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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Sportsman's Warehouse in 'Nooga had all the handgun ammo in 9mm, .40, .45, .357, .380 you could want when I was by there Sunday. Not the cheapest of course, but plentiful. - OS
  2. I always watch the Oscars, ever since I was a kid. Truly a unique part of Americana, full of pomp and circumstance. I always find the tribute to the prominent folks in the industry who have passed since the last one particularly touching. - OS
  3. Yep, and they ain't all up north either. NC for one. - OS
  4. Yeah, sometimes you have to toggle editing mode and edit it out there. If you past in an image link for example, then use edit to add the "" tags it generally doesn't work either, because there's still a URL tag hidden in there, just stays as a link but not an image. - OS
  5. Funny how he totally fails to mention Title 39 CFR 232.1 where the PO is specifically addressed. One tip top lawyer, all right. - OS
  6. They removed address not too long after going live with it; it initially included it. - OS
  7. Well, you won't find that opinion in the federal statutes, so I'm sure it's not the case. If PO's do fall under the federal buildings statute, btw, carrying a 2.5" blade or longer is the same crime as packing a heater. - OS
  8. Sometimes when you paste stuff, it retains formatting codes that can't be overridden, which may be the case with post to which you refer. That's where the "paste as plain text" icon comes in handy. - OS edit: yep, if you use "toggle editing mode" to see the codes, that statement you couldn't indent shows a " " code at beginning and end of sentence. - OS
  9. Well, I'm no lawyer, but the USC for federal buildings also says they must post, otherwise you can't be convicted; I've never seen a PO posted as per the USC: "Notice of the provisions of subsections (a and ) shall be posted conspicuously at each public entrance to each Federal facility, and notice of subsection (e) shall be posted conspicuously at each public entrance to each Federal court facility, and no person shall be convicted of an offense under subsection (a) or (e) with respect to a Federal facility if such notice is not so posted at such facility, unless such person had actual notice of subsection(a) or (e), as the case may be." So would seem to me that PO's in general must not fall under the USC statute? I think the one downtown is posted, maybe even with guard and metal detector best I remember, but think it has other federal offices in there, so it may be both a "PO" AND a "federal building"? - OS edit: a single "b" turns into this on this software:
  10. Yeah, CFR's are "regulations" as opposed to USC which are "laws". The PO doesn't fall under the Federal Buildings USC, otherwise they'd have post as per that law. USPS is an "independent" agency under the federal gummit, not part of it per se. The CFR penalty is a wrist slap compared to the USC penalty. - OS
  11. I've shot a lot of the .223 in two Minis. Had two swelled/whatever stuck casings in chamber, weeks apart. Pretty easy to get out with a Mini. They looked totally normal though, who knows? - OS
  12. Tula bullets are not steel cored. They are "bi-metal", has lead core with steel over that (which is the magnetic part), covered finally in copper. - OS
  13. Dunno what you did to get the extra line break: Now is the time for .... Now is the time for .... Now is the time.... Now is ... Now is .. Now is... Now is ......................................... - OS
  14. You were never able to close your own threads, with the previous software either, except in the Trading Post forums. As I understand it, you can't presently do that even there with the IPB software, at least yet. - OS
  15. Tab or space bar won't do indents. Didn't on vBulletin either, default. You'll notice you can't do more than one space between characters either, defaults to HTML convention in that regard. However, there ARE "increase/decrease indent" icons up in the editor menu which work. - OS
  16. Oh Shoot

    HiPoint Carbine

    Spray some cleaner around bolt. breech area, get what you can with bush/Qtips/bit of rag. Bore Snake the barrel. Squirt some CLP or whatever you like up around blot area. Shoot another 500 rounds. - OS
  17. Oh Shoot

    HiPoint Carbine

    No reason TO break it down, unless it's to repair it. - OS
  18. Yeah, he had a donate a buck post here, too. David shut it down pret quick, looks like it was deleted entirely. - OS
  19. He mentioned eBay regarding the baseball cards. For whatever reason user NYCrulesU is "no longer a registered user" there. http://myworld.ebay.com/nycrulesu/ - OS
  20. Oh Shoot

    HiPoint Carbine

    I've got the original one in 9mm. Been rock solid.Niche gun, but doubt I'll ever part with it. - OS
  21. Oh just a few mags, and something to put them in. - OS
  22. Picked up newest toy today at Ray's new place, only been open 3 days, but he's an old hand in the biz -- but not quite achieving the geezerhood of your faithful correspondent. Has under 100 handguns right now, but adding stock and more long guns later. Even has a nifty back room where he anticipates folks will hang around and talk/swap guns in time. Looks to me like just what a cozy retreat for gun enthusiasts should be. From my looksee, prices seem very competitive if not less expensive around, depending on gun. But perhaps the biggest plus, Ray is just a really personable feller; held a gun for me with phone call -- enjoyed the time spent there almost as much as scoring the heater itself. Highly recommended, and fully OhShoot approved -- and worth an extra drive if he can supply whatcher hankering fer. Ray Harrill ERAY SALES 320 Tenn Ave, Etowah 423-781-7013 Tenn Ave. hwy 441, oops, 411, main drag through town, north end, yellow building, sign out front Part time for now M,W,F,SA Please chime in with any corrections, Ray, and thanks for the fine deal! - OS
  23. Cold Steel has knives made in Japan, Taiwan, PRC, South Africa, maybe elsewhere.. Some used to be made here, but not in last 4 years or so. What it says on blade is where it was really made, AFAIK. - OS
  24. Common sense doesn't enter into this eternally reappearing discussion. Of course a black cougar is really laughable, since there has never been one documented case of one. Not one. Ever. In history. From the cougar's historic range from Canada to South America. But people "see" them all the time. Last one I saw, Elvis had it on a leash. - OS
  25. Ain't no way another Bush is gonna help things. He'll turn more independents away than attract them. I'd say the very name Bush would be a detriment, even it it were someone not related. - OS


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