, all in same place.The convenience factor is not inconsiderable, and worth paying the $8 just for that, IMO. - OS
  3. Looks to me about what open battle sights are designed to do. Kinda hard to get a helluva lot more precise when the front sight is as large as the 9 or 8 ring at distance. - OS
  4. I'll score some of it next time I see it, guys. Always good to have another option. I really do like 40 gr. non hollow points the best. - OS
  5. I bought 4-6 every other month down your way at Sportsmans Warehouse in 'Nooga for about a year or more, built up a pretty good stock. They were 16-17 bucks, then all of a sudden jumped to like 21 or something. Last time I bought, couple months ago maybe, I got a case of 10 for under $15 each including shipping from somewhere, maybe Palmetto State, but can't remember for sure. I like them well enough to pay ~$20 + tax though, still helluva bunch cheaper than Mini Mags, for what I perceive to be same quality. - OS
  6. I was able to occasionally bring it up in a new topic box. Non-repeatable oddities are always the oddest ones of all. - OS
  7. Got me curious, I'll fire up my Win7 laptop to double check. This one is on XP. - OS EDIT: You're right. Spell check doesn't work here on my Win7 box. Don't know if that's IPB or just here, though. None of the places I frequent ate using IPB though, and I don't wanna join a forum just to test. You tried? - OS
  8. Weirder. I was just clicking around in a new message window, and brought it up a couple of times, but most times not. Can't find the rhyme or reason to it. Just one of those things that makes ya go hmmm. ALWAYS comes up though, every time, in a quote message window like this one, though. - OS
  9. You're just whistling past the graveyard. Most polls indicate too close to call with any of the GOP opponents still in. Maybe it'll change once all the Republicans quit the hissy fits and it's only Romney or Obama. - OS
  10. That is peculiar. No, there's not a setting in FF to enable/disable spell check per individual website. Mine works fine, also 10.1, though with XP. I can't think of anything except to try clearing cookies for TGO only, though I admit that's a guess and I don't see any reason why it would necessarily work. - OS
  11. What he was saying, and it is somewhat curious, is that the Windows right click does not bring up cut/copy/paste options in the main message composing window of a new post. You must use keystrokes or use the extended add link dialogue, wherein right click does bring up the paste option. However, if you are doing a quoted follow, the cut/copy/paste option does appear with right click. \ Just different behavior than with the vBulletin window. - OS
  12. Harsh, man. Separate the art from the person, at least. She was in the rarefied air of vocal artistry. - OS
  13. Gotcha. I didn't catch it in previous lead-in. Yeah, I think you'll likely be pleased with the Blazer stuff. Garufa really likes it too -- he has a couple of higher end rifles that perform almost as well as the high priced stuff with it; also has a tight chambered 10/22 target barrel wherein the Blazer is about the only bulk that runs reliably too. Not having a purely tack driver gun (nor the ability to utilize it), I've just found them to be very reliable and consistent. Runs fine in both my 10/22's, Beretta NEOS. No probs in Single 6 revo or bolt and pump rifles either, of course. I actually would be surprised if anything but the bullet itself were different between them and the mini-mag, production wise. - OS
  14. In this dialogue?: My right click "paste" option is active there, Win XP. Sure you have actual text URL in clipboard? And you right clicked in URL dialogue field? But Control+V directly into editor is still fastest of all if you can stand to touch the keyboard. - OS
  15. Well, you can always use the link icon dialogue if you don't want to touch the keyboard. Right click has paste option in it. Control+V quicker to paste clipboard, btw; I generally use that anyway. - OS
  16. Was just about to ask that myself. - OS
  17. What is "T22"? I've found no difference between MiniMag solid point and Blazer performance or reliability, beyond Blazer being lead nose vs MiniMag copper (and Blazer being much cheaper). Both CCI. Both 40 gr. Both claim 1235 fps. - OS
  18. Prentice Cooper only place I know down there. Sounds like they've sort of closed part of it or something but check it out. Doubt it would be too cool to be running around shooting tactical drills on it, though. Recent thread: http://www.tngunowne...__fromsearch__1 - OS
  19. 'Bout all I've shot in the last year and half or so. Many thousands. Consistently loaded, no pfft, all bang. - OS
  20. It's not small enough. - OS
  21. I rather think so too, judging at this point in time. Best we can hope if so, is that both House and Senate are GOP. Loyal opposition and all that. Less gets done, but maybe good in the sense of "who governs least governs best." Then again, as I sort of secretly think, maybe they really could impeach his ass with a majority in the Senate. Then we have to deal with Joe the Moron, though. - OS
  22. I think it's more accurate to say we have a lot of people who own guns, but most don't pay any more attention to freedom issues in politics than those who don't own guns. As far as the public, I agree with H.L. Mencken: "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of the American public." - OS
  23. I don't see how you can underestimate the depth of O's ideological arrogance. It hasn't changed since day one in office. Sotomayor and Kagan just sailed through, and expect no less if he gets another chance before the election. Maybe much worse, since he probably assumes the Senate has a good chance of going GOP, so he'd figure it might he his last chance to so easily juice it way way left. - OS
  24. Hey, there's still time for one to croak THIS term! Senate is still Dem, so he'll get whoever he wants. - OS
  25. I like ole Bill. Reminds me of me, 'cept for the religious part. - OS


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