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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. So, for all you folks who say you are absolutely NOT going to vote for the GOP nominee if it's (Romney/Gingrich/Santorum) ... Again, please remember that O is likely gonna get 1-2 more picks in his second term, and conceivably even 4. Add those to his two already installed socialists, Sotomayor and Kagen, and he's going to have more influence over ultimate US jurisprudence that any president in history. What inspires this as a separate post, is the fact that the Supremes are going to re-hear a case of long "settled" law, affirmative action in higher education. This shows that the already tenuous decisions in Heller and McDonald may well only be short-lived. All it takes is another case that works its way up. All it takes is for the Supreme Court to agree to hear it. Do you really think we'd get another 5/4 decision with even ONE more of O's appointments on there? There is really no such thing as "settled law" in the highest court of the land -- it can be changed in a heartbeat to the new "settled law". It'll be bad liberal enough if the Senate goes barely GOP. If it stays Dem, those appointments will be so far left you'll need binos to even see them. Nowhere will the difference likely be more decisive than with firearms law. So I say again, vote your conscience in the primary, but bite the bullet and vote GOP in the general. If you must puke to do it, let it rip (hopefully on a Dem ). - OS
  2. There are plenty of gun owners who don't even believe one should have the right to carry in any form, or even own something that holds 30 rounds. The country is rife with "I only have a shotgun and a rifle to hunt with, why do you need an assault weapon" gun owners. - OS
  3. Reciprocity doesn't matter in the least as far a being able to carry in another state, only whether the state recognizes TN permit. Only about half the states in which you can carry with a TN permit have actual reciprocity agreement with TN. - OS
  4. TITLE 18 > PART I > CHAPTER 44 > § 926A Interstate transportation of firearms Notwithstanding any other provision of any law or any rule or regulation of a State or any political subdivision thereof, any person who is not otherwise prohibited by this chapter from transporting, shipping, or receiving a firearm shall be entitled to transport a firearm for any lawful purpose from any place where he may lawfully possess and carry such firearm to any other place where he may lawfully possess and carry such firearm if, during such transportation the firearm is unloaded, and neither the firearm nor any ammunition being transported is readily accessible or is directly accessible from the passenger compartment of such transporting vehicle: Provided, That in the case of a vehicle without a compartment separate from the driver’s compartment the firearm or ammunition shall be contained in a locked container other than the glove compartment or console. Firearm Owners Protection Act, 1986
  5. Yeah, just HOW did it fail? Case not get out of chamber and double feed jam? Stovepipe round? Or what? - OS
  6. Didn't compare with OP's list, but I've always found this to be pretty complete?: http://www.gunshows-usa.com/tennesee.htm - OS
  7. O'Reilly went on pretty good spiel today about how most of it is that US companies are selling more US refined fuel abroad than ever before, while raising prices at the pump at the same time. This article agrees, citing an AP article from Dec. http://columbianewsa...12/01/03/14976/ I believe he claims we are also selling more US produced crude. It's ironic that the gummit "controls" oil production to a great extent in the US, but doesn't control where it or its refined products are sold. - OS
  8. Got me intrigued. Everything I've read indicates that 200 fps more is about tops, likely usually less, using normal target velocity 115 gr. Looks like a 124 gr +p might be best odds. For example Rem Golden Saber claims 1180 fps, so 1180 x 124 = 146320, almost there already. Just 50 fps gain pushes that beyond 150. Get kinda pricey if you have to use SD class carts to get there though; I assume you have to shoot a lot. - OS
  9. Perhaps splitting hairs to some extent, but they aren't a manufacturer. Like Cold Steel, they are only designers. They manufacture nothing. - OS
  10. Would be rather odd to me, seems, since they're not even in Knox County - OS
  11. You won't have a chance to fight unless you want to go off as individual "terrorist". You'll just be slowly simmered with all the rest of the frogs. - OS
  12. Nice to have it cleaned and sharpened. Just a phone call, they would have sent you the spring assist torsion bar. Not much to it. Knife easily disassembled, IF you don't strip a screw (some seem to use gorilla grip loctite on them). - OS
  13. Just remember how sick you'll feel over the next 25 years or so as Obama's Supreme Court keeps taking away more of your freedoms. But of course you can solace yourself that you were right. While hitting the range with your single shot .22, comrade. - OS
  14. Two different issues. TN law says parking lot must be posted compliant with statute. Employer's rules are not law -- but no law prevents employer from firing you. - OS
  15. May surprise some of you, but I'm actually going to bag the primary. You all decide. I'll show holding nose to vote for GOP nominee in the general -- and again urge everyone to do same. Wish I could vote several times then, like Dems. - OS
  16. They are all 8cr13mov. I've become quite fond of it. Very much like 440c or Buck's 420HC. Takes wicked edge, resharpens fairly easily, holds edge okay. Never heard claim of being assembled here, and highly doubt that, otherwise Kershaw would tout at least that part. - OS
  17. The Chinese Kershaws are incredible values. I have a $25 Tremor in pocket right now. Of the others you mention I also have the Asset and Compound. Love all three. Tremor is largest, Compound has great blade shape also, Asset is one wickedly pointed blade, probably not the best choice for rough daily use. All three have great ergos in hand, the Tremor really locks into it with handle room left over. All three allow tip up or down clip, but ONLY right handed. Along with the Tremor, I carry a Spydie Military, just to show I'm neither snob nor cheap. - OS
  18. I had already flung the response or something. Anyway, you'd still have to look back state by state to see if the Nader vote, even if it all had gone to Gore, would have swung even without Florida. But ultimately, just like claiming "x number of jobs saved", there's no way to know how many of the Nader folks would have just not voted, or voted for another third party candidate in protest if Nader hadn't been in it. - OS
  19. That isn't what you said. "If you truly believe that Nader voters would have voted for Gore..." edit: oh, okay. I see your edit. If Nader swung the election, thank God. As bad as Dubya was, can you imagine Gore's term? He would have slipped in before we truly understood the degree of his lunacy. - OS
  20. You're the one gone delusional. Most of the Nader Raider base was overwhelmingly left. Ya know, like there's a reason he was the Green Party candidate and all? Wow. - OS
  21. I quoted your post #36, whippersnapper!
  22. Well, you didn't ask them, only me. - OS
  23. To my knowledge it only in reality equivocates to the delegate's political influence in helping to garner votes for the candidate they are supporting, actually a form of campaigning for their candidate -- they're using their relative renown to persuade voting for their candidate of choice without having to pay for ads . TN has an extremely complicated system for delegate selection, and it all somehow harkens back to getting something out of the bargain when your candidate is elected (and in an extended sense, still does). Once the delegates reach the convention, I suppose it could somewhat influence the planks of the party platform, even from the delegates who are supporting the winner, but more importantly, those delegates who don't: that's pretty much what RP is realistically trying to do by staying in to the convention. I reckon also to the nth degree, should there be a brokered convention, the most influential delegates from the various states might have more behind the scenes pull in getting votes to come over to their side, sort of "all delegates are equal, but the more powerful ones back home are more equal than the others" sort of thing. But ultimately, as I understand (or don't) the practical implications is that it's more simply tradition than anything else; that and simply wanting to go to the convention and also keeping their names somewhat more prominent along the way. - OS
  24. I believe the only real stats that could be gleaned would be from exit polling, and that doesn't take into account who they might have voted for had there been no independent candidates. No, again, that's just not valid. "Most likely pulled from" assumes you somehow know their proclivities. Had there been no third party candidate, who knows how many wouldn't have voted at all. Also, the fact that you cite a case that went Dem and a case that went GOP only 8 years apart, if it those results could be shown to have swung those elections, would indicate that third party votes don't tend to lean toward one party than the other. No, it just doesn't. If the disenchanted pull roughly from both sides, those votes are the same as no votes at all. - OS
  25. I don't think there's real data to indicate that either of those were swung because of 3rd party voting. - OS


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