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Oh Shoot

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Everything posted by Oh Shoot

  1. Bagging it. Almost did, since I'm embarrassed to have Goody Two Shoes Pope Boy carry TN, but what the heck, looks like they'll split the delegates and it'll still be Mitt in the general. - OS
  2. TN is not really quite the "Patron State of Shootin' Stuff" many think. - OS
  3. Just noticed that nobody's real name, if they want to show it, shows in profile. No option to do that in IPB? - OS
  4. Bill's Outpost in Alcoa is $20 plus TICs. Dunno if he does multiples for one fee or not. http://www.billsoutpost.com/
  5. Very few actually closed their threads, though. - OS
  6. I guess Holder will just sue them, too. - OS
  7. When I was looking, I couldn't. After the big flurry of them on sale at Academy and Gander, they seemed to dry up. Even sparse on line right now, seems. Academy claims to get them in now and then, daily gun shipments, but don't know what's coming any given day, they were $649 there 2 weeks ago. - OS
  8. Hype or not, must admit it prompted me to buy an AR that I probably wouldn't have otherwise, not yet anyway. "It" meaning not so much the fear of 2A restrictions but of buying craze affecting prices and availability. So I guess I'm just part of the problem, sorry. - OS
  9. Very pleased with the M&P Sport so far. Was in same boat, been meaning to "someday" get a basic AR; with possibility of another panic buying period coming up, and with all the excellent reviews including our own Dolomite's (which counts more for me than any) went ahead and grabbed one -- but by time I acted the Sport was hard to find, even on line. Just ran it Sat, shot over 200 rounds of all kinds of stuff through it, XM855, Federal Brass, Wolf and Tula polymer coated steel, and Monarch lacquer coated steel. Nary a hiccup. Must say that at 122 yards with just the stock iron sights, it's as accurate a gun as I own, too. Dol added his trigger mod to it, and it's even sweeter. Very pleased indeed with it. Now the trick is to leave it as stock as possible. - OS
  10. Gray area. Assault can be "Intentionally or knowingly causes another to reasonably fear imminent bodily injury" Aggravated assault is doing same but "Uses or displays a deadly weapon" in doing so. Nobody gets charged with aggravated assault simply by open carrying. But then again, moving a garment to expose gun can be seen as an overt act meant to display intent. Like I said, gray. - OS
  11. Wow, thanks for the clue. Didn't know there was a free PC app for Kindle stuff. - OS
  12. Well, note I muffed my previous post. Those are not defenses to carrying a "firearm" (as I said), but a "weapon". I believe you'll find that those have been interpreted to allow one to carry a knife over 4", not necessary a firearm. You'll need more than my say so though to prove it. Although the state's assertion on state park's webpage of no loaded firearms (for non-hcpers) certainly suggests it, for one thing. - OS
  13. oops, meant to edit previous post, not quote.
  14. No mountain lions or wolves. "Unloaded" means no ammo in vicinity of gun. If you have ammo on you at all, it wouldn't be unloaded. The only time you could carry without a permit would be during hunting season where you could legally hunt, with the appropriate license of course. You can carry in state parks if you have permit, otherwise, no. To muddy the waters, it is a defense to unlawful firearm possession if "Incident to lawful hunting, trapping, fishing, camping, sport shooting or other lawful activity", but I think it would be a damn hard sell for anything but the hunting part. Folks have posted here about being stopped in state park and asked to see carry permit. On another note, I don't guess you fall under the LEOSA thing, huh? - OS
  15. 6 million folks in TN. What's the average killed by storms each year? Maybe 5 or less? Compare with a thousand or more yearly traffic fatalities. Odds are near astronomical against being snuffed by storms. - OS
  16. I'm still using an antique, maybe 10 year old HP 895 inkjet. Both the B/W and Color carts that came with it were a different number and lesser capacity than the full capacity ones. - OS
  17. Yep, check the capacity. Used to be that HP always had different carts, "small and big", even though same physical size.Suspect this is the case. - OS
  18. I stand corrected. The rare Panthera Geicos. - OS
  19. Wow, more than my whole AR cost, and 1/5 the velocity for a smaller projectile. And some kind of pump to charge it. I think I'm in. - OS
  20. According to SunTzu, you just have to have member's recommendation and you can become a Moose, and apparently even the bartender there will do. Can't remember if he joined or not. Then you get all the amenities of the place, and don't even have to learn ancient Egyptian and bite the head off live snake and whatnot like the Masons do. - OS
  21. Windows has cached the old icon () on your box: If you make a new bookmark it will show the current one (). The is actually Invision Power's logo, the company that makes IP Board. Far as I know, David can tweak the <head> field to show a different image. When he can get a round tuit. - OS
  22. Highly recommended, among the Coen brothers' best. - OS
  23. Don't mean to insult you, but the gun is chambered for 3.5" magnum shells, yes? - OS


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