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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Seems obvious that whatever does, will be toothless. Essentially no change. - OS
  2. Again, a black cougar (mountain lion, puma) is totally undocumented. Ever. In it's entire range from Canada to South America. The only large black cats ever known are melanistic leopards, tigers, and jaguars. There's really no such thing as a "panther"; it's just colloquial usage from the genus name Panthera; here and there, it was further bastardized to "painter". - OS
  3. I don't "hang around them" but 90% of the time I use an ATM, I'm on foot. - OS
  4. No addresses show. ?? The State of TN provides the data. - OS
  5. Meh. Precinct is all the way across the street from my apt. complex, 300 yards away. Hope TN doesn't give all the delegates to Pope Boy, though, that would be embarrassing. Ironic that he'll get much of the fundamentalist vote, when half of them don't even think Catholics are proper Christians. Of course, if he can't get back into Congress post 2012, he'll just be a lawyer lobbyist or something, probably in the same way he rants against now. Y'all decide. Won't matter anyway -- barring the ultimate longshot of a bartered convention with a totally new player emerging, it's gonna be Romney vs O eventually, like I've always maintained. Ron, Newt or Rick will ensure a landslide victory for O. If Mitt can get Rubio to join him, the GOP has a decent shot -- could conceivably even be a cakewalk depending on economy and whether O steps on his goober some more from now on in, when folks are paying more attention. - OS
  6. oopsie. Corrected in previous post. - OS
  7. Got the same a year ago. If you read the fine print, you're under no obligation to pay for it OR send it back. Same info was on the bills too, but not prominent. - OS
  8. You CAN get the whole list, alphabetical by last name. But I ain't telling. - OS
  9. Uncle Sam, brother, not state. - OS
  10. Just did first shakedown with my Sport today. Ran 'bout 200 of hodgepodge rounds: XM855, Federal brass, Wolf and Tula poly steel, and Monarch and some old Tula lacquer steel. All aces. And as good or better accuracy with just irons at 122.5 yd as any rifle I own. Now the challenge is to leave is as stock as possible. - OS
  11. Yeah, me too, I keep ones and fives in same pocket as gun, so I generally give them one or the other. Seriously, though, I walk a lot to downtown, so I run across any number of street people, and generally give 'em a couple bucks, sometimes before they ask. Few times I've given a double sawbuck to folks in small hobo jungles when I walk the urban RR tracks. I see it as partially in lieu of a "tithe". - OS
  12. Not ever seen Fargo? Looks like it worked pretty well except for the 25 square yards of bloody spew it lays out. Do it right before a big rain and you'd be good to go I guess. - OS
  13. Only the CA has ever been mentioned as access point. As I understand it, they actually have to pay the state periodically for the database access, so they've made rather a minor crusade of it. - OS
  14. Someone else to carry all the ammo. - OS
  15. Though I love my PM9 (in my pocket right now), and I've never had any probs with it, I'd be somewhat leery of grabbing one for $400-425 (around the assumed value of your XD trade value) without the warranty, as it looks like on site the price for non-warranty work is minimum $60, plus shipping. Reading forums through the years, I think the ~5-10% problem rate on their smallest guns is realistic. Just sort of the norm for miniaturized gun tech with the close tolerances of the Kahr line. If you can find that he didn't register the warranty, though, that might be a different matter. No idea is they actually check through distributor and find when a gun was sold at retail outlet or not, or require a receipt to show sale, probably neither, but dunno. - OS
  16. Guy is mad as a hatter. When he brought out the garbage bags, thought he was gonna suggest carving the perp up, but he stopped short of that scenario. - OS
  17. Well, there's a lot more room at Expo. And lighting. And cell phones work in there. If you want to see a smaller show, there's one at Kerbela Temple this weekend. - OS
  18. Hey bro. Several of us Usual Suspects will be there 'bout that time, too. See ya thar! - OS
  19. I'm sort of a Rugerite, but I don't get it. Would rather have a Marlin lever gun in .44. Or in .357. Which I do, actually. - OS
  20. Dead Fish Emanuel shows dead brain. Then again, nothing's impossible for a man who controlled O behind the scenes, and Chicago apparently controls Springfield. - OS
  21. Probably gonna see a lot more "beggars" at gas pumps going forward. I may be one past $5/gallon! - OS
  22. AOK with me. Hey, really DO appreciate all the hassle you're going through to stage this! - OS
  23. Moving with previously owned guns is a different matter, you are not transferring ownership. Unless you move to a state where guns must be registered in some manner, there's nothing that needs to be done. Thread is not about what you can get away with, merely what the laws are regarding transfer between residents of different states. Best advice. And legal. Make it clear to the person loaning it that that's the situation in the uber unlikely case it were ever questioned. - OS
  24. Hour long tribute show on RedEye last night. Amazing how many people he brought together over the years and how many conservative endeavors were begun with his help for which he never got any credit; matter of fact, Gutfeld wouldn't have come to Fox and RedEye wouldn't have happened without Andrew's influence. And to a person -- liberal, conservative, or in between -- everyone who knew him on personal level liked him. Remarkably, he also had any number of liberal friends, too. - OS
  25. Amazing to me then that they have been "trumped", in the states which have passed parking lot carry laws. And that none have been overturned through the court system as unconstitutional on state or federal level. - OS


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