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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Well, not necessarily, to be objective. Depends state by state. TN would have to have gone for Obama, with enough 3rd party votes to have swung it the other way. And of course no way to prove that there weren't as many disgruntled Dems as GOP in the mix (although this election I think it's safe to say that the majority of 3rd Party votes won't be left leaning). There WERE enough 3rd party votes in TN in 1996 to have swung it for Dole instead of Clinton, had most of them been cast for Dole. But like you, I'm damn near terrified it could happen this time around, too; and as inevitable as our downward spiral may be, there's no sense speeding it up, plus adding additional long term (if we have that) Orwellian overtones to it by letting O keep the presidency. - OS
  2. Oh Shoot


    ?? It's going to be in the 50's there tomorrow.
  3. Did you mean "own" rather than "carry"? - OS
  4. Yup. That's why on the few occasions I have to send a gun to an FFL I don't interact with them. I know the law, and circumvent their interpretations of it. I actually have abided by their TOS, too, in that have sent handguns overnight. The one stickler though, as per your post, is federal law states that guns sent to a non-license holder must be declared to carrier. So that nips it in the bud if the counter help decides it ain't kosher, even though it is by UPS's own TOS (but not FedEx's). This is the only time you must notify, contrary to a prominent FAQ on BATF website. Of course, no notation is put on the package, or on any paperwork connected with it, so it would be unprovable after the fact, but it is the law and I'm not suggesting here that one disregards a law. But yeah, person to person, if you notify at UPS, most of the time, it ain't gonna fly. Pretty much dead certain it won't at FedEx. At USPS, maybe (of course, only long guns). - OS
  5. I'm sure it won't be a problem, replacements will be lined up. I did FedEx Ground all over Sevier County; have delivered to that very enclave there on Boyd's Creek. Who's a more likely target, a FedEx truck full of stuff, or a school bus driver? Btw, The Stables isn't really a "mobile home park" in the sense that most think of it. It's composed of manufactured homes, most don't even seem moveable; I think the buyers actually own the lots, too. It's the Taj Mahal compared to an actual trailer park. Hell, she may be bigger than me. Anyway, best advice is probably not to work at something that puts you in fear for your life. I would indeed, if I lived over there and needed a job. Especially since I'm already familiar with the area. Being a law abiding sort for the most part, I'd not carry to do it, either, even though I'm now a more vulnerable older fart too. Life's full of risks. Driving a vehicle is one of the biggest of all, day by day. I WALK around more dangerous areas here in Knoxville than The Stables, hands down. If the LEA over there deems The Stables too dangerous for school buses, I reckon they'd so something about it. Maybe you should go over there and take a look at that area. Safer than half of your Oak Ridge, I'd posit. I believe they run school buses daily in Anderson County. I want a lot of stuff. For the most part, I choose to obey the law. If I don't and get caught, I have to take my lumps. Just the way it is. - OS
  6. What malarkey, on every level. The job is what the job is. Do the job or not. If you choose to do it, don't engage in blatantly illegal behavior while doing it. It is to laugh to assert that there's anywhere in Sevier County too dangerous to drive a friggin school bus in the first place. She had a sheriff's escort the day she was arrested. She has already been fired. - OS
  7. Why did you even mention what you were sending? - OS
  8. I toted lots of long guns when I was FX Ground guy. Used to get pistols for the Para repair place in Sevierville quite a bit; I'd open them and if they were indeed handguns, I'd kick 'em back. Not that I cared, but place was out of the way and I lost money running them out there. - OS
  9. Yes, according to their TOS, though, only to FFL. UPS actually allows between individuals intrastate (though just try if you mention gun), FedEx doesn't. Reports of even more hassle than with UPS though. No prob shipping long guns through FedEx Ground. Same TOS as UPS on handguns, though, supposed to be shipped overnight. Pretty much same deal as UPS, though, in that if you have an account and generate label, just toss it at a FX Home Office and split. 'Course you can ship long guns through USPS, too. But not handguns. - OS
  10. If you have an account (or know someone who does) and can pre-print the label, no prob dropping off at a UPS Store. Just toss it on counter and go. Or even drop it in a UPS pickup box. If you have to pay for at counter, might need to go to hub; however, assuming the repair service is an FFL, you do NOT need to declare it as a gun as per federal law, so really don't see why it wouldn't work at a UPS store in that case either. Note that per UPS TOS, handguns have to be sent some form of overnight. This of course is not federal law either -- might well figure in to claim denial if the shipment were lost or damaged and not sent this way, though. - OS
  11. New York State also has an abundance of truly beautiful areas. - OS
  12. Dunno. Was he carrying a gun to sell, or buying a gun? - OS
  13. Oh, I call horse pucky, like most of Jones' rants. Fox let Beck rave as long as he wanted to, and he makes the Judge look like, well .. a judge by comparison. He was in 8pm spot against the #1 pol opinion show in the nation: O'Reilly. It is surprising somewhat they didn't just jiggle the sked or something, but it's ratings ratings ratings. I'd say he'll eventually appear on main Fox slot when one becomes open. Probably would already have been on at five, but The Five has been a success; a quite surprising one, by all accounts, was only supposed to be a temp replacement. Note that Napolitano on Fox most everyday still as guest commentator, on somebody's show or other, it's not like he was exiled. - OS
  14. Ah, saw episode twice, but forgot that, thankee. Y'all know more than anywhere Googling for it! - OS
  15. Why the hell was it named "Nebraska"? - OS
  16. Priced too high there, though. Here's $50, free ship: http://www.amazon.com/KA-BAR-Marine-Straight-Leather-Sheath/dp/B001RTEOVY/ref=sr_1_3?s=sporting-goods&ie=UTF8&qid=1329600148&sr=1-3 - OS
  17. It was only good for a day or two on that URL. Permanent URL shown in most 24: http://www.tennessean.com/article/20120122/NEWS01/301220042/TN-gun-laws-lack-thereof-under-attack?odyssey=tab|topnews|text|News - OS
  18. We have a basic problem that seems to set a different tone than for Ky and some other states: it's a crime to have a loaded gun, on person or in car. Also, the fact that it's a crime to possess a loaded gun past a no-carry sign lends weight to the employer side of the issue. Those two premises in our law just seems to make expanding carry an uphill battle, as they are a mindset that has to be ever overcome. - OS
  19. Can't help with the email prob, but When you're in a thread, upper right hand corner, "Search (this topic)" -- "this topic" is option in the drop down list, should be the default when you're in a thread. Number of posts per page is apparently hardwired into the IPBoard, though, can't change it. - OS
  20. steel
  21. Not all gun guns are created equal equal. Sorry about the KT. I'm sure they'll make it right for ya. If you don't want to compound the frustration, don't take the Ruger apart. :) - OS
  22. Same here. - OS
  23. What orgs are ABC and TCC?
  24. Physics would suggest that the Single Ten (and Bearcat) are more accurate with .22LR than a Single Six. Of course, you have to be quite the pistol shot to utilize the diff, so that lets me out. - OS
  25. Mostly over my head, but impressed nonetheless!


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